【最新版 電子書E-Book製作賺錢術+技術諮詢】本月特價優惠中! 電子書(E-Book)製作方便,不需要大型印刷設備。 因此製作經費低! 商業利潤良好! 環保愛地球! 不用【砍樹造紙】降低紙張用量。 容易透過網路傳輸 與親朋好友分享與銷售! 沒有保存潮濕.害蟲咬.紙張污損的危險。 可以使用外置的語音軟體進行朗誦。 文字大小顏色可以調節。 電子書是:電子檔案,不占房屋書架空間。 【希望全民一起來:節能減碳】推動無紙化 E-Book 閱讀轉型!


HitmanPro是惡意軟體掃瞄,可讓您找到並刪除新的不詳威脅,定位,識別和刪除惡意軟體。 HitmanPro設計為一起工作,而沒有任何衝突,現有的安全專案。它快速掃瞄電腦(小於5分鐘),不拖慢電腦(除了它是掃瞄的幾分鐘) 。 HitmanPro不需要安裝。它可以直接從USB快閃記憶體磁碟機,CD / DVD ,本地或網路連線的硬碟機上運行。 HitmanPro採用了創新的雲計算技術來檢驗和刪除對系統效能的影響微乎其微潛在的惡意軟體威脅。 HitmanPro為您提供免費掃瞄。不明的可疑檔案是由網上識別伺服器自動識別。如果沒有找到(我們真誠希望如此) 這意味著你的系統上沒有的軟體。那麼你將永遠需要一個許可證。當一個病毒被發現,那麼你將獲得30天免費許可刪除威脅。

SurfRight做了廣泛的惡意軟體檔案的研究,以確定共同的特徵的惡意軟體(行為) 。該HitmanPro用戶端使用此研究在其行為掃瞄,當它掃瞄電腦中有惡意軟體的特徵病毒活動或可疑的檔案。

對於被歸類為可疑檔案,HitmanPro的用戶端傳送一個請求到雲掃瞄進行確認,如果這些檔案確實是惡意的。掃瞄雲是多台電腦集群,駐留在際網路上。掃瞄雲會響應此請求的答案: *安全*惡意*不詳

當檔案是不明的,HitmanPro的用戶端上傳檔案到雲端掃瞄該檔案正在使用5種不同廠商的防病毒程式掃瞄。每個反病毒程式的分析檔案,並響應「安全」或「惡意」 。




【文章標題】: (惡意軟體掃瞄工具)HitmanPro 3.7.9
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/ebook
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/ebook/new-ebook/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/ebook
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
HitmanPro 3.7.9

Hitman Pro is a Second Opinion Malware Scanner that help you find and remove new unknown threats, to locate, identify and remove malware. HitmanPro is designed to work alongside existing security programs without any conflicts. It scans the computer quickly (less than 5 minutes) and does not slow down the computer (except for the few minutes it is scanning). HitmanPro does not need to be installed. It can be run straight from a USB flash drive, a CD/DVD, local or network attached hard drive. HitmanPro uses innovative cloud computing techniques to detect and remove potential malware threats with minimal impact on system performance. HitmanPro offers you a Free Scan for a second opinion. Unknown and suspicious files are automatically identified by online identification servers. This means no software on your system. If nothing is found (and we sincerely hope so), then you will never need a license. When a virus is found, then you will receive a free 30-day license to remove the threat.

SurfRight has done an extensive research of malware files to determine the common characteristics (behaviour) of malware. The HitmanPro client uses this research in its Behavioural Scan, when it scans the computer for virus activities or suspicous files that have the characteristics of malware.

For the files that are classified as suspicious, the Hitman Pro client sends a request to the Scan Cloud for confirmation if these files are indeed malicious. The Scan Cloud is a cluster of multiple computers, residing on the Internet. The Scan Cloud will respond to this request with the answer: * Safe * Malicious * Unknown

When the file is unknown, the Hitman Pro client uploads the file to the Scan Cloud where the file is scanned using the anti virus programs of 5 different vendors. Each of these anti virus programs analyzes the file and responds with “safe” or “malicious”.

When the file is classified as malicious by the Scan Cloud, the Hitman Pro client is placing the infection into quarantine. Various techniques ensure that all infections are completely removed without false positives.

To remove malicious software the developers have also built a special removal engine that is capable of removing the toughest threats. A native NT application is capable of removing resilient threats before Windows starts. And of course, including corresponding references like registry keys and shortcuts. All without the need of updates and signatures.

