【達芬奇調色】Blackmagic Design Davinci Resolve Studio v16.0.0.60 專業影片剪輯軟體
其實在電影業界還有一套名為 DaVinci Resolve ,其最大的特色就是在調光調色的領域中獨霸其他剪輯軟體,而目前這套專業的剪輯軟體。
Blackmagic Design於今日發布DaVinci Resolve 16,本次大規模軟體升級添加了革命性的快編頁面,能幫助剪輯師在緊迫的時間內出色高效地完成工作任務。
此外,DaVinci Resolve 16還包括了幾十項針對專業剪輯師、調色師、視覺特效師以及音響工程師的最新功能。
DaVinci Resolve 16是一款在同一個軟體工具中將專業8K剪輯、調色、視覺特效和音訊後期製作融於一身的解決專案!
此外,DaVinci Resolve Studio也是一款專為多使用者合作所設計的解決專案,能讓剪輯師、助理、調色師、視覺特效師和音響設計師都可以同時在同個項目上實時開展工作!無論您是獨立藝術家,還是大型創意團隊的一員,都不難發現DaVinci Resolve代表著高端後期製作和項目精編的高標準,也因此備受好萊塢電影、電視連續劇和商業廣告的青睞。
DaVinci Resolve 16 新添革命性的快編頁面,能說明剪輯師在緊迫的時間內出色高效地完成工作任務!
新增 DaVinci Neural Engine 神經網路引擎利用機器學習技術,能實現面部識別、Speed Warp等眾多強大功能。
DaVinci Resolve 16是一次重大更新,它彙集了數百項使用者期盼已久的實用功能!
最新的DaVinci Neural Engine神經網路引擎使用目前最先進的深度神經網路和學習機制,並以人工智慧驅動眾多最新功能
以Speed Warp運動估計進行變速控制、Super Scale進行素材上變換、自動調色進行色彩符合,更有面部識別等精彩功能。
DaVinci Neural Engine全面提供跨平台支援,使用GPU創新技術實現AI和深度學習,帶來舉世無雙的傲人效能和尖端品質。
DaVinci Neural Engine神經網路引擎提供了簡單易用的工具來解決複雜、重複和費時的工作。
除了新設快編頁面之外,DaVinci Resolve 16還根據使用者反饋,對軟體其他頁面也加入了眾多強大功能。
DaVinci Resolve 16 Studio對現有ResolveFX進行了大規模改進,並加入了好幾款剪輯師和調色師都喜愛的新外掛程式。
「DaVinci Resolve 16新設的快編頁面是迄今首個專為電視廣告和其他高端剪輯工作等製作時間緊張、週期較短的項目所設計的專業級剪輯介面,」Blackmagic Design執行長Grant Petty說,「這是一項令人激動的創舉,因為它催生出了一套全新的高效能非編流程!效能和速度是快編頁面的核心。同時,從事更複雜項目製作的剪輯師仍然可以使用一般的剪輯頁面。DaVinci Resolve 16能為不同的剪輯師提供不同的工作模式選取!」
DaVinci Resolve 16主要特性
‧ DaVinci Neural Engine神經網路引擎,可實現AI和深度學習效能
‧ 雙時間線模式,無需縮放和卷動即可剪輯和修剪
‧ 源磁帶模式,可以像一卷磁帶一樣瀏覽所有片段
‧ 修剪介面,可檢視編輯點兩側的細節
‧ 智慧剪輯模式,可自動同步片段和剪輯
‧ 根據片段長度調整時間線檢視的播放速度
‧ 內建變速、穩定和轉換工具
‧ 直接編譯並上傳到YouTube和Vimeo
‧ 通過按鈕直接匯入媒體
‧ 可延伸介面適用於筆記本電腦螢幕
‧ 可建立含有不同幀率和解析度的項目
‧ 同時為多個片段應用特效
‧ DaVinci Neural Engine神經網路引擎,可檢驗人臉並建立媒體夾
‧ 幀率轉換和運動估計
‧ 快編頁面和剪輯頁面圖像穩定功能
‧ 曲線編輯器漸變控制
‧ 採用音調校正功能的磁帶式音訊搓擦功能
‧ 僅對變更檔案重新編碼,可實現更快編譯
‧ 與Frame.io整合遠端合作
‧ 提升了Fusion 3D操作的GPU效能
‧ 跨平台GPU加速工具
‧ B樣條曲線及點陣圖等遮罩操作全面提速
‧ 平面和攝影機追蹤器效能改進
‧ 更為快速的使用者和智慧快取
‧ GPU加速示波器帶來先進技術監看
‧ 訂做和HSL曲線配備直方圖疊加
‧ DaVinci Neural Engine神經網路引擎可實現自動調色和鏡頭符合
‧ 將檢視器縮放聯動至SDI輸出
‧ 混音和母版沉浸式3D音訊
‧ 彈性波音訊對齊和變速
‧ 時間線匯流排軌道自動化參數顯示
‧ 擬音採樣器、頻率分析器、對白處理器、FairlightFX
‧ 500種免版稅擬音音效
‧ 合作流程中共享旗標和備註
‧ 合作項目獨立使用者快取
‧ 時間線和關鍵幀Resolve FX外掛程式
【達芬奇調色】Blackmagic Design Davinci Resolve Studio v16.0.0.60 專業影片剪輯軟體 下載網址:
DaVinci Resolve 16 is the only solution in the world that combines video editing, color correction, visual effects, and audio postproduction in 8K professional-grade software. With a single click, you can switch directly between editing, color, effects and audio. DaVinci Resolve Studio is also the only solution that focuses on multi-user collaboration so that editors, wizards, colorists, VFX artists, and sound engineers can all work live on the same project. Whether you're self-employed or collaborative in a larger team, you'll soon find out why DaVinci Resolve is the standard high-end post-production tool. That's why DaVinci is using more Hollywood-themed feature films, TV series and commercials than any other application.
