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【專業文字和視訊的螢幕捕獲軟體】TechSmith Snagit v2018 繁體中文正式版

TechSmith Snagit v2018 是目前非常專業的文字和視訊的螢幕捕獲軟體!

Snagit通過按下快速鍵提供定制的螢幕快照。 SnagIt是唯一一款從Windows桌面捕獲圖像,文字和視訊的螢幕捕獲軟體。用這個完整的捕捉解決專案輕鬆製作完美的圖形和視訊。
現在,使用SnagIt加載項,您可以將SnagIt放在您的工具列中! SnagIt的新外掛程式工具列可以在Word,PowerPoint和Explorer中快速訪問最常見的捕捉功能。

TechSmith Snagit v2018 合併圖像:
TechSmith Snagit v2018 – 聚光燈和拉近:
– 標示工具:

TechSmith Snagit v2018 – 自動存儲:

TechSmith Snagit v2018 – 標示:


Snagit delivers customized screen captures with the press of a hotkey. SnagIt is the only screen capture software that captures images, text, and video from your Windows desktop. Effortlessly produce perfect graphics and video with this complete capture solution.
Now, with SnagIt add-ins, you can put SnagIt right in your toolbar! SnagIt's new add-in toolbars provide quick access to the most common capture features right from within Word, PowerPoint and Explorer.
Here are some key features of "Snagit":
– Combine images:
Create custom graphics easily by taking multiple captures and putting them together.
– Spotlight and magnify:
Draw attention to a specific part of your image. Just select the portion you want and Snagit will blur and darken everything else.
– Markup tools:
Add effects to your image, even if you don't have a design degree. Draw attention with arrows, add a text callout or torn edge effect…just to name a few.

– Auto-storing:
All of your captures are automatically saved to your Library with the most recent viewable all the time. Save time by quickly finding all your past captures.

– Tagging:
Along with saving your capture, Snagit also stores information so you can find it again later. Search for your captures by date, website, or a custom flag that you create and assign.



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