(惡意軟體掃瞄工具)HitmanPro 3.7.9  | Home Page www.surfright.nl

(惡意軟體掃瞄工具)HitmanPro 3.7.9  | Size: 6.23 MB / 6.45 MB



ACDSee Pro 7中有你需要的管理,完善,並提出您的圖像的一切。執行一個完整的,令人驚訝的快速解決專案,數字資產管理和你的攝影工作流程的所有基本任務。實現驚人的結果,井井有條,而且節省時間。 ACDSee Pro 7 提供總攝影控制。


‧組織任何你想要的模式。加入元資料,評級,關鍵字,類別和位置的詳細訊息到你的圖像。快速識別作進一步處理與可視化標籤和彩色標籤的照片。利用強大的搜尋工具尋找基於幾乎所有的標準照片。使用ACDSee Pro 7中,庫連最瘋狂的可以被馴服。

‧獲得無憂,去作它的創造力設定。ACDSee Pro 7中的非破壞性的環境是指原始圖像始終保持不變。預覽您的變更瞬間,隱藏,顯示或開關向上調整,並儲存不同版本的照片。



‧計數上的ACDSee Pro 7中,以顯示您的照片,其中內含最大的RAW檔案,正是你想要的模式,速度快。從原來的位置,檢視您的實時圖像,因為你永遠不會讓他們先匯入到一個單獨的庫。



‧節省了驚人的時間量。設定的ACDSee Pro 7中可以一次執行一系列的批次圖像工作流程步驟。轉換格式和色彩空間,調整大小,變更檔名,加入水印,並輕鬆將它們儲存為預設,更快速的接下來的工作。




【文章標題】: (圖像管理)ACDSee Pro 7.1.164
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/ebook
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/ebook/new-ebook/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/ebook
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
ACDSee Pro 7.1.164

ACDSee Pro 7 has everything you need to manage, perfect, and present your images. Carry out digital asset management and all the essential tasks of your photography workflow in one complete, amazingly fast solution. Achieve stunning results, stay organized, save time. ACDSee Pro 7 delivers total photography control.

Digital asset management
• Organize any way you want. Add metadata, ratings, keywords, categories, and location details to your images. Quickly identify photos for further processing with visual tags and color labels. Make use of powerful search tools to find photos based on almost any criteria. With ACDSee Pro 7, even the wildest of libraries can be tamed.

Non-destructive freedom
• Get set for worry-free, go-for-it creativity. ACDSee Pro 7’s non-destructive environment means your original images always stay intact. Preview your changes instantly, hide, reveal or switch up adjustments, and save different versions of your photos.

RAW processing
• See incredibly true-to-life color representation and contrast. Get the correct white balance and exposure, and fine tune tonal distribution. Boost vibrance while protecting skin tones, and adjust saturation, brightness and hue on a color-by-color basis. Avoid color clipping during RAW conversion by leveraging your image's histogram.

Super fast viewing
• Count on ACDSee Pro 7 to display your photos, including the largest of RAW files, exactly the way you want, fast. View your images in real time, from their original locations, since you never have to import them into a separate library first.

Patented lighting technology
• Improve areas that are too light or too dark with the Lighting tool, powered by ACDSee’s patented LCE (Lighting and Contrast Enhancement) technology. Instantly lighten shadows and reduce highlights, change the tonal range and color balance, and experiment with single-exposure HDR effects.

Brush on selective edits
• Brush on any editing effect or adjustment to a targeted area of your photo, complete with size and feathering controls to get the exact look you want. Tune your images, sharpen, reduce noise, erase unwanted objects, and more.

Powerful batch processing
• Save an incredible amount of time. Set ACDSee Pro 7 to perform a range of workflow steps on batches of images at once. Convert formats and color space, resize, change filenames, add watermarks, and easily save them as presets to work even faster the next go around.

Advanced color control
• Take full control of your images with Advanced Color tools to subtly fine-tune or dramatically change hue, saturation, and lightness. And a dedicated black and white mode allows you to make hue-based brightness adjustments to your monochrome images, and to add a specific hue back in.

Present and protect
• Whether you share socially, present online, or email directly to clients, showcasing your photos has never been this effortless. And you can count on ACDSee to help you protect all your valuable work, both offline and in the cloud.