What's new?
DaVinci Resolve 16 comes with a groundbreaking new cut workspace designed for fast-working editors with tight deadlines. The new DaVinci Neural Engine mimics neural networks and relies on machine learning. It provides powerful features such as face detection, speed warping and more. The Adjustment Clips feature allows you to apply effects and grading on the Timeline to clips below the Adjustment Clips. In addition, projects can be uploaded via “Quick Export” from any location of the application to YouTube and Vimeo. And new GPU-accelerated scopes offer more options for technical monitoring than ever before. In addition, Fusion has been significantly accelerated and Fairlight extended to include immersive 3D audio. DaVinci Resolve 16 is a gigantic release with hundreds of features requested by customers.
What's new in Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve Studio 16?
Important new features
Add a brand new cut page
Support for the DaVinci Resolve Editor keyboard
Multiple performance improvements through significantly faster fusion processing
Enhancements to Collaboration Workflow – DaVinci Resolve Studio
Speed estimation of the warp motion with the DaVinci Neural Engine in DaVinci Resolve Studio
Timeline resolution, frame rate, scaling and monitoring settings within the same project
Upload directly to YouTube and Vimeo
Fast export for fast rendering of different pages
Adjustment clips to apply filters, effects, and gradients to a series of timeline clips
Frame.io integration supports media import, direct upload, marker sync and annotation – DaVinci Resolve Studio
Significantly improved GPU accelerated real-time ranges
First comprehensive 3D audio support, including Dolby Atmos, Auro-3D and SMPTE ST 2098 – DaVinci Resolve Studio
Double timelines with the ability to quickly navigate or edit on the timeline
Ability to use source tape mode to preview multiple media pool clips as a result of recordings
Special cutting tool in the viewer to allow frame accurate cutting
Fast review mode with adaptive preview speed for quick review of footage
Intelligent editing behavior based on the proximity of the playhead to edit points
Special buttons for editing and transition
Compact viewer controls for context-specific actions, including transformation, audio, text, and effects
Access and edit all DaVinci Resolve transitions, effects, and Fusion title templates
Sorting and display modes for multiple media pools – including the new filmstrip mode and the new list mode with thumbnails
Easy access to Quick Export options for exporting and sharing videos
Ability to switch between fixed and moveable playhead modes in the timeline
Ability to use the R key combination to change the clip speed
With the key combination A you can color the selected clip automatically
User selection to preserve the video essence for faster rendering of clips without content changes ^
Improved playback performance with title templates in effects library ^
Improved Fusion playback performance
Improved caching performance for Fusion composition clips
Improved 3D engine performance for clips with Fusion effects
Improved performance when playing Fusion clips with cached effects
Improved performance with support for GPU-accelerated areas
Improved performance for the Super Scale algorithm supported by the DaVinci Neural Engine in DaVinci Resolve Studio
Improved playback performance on Linux systems with a single NVIDIA GPU
The playback performance when selecting after the playhead has been improved on the edit page
Improved performance when selecting multiple clips on the edit page
System Specific Render Cache for Collaboration Projects – DaVinci Resolve Studio ^
Ability to create and change markers on the Collaboration Projects color page – DaVinci Resolve Studio
Ability to change clip metadata and flags on the Collaboration Projects color page – DaVinci Resolve Studio
Ability to view and change the clip color on the Collaboration Projects Color page – DaVinci Resolve Studio
Ability to load collaboration projects in read-only mode – DaVinci Resolve Studio
Support for Dolby Vision and HDR10 + in collaborative projects – DaVinci Resolve Studio
Frame.io integration supports importing media, direct uploading, tagging, annotating, and syncing comments – DaVinci Resolve Studio ^
Ability to override the output and monitoring settings per collaboration system – DaVinci Resolve Studio ^
Ability to view the computer and the IP address of the user who is currently using a project without collaboration
Options to show or hide markers and markers of specific colors
Ability to delete markers and markers by color
To edit
Warp Motion Speed Estimation with the DaVinci Neural Engine – DaVinci Resolve Studio ^
Timeline level resolution, frame rate, scaling and monitoring settings within the same project ^
Adjustment clips to apply filters, effects, and gradations to a series of timeline clips ^
Analysis of video clips to detect and classify people working with the DaVinci Neural Engine – DaVinci Resolve Studio ^
Custom security areas for titles and actions ^
Ability to assign any media pool clip or timeline as an offline reference clip ^
Ability to copy and paste clips and edits to timelines and projects at different frame rates
Ability to switch between rectified and non-rectified waveforms for audio clips in Media Storage and Media Pool
Video orientation angle in the Clip Attributes dialog box
Make it easier to show and hide position keyframes in the curve editor
Ability to view and edit keyframes for OpenFX plugins in timeline curves
Stabilize video clips from the Inspector
Added support for inserting color correction properties in the Insert Attributes dialog box
Support for copying retime and scale attributes between clips in the edit timeline
Improved audio behavior when scrubbing in the page viewers “Edit” and “Media”