頂級文字編輯器 IDM UltraEdit 21.00.1030 繁體中文版
文字編輯器 UltraEdit 是當今銷量第一且最為強大的一款高性價比的文字編輯器。
文字編輯器 UltraEdit 是理想的文字、HTML 和十六進位編輯器,也是進階 PHP、Perl、Java 和 JavaScript 程式編輯器。
作為行業獎項的獲得者,UltraEdit 在所有 32 位 Windows 平台上支援基於磁碟的 64 位檔案處理(標準)。
文字編輯器 UltraEdit 是一款屢獲殊榮的文字編輯器。
CNET/Download.com 這樣評論 UltraEdit:「它具有清晰的配置及強大的專案和工作區,能處理錯綜複雜的軟體開發項目。
儘管它功能龐大,但 UltraEdit 永遠不給人以笨拙的感覺。它靈活且易於定制,精練的使用者介面便於使用者訪問最重要的選項…」

頂級文字編輯器 IDM UltraEdit 21.00.1030 繁體中文版
UltraEdit是一套功能強大的文字編輯器,可以編輯文字、Hex、ASCII 碼,可以取代記事本
軟體附有 HTML Tag 彩色顯示、搜尋取代以及無限制的復原功能,一般大家喜歡用其來修改EXE 或 DLL 檔案,眾多的遊戲玩家喜歡用它來修改存盤檔案或是可執行檔案。
頂級文字編輯器 IDM UltraEdit 21.00.1030 繁體中文版主要特性:
-支援在所有 32 位 Windows 平台上進行 64 位檔案處理(標準)。
-Unicode 支援
-基於磁碟的文字編輯和大檔案處理 – 支援超過 4GB 的檔案,即使是數兆位元組的檔案也只佔用極少的記憶體
-帶有 100,000 個單詞的拼字檢查器,支援的語種內含英語(美國)、英語(英國)、荷蘭語、芬蘭語、法語、德語、匈牙利語、意大利語、西班牙語和瑞典語
-語法加亮 – 可配置,對 C/C++、VB、HTML、Java 和 Perl 作了預配置,並帶有特殊選項用於 FORTRAN 和 LaTex。多個詞語檔案可供下載
-內建 FTP 用戶端以訪問 FTP 伺服器,可設定多個賬戶,並自動登入和儲存。(僅 32 位)內含 SFTP(SSH2)支援
-SSH/Telnet 視窗
-環境選取器 – 提供預定義的或使用者建立的編輯「環境」,能記住 UltraEdit 的所有可停靠視窗、工具列等的狀態,方便使用者使用。
-十六進位編輯器可以編輯任何二進位檔案,並顯示二進位和 ASCII 檢視
-HTML 工具列,對常用的 HTML 功能作了預配置
-Google 搜尋
-Yahoo 搜尋
-Network Solutions Whois
-PHP.net 搜尋
-cplusplus.com 搜尋
-MSDN 線上搜尋
-與 UltraSentry 整合(可選)以安全地銷毀原始未加密檔案
-僅在 UltraEdit 內解密檔案
-與 UltraSentry 整合,以安全刪除 UltraEdit 暫存檔。
-支援多位元組和整合的 IME
IDM UltraEdit is used across a diverse range of industries, from professional writers, researchers and journalists to advanced programmers, database managers and web developers. Scores of individuals use UltraEdit as a powerful replacement for windows notepad and even more use it as a text editor because of its ability to handle multiple documents at once, large file handling, powerful search/find/replace functionality, spell checking versatility and much more.
Key Features:
• Code Folding
• Supports 64-bit file handling (standard) on 32-bit Windows platforms (Windows 2000 and later)
• Unicode support
• Disk based text editing and large file handling – supports files in excess of 4GB, minimum RAM used even for multi-megabyte files
• Mulitline find and replace dialogs for all searches (Find, Replace, Find in Files, Replace in Files)
• 100,000 word spell checker, with foreign languages support (American English, British English, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish and Swedish)
• Syntax highlighting – configurable, pre-configured for C/C++, VB, HTML, Java, and Perl, with special options for FORTRAN and LaTex. Multiple wordfiles available for download
• FTP client built in to give access to FTP servers with multiple account settings and automatic logon and save. (32-Bit Only) Includes support for SFTP (SSH2)
• SSH/Telnet window
• Project / workspace support
• Environment Selector – Provides predefined or user-created editing "environments" that remember the state of all of UltraEdit's dockable windows, toolbars and more for user convenience.
• Integrated scripting language to automate tasks
• Configurable keyboard mapping
• Column / block mode editing
• Hexadecimal editor allows editing of any binary file, shows binary and ASCII view
• Named templates
• HTML toolbar preconfigured for popular HTML function
o Several fixes and improvements for OpenVMS servers
o Addressed a couple of FTP account storage issues
o Set “Right-click file open from text” feature for FTP file paths to resolve to account’s initial directory
* Smart Templates:
o Addressed issue updating active environment templates
o Addressed issues converting old templates to new format
o Addressed issue where [$replace$] didn’t work correctly if inserting template via auto-complete dialog
o Addressed issues with non-English UTF-8 characters in templates
o Addressed caret positioning issue when inserting templates
o Restored template names in Insert -> Individual Templates sub-menu
o Added ability to access all language templates in one file (configurable)
* Find/Replace:
o Addressed issues when replacing in selected text
o Addressed issue where edit operations like Replace and Sort in large files result in “Out of memory” errors
o Addressed minor issues with Find String List
o Addressed issues with Highlight All Items Found
* Display:
o Addressed issue where child window controls are are magnified 200% in some isolated cases
o Addressed issue where lower value ASCII characters do not display
o Addressed issue where sorting files by size isn’t correct in File View
* Other/miscellaneous:
o Addressed issues when selecting columns in column mode
o Addressed issues with relative paths in prj file when creating a project
o Addressed several Line Change Indicator issues
o Addressed double prompt to close open files when switching projects
o Backup/Restore User Customizations now includes FTP INI files and Smart Template files
o Better instance handling for opening files in UE from other applications (7zip, VSS, etc.)
o Fixed problem with string highlighting when printing syntax highlighting
o File code page data now cleared when clearing histories (or on exit)
o Version backups created during auto-save in unmodified file if dynamic variable is used in backup format
頂級文字編輯器 IDM UltraEdit 21.00.1030 繁體中文版 | Homepage: www.ultraedit.com
頂級文字編輯器 IDM UltraEdit 21.00.1030 繁體中文版 | Size: 34.4 MB