(圖像管理)ACDSee Pro 7.1.164 | Homepage: www.acdsee.com

(圖像管理)ACDSee Pro 7.1.164 | Size: 64.9 MB / 69.5 MB


My Autoplay Professional它更快,更簡單的方法來建立用於Microsoft Windows平台上的應用軟體,是最適合建立自動運行選單,互動演示,多媒體應用,軟體光碟, CD產品目錄,光碟演示,光碟相冊,幻燈片展示,E書籍,光碟名片和宣傳光碟,而且無需任何寫程式技巧。這是一個軟體公司,零售商,攝影師,設計師,市場行銷和公關專業人士的必備工具。你可以在家裡使用這個工具,很好地營造家庭 – 婚紗相冊或家庭錄像。狂熱的收藏者可以利用這個工具來建立他們擁有的項目的光碟目錄,搜尋,或是想與其他收藏家交流。是非常使用者友好的,易於學習不到10分鐘就可瞭解它。


– 無需寫程式。
– 快速開發環境快速建立自動播放選單。
– 強大的所見即所得的設計,容易學習使用。
– 簡單的測試沒有燃燒到光碟上。
– 附帶了許多模板。
– 由他人使用密碼進行修改保護選單。
– 從模板建立項目, (它配備了大量的模板和項目助理,使任何人在任何時間建立專業效果的。 )
– 支援多頁面視窗,異形視窗和全螢幕幕視窗。
– 交談式對像
– 加載一個選單reate下拉選單欄最喜歡的標準視窗頁面,使頁面更專業之前,請先安裝特殊的字型。
– 在系統托盤(動作)隱藏選單。
– 輸入文字方塊來檢查使用者輸入,並做動作
– 內定幻燈片播放支援。
– 行動(有無限的行動可為每個對象內含運行外部程式和開啟文件,
– 許多很酷的控件。
– 傳送電子信件動作
– 關機操作
– 製作光碟名片
– 自訂Windows形狀
– 發佈到Web /電子信件的可執行檔案
– 開啟網站的Windows
– 關機啟動圖像
– 播放多媒體檔案
– 顯示的Adobe Acrobat PDF檔案
– 由他人使用密碼被修改保護選單
– 選項按鈕控件。
– 簡單的測試沒有燃燒到光碟上。
– 熱點支援在您的選單
– 頁有動作時加載
– 示例項目
– 內定幻燈片(通過動作)
– 支援多頁面視窗,異形視窗和全螢幕幕視窗。
– 資源管理器中的CD或資料夾在CD (操作)
– 電腦重啟和關機(行動)
– 定時器控制時間後做動作
– 在運行時改變視窗大小(動作)
– 許多種,如啟動應用程式,開啟檔案等操作
– 許多控件。
– 內嵌Flash播放器, IE瀏覽器選單中。
– 跳出CD和跳出光碟並離開(行動)
– 複製檔案,資料夾或所有的CD格式的CD到硬碟機(動作)
– 文字和圖形註釋而搬移游標的控制。
– 支援MP3/WAV/MID/WMA檔案作為背景音樂。
– 播放電影檔案及聲音檔案的播放工具(操作)
– 顯示啟動畫面和結束畫面
– 播放音效時,滑鼠移到按鈕或點擊
– 自訂光碟圖示和滑鼠游標。
– 支援GIF動畫
– C + +對像
– YouTube的對象
– 幻燈片對像
– 選單對像
– Windows媒體播放器對像
– 多種風格的按鈕
– 播放背景音樂(播放清單)環
– 檔案清單工具(可以顯示更多的檔案)在您的選單
– 快速和有趣的使用!
– 讓你的網頁更專業。
– 加入先進的標籤採用全漸變色。
– 新增到期的CD時間。
– 自訂按鈕控件。
– 跳轉到下一個頁面。
– 跳轉到上一個頁面。
– 跳轉到最後一頁。
– 跳轉到第一頁。
– 發佈項目選單。
– 始終在上面行動
– 收拾好你的項目中的一個exe檔案(自解壓)

【文章標題】:(自動播放軟體)My Autoplay Professional 10.4
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/ebook
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/ebook/new-ebook/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/ebook
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
My Autoplay Professional 10.4 build 11032014D

My Autoplay Professional a faster and easier way to create software applications for the Microsoft Windows platform, Is best suited for creating autorun menus, interactive presentations, multimedia applications, software CDs, CD catalogs, CD presentations, CD photo albums, slide-shows, E-Books, CD business cards and promotional CDs without any programming skills. It is an essential tool for software companies, retailers, photographers, designers, marketing and PR professionals. But you can use this tool at home as well to create family – wedding albums or home videos. Avid collectors may use this tool to create a CD catalog of the items they possess, search for, or would like to exchange with other collectors. Is very user-friendly and easy to learn less than 10 minutes to understand it.

