【最新版 電子書E-Book製作賺錢術+技術諮詢】本月特價優惠中! 電子書(E-Book)製作方便,不需要大型印刷設備。 因此製作經費低! 商業利潤良好! 環保愛地球! 不用【砍樹造紙】降低紙張用量。 容易透過網路傳輸 與親朋好友分享與銷售! 沒有保存潮濕.害蟲咬.紙張污損的危險。 可以使用外置的語音軟體進行朗誦。 文字大小顏色可以調節。 電子書是:電子檔案,不占房屋書架空間。 【希望全民一起來:節能減碳】推動無紙化 E-Book 閱讀轉型!

你有許多不同的掃瞄器或打算購買新的掃瞄器? PaperScan簡直是萬能的,而大多數的掃瞄應用程式都致力於一個掃瞄器或協定。

ORPALIS PaperScan Professional Edition(功能強大掃瞄OCR辨識軟體)特點:

ORPALIS PaperScan Professional Edition(功能強大掃瞄OCR辨識軟體)其他特點:
* PDF加密。 Paperscan可以讀取加密的PDF建立PDF加密。
【文章標題】: ORPALIS PaperScan Professional Edition(功能強大掃瞄OCR辨識軟體)
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/ebook
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/ebook/new-ebook/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/ebook
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
ORPALIS PaperScan Professional Edition

PaperScan is a powerful scanning software with an OCR engine centered on one idea : making document acquisition an unparalleled easy task for anyone. You have many different scanners or plan to buy new scanner? PaperScan is simply universal while most of the scanning applications are dedicated to one scanner or one protocol. PaperScan was developed to be a powerful scanning software centered on one idea, making document acquisition an unparalleled easy task for anyone. PaperScan is simply universal while most of the scanning applications are dedicated to one scanner or one protocol.

Key Features:
• Autodeskew
• Remove punch holes automatically
• Remove borders automatically.
• Blank pages detection and removal.
• Angle rotation
• Convert to black and white or greyscale or colour.
• Adjust colour (brightness, contrast, saturation, gamma).
• Apply filters to smooth, stretch contrast or median the image.
• Apply bitonal filters to remove isolated dots or to dilate/erode characters.
• Apply contour, sepia or scanline effects.
• Erase a specific area.

Other features:
* Image printing.
* Duplex scanning.
* Image quality selection.
* Area selection / crop selected area.
* Image resize.
* Information about image's resolution, size and colour mode.
* Pdf encryption. Paperscan can read encrypted PDF and create PDF with encryption.
* Magnifier tool.

ORPALIS PaperScan Professional Edition(功能強大掃瞄OCR辨識軟體) | Home Page www.orpalis.com

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