My Autoplay Features
– Just thinking, no programming.
– Rapid development environment to create autoplay menus quickly.
– Powerful WYSIWYG designer, easy to use without learning.
– Easy testing without burning on disc.
– Comes with many templates.
– Protect menus from being modified by others with password.
– Create projects from templates, (It comes with a large number of templates and project assistants that enable anyone to create professional results in no time at all.)
– Support multi-page window, shaped window and full screen window.
– Interactive Objects
– Install specified fonts before loading a menu reate drop down menu bar for pages like most standard windows to make your page more professional.
– Hide menus in system tray (Action).
– Input text box to check user entry and do action
– Internal slide show support.
– Muti-Action (There are unlimited actions available for each object including running external programs and opening documents,
pointing web browser to specific web page, displaying text messages, navigating another Page, etc.)
– Many cool controls.
– Send Email Action
– Shutdown Actions
– Make CD Business Cards
– Custom Windows Shapes
– Publish to Web/Email Executable
– Open Website Windows
– Shutdown Splash Image
– Play Multimedia Files
– Display Adobe Acrobat PDF Documents
– Protect menus from being modified by others with password
– Option button control.
– Easy testing without burning on disc.
– Hot spot support in your menu
– Page have action when Loaded
– Sample Projects
– Internal slide show (by Action)
– Support multi-page window, shaped window and full screen window.
– Explorer CD or folder on CD (Actions)
– Computer Restart & Shutdown (Actions)
– Timer control to do actions after time
– Resize window in run time (Action)
– Many kinds of actions such as launching application, open document, etc.
– Many controls.
– Embed Flash Player, Internet Explorer in menus.
– Eject CD & Eject CD and exit (Action)
– Copy file, folder, or all CD form CD to hard drive (Action)
– Text and graphic comments while moving cursor over controls.
– Support MP3/WAV/MID/WMA files for background music.
– Play movie files & sound files in player tool (Actions)
– Show splash screen and end screen
– Play sound when mouse over buttons or click
– Customize disc icon and mouse cursors.
– support animated GIF
– PDF Object
– Youtube Object
– SlideShow Object
– menu Object
– Windows Media Player Object
– Many styles of button
– Play background music (play list) looped
– File list tool (to display more files) in your menu
– Fast and Fun to Use!
– make your page more professional.
– Add advanced Label With full Gradient Color.
– Add expiration CD Date.
– Custom Button control.
– Jump to next page.
– Jump to Previous page.
– Jump to Last page.
– Jump to first page.
– Publish Project Menu.
– Always On Top Action
– Pack your project in one exe file (self-extractor)
And much more.

(自動播放軟體)My Autoplay Professional 10.4 | Home Page www.arafasoft.com

(自動播放軟體)My Autoplay Professional 10.4 | Size: 27.48 MB


Movavi Video Editor 9是一個最簡單的程式,用於製作令人驚嘆的視訊,它包括所有你需要在一個偉大的產品的視訊編輯軟體工具。它可以讓你加入,裁剪,分割,刪除場景,增強的視訊質量。使用MOVAVI視訊編輯器,你可以永遠不同的來源從DV / HDV / AVCHD攝影機, VHS ,電視,應用濾鏡,特效和轉場匯入介質,捕獲視訊,加入音軌和字幕。

製作自己的電影 – 這是易如反掌!
如果您認為視訊編輯太複雜了,你應該嘗試MOVAVI視訊編輯器的Windows ,其全新的超直觀的介面。即使你從來沒有編輯過的視訊,我們保證你將能夠建立一個演示,視訊教學,用自己的畫外音解說,為您的家庭視訊訊息,或是一個有趣的動畫,而且在任何時候!加入視訊片段,覆蓋音樂和時尚的頭銜,加入多個剪輯一起過場動畫,並儲存到任意格式。編輯的就好像你之前所預期知道的!

MOVAVI的有用的濾鏡和特效將帶您從獨立電影製片人董師傅 – 提高你的視訊剪輯的質量,或提供了新的視角來一個熟悉的形象。應用增強的自動過濾器或手動調整視訊的參數來實現的色彩,光線和對照度的獨特組合。使用像旋轉扭曲,條紋,尋找邊緣,和其他新的特殊效果,從您的毛片創造一種藝術視訊。嘗試分屏效果,最多可將四個卡榫單屏和縮放效果上模仿相機的變焦。



匯入和儲存2D和3D視訊的任何格式: SD,HD DVD
過程中的視訊檔案,音樂和圖片。 MOVAVI視訊編輯器支援最流行的視訊和音訊格式,內含AVI ,MP4 , MKV , FLV ,QuickTime , VOB , MP3 ,從DVD光碟,更甚至視訊。另外,與我們的Windows的視訊編輯軟體,可以匯入你的DV / HDV攝影機鏡頭到您的硬碟機,並將其轉換成任何格式。當你的項目已經準備就緒,將其儲存在為你打算如何使用它適當的格式:作為一個支援多種格式的視訊檔案,為您的搬移裝置,在DVD上,或是上傳到YouTube ,Facebook或或是Vimeo 。

從DV攝影機和電視調諧器捕獲視訊。除MPEG2- TS和AVCHD視訊從攝影機到電腦上。錄製實況視訊。加入一個特殊的觸摸到你的視訊旅行日記或難忘的家庭聚會。數字化VHS錄影帶。把握自己的攝像頭,並建立一個有特色的錄像課。對於任何有興趣的3D視訊拍攝和編輯,我們有個好訊息 – MOVAVI確實甚至3D視訊。展開你的原聲帶做它自己使用任何聲卡輸入音訊錄製 – 麥克風,電吉他等。您也可以直接將音訊錄到你的電影。


【文章標題】: (視訊編輯器)Movavi Video Editor 9.0.3
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/ebook
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/ebook/new-ebook/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/ebook
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Movavi Video Editor 9.0.3

Movavi Video Editor 9 is an easiest program for making stunning videos, that consists all the video editing software tools you need in one great product. It allows you to join, crop, split, remove scenes, enhance video quality. Using Movavi Video Editor you can import media from different sources, capture video from DV/HDV/AVCHD cameras, VHS, TV, apply filters, special effects and transitions, add soundtracks and titles.

Make your own movies – it's as easy as 1-2-3!
If you think video editing is too complicated, you should try Movavi Video Editor for Windows with its new ultra-intuitive interface. We guarantee you’ll be able to create a demo, a video tutorial with your own voice-over commentary, a video message for your family, or a funny animation for your friends in no time – even if you’ve never edited a video before! Add video fragments, overlay music and stylish titles, join multiple clips together with animated transitions, and save to any format. You’ll be editing like a pro before you know it!

Improve video quality. Add various special effects
Movavi’s useful filters and special effects will take you from indie filmmaker to master director – improve the quality of your video clips or give a new perspective to a familiar image. Apply enhancing automatic filters or adjust the parameters of your video manually to achieve a unique combination of colors, light, and contrast. Use the new special effects like Twirl, Stripes, Find Edges, and others to create an art video from your raw footage. Try the Split Screen effect to combine up to four clips on a single screen and the Zoom effect to imitate the camera zoom.

Split, crop, and join movies. Add music and titles
The new built-in splitting program lets you slice your movies into multiple scenes and swap them around on the timeline so they play in any order you like. Cut out unnecessary elements. Hold down the Select button to mark the scenes you want to keep, or the Deselect button to delete the parts you don’t want, all while you’re viewing the real-time playback. Join fragments on the timeline back to back or make a smooth transition between two scenes by adding one of the many creative fades. Add multiple title tracks and add new animated titles for extra interest.

Create slideshows in 5 minutes
Switch from the timeline to the storyboard mode to create stunning slideshows. Add multiple images to the panel and they will automatically turn into a slideshow with transitions between the frames. Save your slideshows as video files and share them online to make your friends’ day. Add music and titles, even create a greeting video slideshow for the holidays or just for fun.

Import and save 2D and 3D video in any format: SD, HD, DVD
Process video files, music, and pictures. Movavi Video Editor supports the most popular video and audio formats, including AVI, MP4, MKV, FLV, QuickTime, VOB, MP3, even video from DVD discs and more. Plus, with our Windows video editing software, you can import your DV/HDV camera footage to your hard drive and convert it to any format. When your project is ready, save it in the appropriate format for how you’re going to use it: as a video file in one many supported formats, for your mobile device, on a DVD, or for uploading to YouTube, Facebook, or Vimeo.

Capture video from camcorders, TV-tuners, and VHS. Record audio
Capture video from DV cameras and TV tuners. Save MPEG2-TS and AVCHD video from camcorders to your PC. Record live video. Add a special touch to your video travel diary or memorable family event. Digitize VHS tapes. Capture yourself on a webcam and create a featured video lesson. For anyone interested in 3D video shooting and editing, we have great news – Movavi does even 3D video. Expand your soundtrack with do-it-yourself audio recordings using any sound card input – microphone, electric guitar, and more. You can also record audio directly into your movie.

(視訊編輯器)Movavi Video Editor 9.0.3/Homepage: www.movavi.com

(視訊編輯器)Movavi Video Editor 9.0.3/Size: 73.25 MB


本書收集器是一個程式,讓你的圖書庫的資料庫:平裝書,精裝書,雜誌,軟體包,以及其他電子書格式。加入圖書資料庫是快速和容易的,因為所有的訊息都自動從本書的網站資料庫(如美國國會圖書館),並在網際網路上的線上書店下載。結果清單進行排序,搜尋,分組,列印或匯出為HTML或ASCII 。閱讀更多的細節。



‧ 1 。輸入ISBN搜尋的Collectorz.com書資料庫。
‧ 2 。從搜尋結果中選取你的書。
‧ 3 。點擊加入按鈕將其新增到您的家庭圖書館的資料庫。





藏書的Windows版本與Windows 2000 , XP和Vista相容。它可在以下



【文章標題】: (書本收集器)Book Collector Cobalt Pro 3.6
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/ebook
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/ebook/new-ebook/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/ebook
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Book Collector Cobalt Pro 3.6

Book Collector is a program for making a database of your book library: paperbacks, hardcovers, magazines, bundles, and other book formats. Adding books to the database is quick and easy because all information is automatically downloaded from book database sites (e.g. Library of Congress) and online book stores on the internet. The resulting list can be sorted, searched, grouped, printed or exported to HTML or ASCII. Read on for more details.

Create a comprehensive book database
• List all book information: Genre, Subject, LoC & Dewey classification, etc..
• Include personal details like purchase date, store, location, read-it, etc..
• Catalog chapter lists, characters and book creator credits
• Link your book entries to e-book or audio-book files.

Then enjoy browsing your home library on your computer
• View your book database as a list or as gallery of cover images.
• Group books by author, publisher, genre or any other property.
• Find books quickly, either by title, author or anything you want.

Add books to your library database in three easy steps
• 1. Enter ISBN to search the Collectorz.com book database.
• 2. Select your book from the search results.
• 3. Click the Add button to add it to your home library database.

(Tip: you can also search by Author & Title, useful if you own multiple books from the same author)

Book Collector will automatically download data and images
• The main book information: Author, Title, Publisher, Publication Date, etc…
• Other book details: Genre, Number of Pages, Plot, etc..
• The book cover images.

Want it even easier? Use a barcode scanner to scan ISBN barcodes
• No need to type ISBN or Author & Title, just scan the ISBN barcode.
• The search results will automatically return the exact edition that you own.
• Try our deluxe laser scanner or the simple Cuecat scanner.

Book Collector features & screenshots

The Windows edition of Book Collector is compatible with Windows 2000, XP and Vista. It is available in the following

languages: English, Dutch, German, French, Hungarian, Greek, Polish, Spanish, Italian, Croatian, Portuguese, Indonesian, Norwegian.

(書本收集器)Book Collector Cobalt Pro 3.6 | Homepage: www.collectorz.com/book

(書本收集器)Book Collector Cobalt Pro 3.6 | Size: 22.6 MB


Toontrack EZmix,全新的和全面的整頓 EZmix 2 繼續建立在同一個基本思想:有利於設計效果鏈中的每個記錄會話組合,在一個強大的混音工具發現工具和渠道。有了現成的預置和大量收集,混合音樂不僅方便,快得令人難以置信 – 而且你最終得到的結果是首屈一指的。從EZmix以前所有的功能和內容仍然完好無損,並放心又自在的在EZmix 2工作。主要的區別,就是在新增和改造版本帶有基於高科技母帶效果,新的混響算法,吉他/貝司拉近器和模擬駕駛室,一個徹底修改介面和一個大型的核心內容升壓設定。從本質上講, EZmix 2是一個混音專案師,掌握套件和吉他/貝司拉近器都匯總到一個封裝中。

EZmix 2是一款功能強大的軟體包,結合了多種與知識的專業專案師工作室質量效果。只要您選取EZmix的預先設計的設定之一,效果單位一個複雜的鏈條瞬間加載無縫的背景。請參閱深入的訊息的詳細訊息。
製作專業混音從未如此簡單!具有可用的效果繁多的選取,在EZmix 2 ,所有EZmix包的信號鏈的設定由經驗豐富的混音專案師們精心製作的。通過讓老將做的调整,就好像你借了給某些機秘密魔法和白金唱片的魔法給了你的音樂!
EZmix 2有大量的基於一些最經典的復古和現代的吉他和貝司拉近器,揚聲器和單塊效果器的現成的設定。無論你是單機或主機,將您的儀器直接進入你的聲卡和選取一個預設!
多渠道梳理幾個外掛程式會減緩甚至影響你的電腦速度。隨著EZmix 2你只用一個案例每個通道,最終減少你的CPU佔用率降至最低。隨著EZmix 2你可以在較低的資源系統,或在搬移的情況下做成完美無瑕的混音!


【文章標題】: (混音工具)ToonTrack EZmix 2.0.9
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/ebook
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/ebook/new-ebook/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/ebook
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
ToonTrack EZmix 2.0.9

Following the success of Toontrack’s EZmix, the new and completely overhauled EZmix 2 continues to build on the same fundamental idea: having pro-designed effect chains for instruments and channels found in every recording session combined in one powerful mixing tool. With the vast collection of ready-made presets, mixing music is not only easy and incredibly fast – you end up with results second to none. All the previous functionality and content from EZmix is still intact and working in EZmix 2. The major difference however, is that the new and revamped version comes with settings based on high-tech mastering effects, new reverb algorithms, guitar/bass amp and cab simulation, a completely revised interface and a large core content boost. Essentially, EZmix 2 is a mixing engineer, mastering suite and guitar/bass amp all rolled up into one package.

EZmix 2 is a powerful package that combines a multitude of quality studio effects with the know-how of professional engineers. As soon as you select one of EZmix’s pre-designed settings, a complex chain of effect units instantly loads seamlessly in the background. See Details for in-depth information.
The professional touch
Making professional mixes has never been easier! Having a vast array of available effects to choose from, the signal-chain settings in EZmix 2 and all EZmix Packs were carefully crafted by seasoned mixing engineers. Lend some pro secrets and platinum record magic to your music by letting seasoned veterans do the tweaking for you!
Guitar/bass amp and speaker simulation
EZmix 2 has a large amount of ready-made settings based on some of the most classic vintage and contemporary guitar and bass amps, speakers and stomp boxes. Whether you are working stand-alone or in a host; plug your instrument straight into your sound card and select a preset!
Low CPU usage
Combing several plugins on multiple channels can slow down even the fastest computer. With EZmix 2 you only use ONE instance on each channel instead of MANY and end up reducing your CPU usage to a minimum. With EZmix 2 you can make flawless mixes on low resource systems or in mobile situations!

(混音工具)ToonTrack EZmix 2.0.9 | Homepage:: http://www.toontrack.com/products.asp?item=135

(混音工具)ToonTrack EZmix 2.0.9 / Size: 39.83 MB



WinTopo是用於轉換TIF , JPG,PNG , GIF,BMP檔案和掃瞄的圖像轉換成有用的向量高品質的軟體應用執行檔適用於CAD,GIS和數控應用。專業版是誰都想要更多的處理選項,並在向量化過程更精細的控制。 WinTopo Pro包括許多選項,用於預處理的光柵圖像,以獲得最佳的向量化結果。這也得益於更先進的向量化的發動機,已經從我們多年的寫程式,專案設計和圖像處理的專業知識。


» WinTopo臨vectorises彩色圖像變成彩色的CAD圖紙
»功能強大的地理配準功能可確保您的載體將被拉遠,旋轉,平移和傾斜校正到正確的坐標準備好您的CAD / GIS /數控系統
» Digitising和向量編輯
»您可以指定層級的向量準備輸出到3D的CAD / GIS系統


【文章標題】: (向量圖像編輯)WinTOPO Pro 3.531
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/ebook
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/ebook/new-ebook/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/ebook
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
WinTOPO Pro 3.531

WinTopo is a high quality software application for converting TIF, JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP files and scanned images into useful vector files suitable for CAD, GIS and CNC applications. The professional version is for people who want more processing options and finer control over the vectorisation process. WinTopo Pro includes many options for pre-processing the raster image to get the optimum vectorisation result. It also benefits from a more advanced vectorisation engine which has resulted from our many years of expertise in programming, engineering and image processing.

» One Touch Vectorisation, fully automated for ease of use
» Many fine-tuning options for the experienced user
» Based on established research findings on raster vectorisation
» Enhanced with the very latest research findings to give you the best possible results
» Arc recognition. Smooth arcs are fitted to the curved parts of the image
» WinTopo Pro vectorises colour images into colour CAD drawings
» Powerful Georeference feature ensures that your vectors will be scaled, rotated, translated and deskewed to the correct coordinates ready for your CAD/GIS/CNC system
» Digitising and Vector Editing
» You can assign Levels to the vectors ready for output to a 3D CAD/GIS system
» Many image pre-processing functions to help you get the best from your images
» Process large images in minutes or seconds

(向量圖像編輯)WinTOPO Pro 3.531 | Homepage: www.wintopo.com/wintopo-pro.htm

(向量圖像編輯)WinTOPO Pro 3.531 | Size: 2.34 MB


iOrgsoft DVD  Ripper是專為翻錄DVD檔案在Windows XP/Vista/7/8任何其他的視訊/音訊檔案格式提供方便。
抓取DVD到AVI/WMV/MPG/MPEG/MP4/FLV/3GP/MKV/MOV/RM/DV/SWF等;轉換DVD視訊到音訊檔案並儲存到MP3/M4A/WAV/WMA等;實現進口DVD視訊到Windows Movie Maker / Windows DVD製作/索尼拉斯維加斯/的Adobe Premiere等;編輯DVD剪輯與修剪,裁剪,合併和調整亮度,對照度,飽和度等。

為什麼要選擇iOrgsoft DVD Ripper
DVD是最常用的媒體檔案,你可能會在家裡得到一些存儲經典電影的DVD光碟。如果你想將它們放到你的iPhone 5或播放其他搬移裝置?原來的DVD檔案絕對可以在你的裝置,由於不相容的編解碼器不能標準工作。它是你需要解決這樣的問題的具體工具。你可以很容易地轉換/翻錄DVD電影到常見的視訊格式,如MP4 , AVI,MOV , WMV等,以在不同的裝置使用此轉換器。

你想自由地播放DVD檔案上的裝置,腹板,程式,而無需考慮任何更多的編解碼器的問題?如果是這樣,它有助於你使用iOrgsoft DVD Ripper做一個簡單的轉換,然後轉換DVD影片,以流行常見的視訊格式,內含MP4 , M4V , WMV,ASF , MKV,AVI , MPG,MPEG , MPEG-2 , FLV等。

隨著新的DVD Ripper,你可以把DVD影片,更快的速度,以DVD電影轉換為另一種常見的視訊格式。此外,該軟體能夠做批次轉換。因此,您可以一氣呵成,節省您很多的麻煩加載和轉換多個檔案。


現在,您可以在任何時候與DVD Ripper你的搬移裝置,無處不在享受您的DVD電影。請參閱下面的支援的裝置:
搬移裝置:手機,如 HTC ,iPhone 5 , iPhone 4S,三星Galaxy Note,三星Galaxy S4 ,索尼Xperia Z, 諾基亞Lumia 920等類似iPad的迷你,iPad4 ,新iPad ,三星Galaxy Tab 2 , Galaxy Note的片8.0 , Kindle Fire的高清,高清的Nook等


您需要簡單的幾個點擊,然後就可以輸出適合視訊如iTunes , Windows Movie Maker,Windows DVD Maker,索尼拉斯維加斯的Adobe Premiere等熱門節目播放或編輯。
使用本DVD Ripper作為一個使用者友好的編輯器,做修剪,合併,裁剪,調整亮度,對照度,飽和度。它說明了,它不只具有樂趣而且使你擁有個性化的電影!

【文章標題】:(DVD翻錄和轉換)iOrgSoft DVD Ripper 4.3.1
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/ebook
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/ebook/new-ebook/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/ebook
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
iOrgSoft DVD Ripper 4.3.1

iOrgSoft DVD Ripper is designed to rip DVD files to any other video/audio file format on Windows XP/Vista/7/8 with ease.
Rip DVD to AVI/WMV/MPG/MPEG/MP4/FLV/3GP/MKV/MOV/RM/DV/SWF, etc; Convert DVD videos to audio files and save into MP3/M4A/WAV/WMA, etc; Achieve importing DVD videos to Windows Movie Maker/Windows DVD Maker/Sony Vegas/Adobe Premiere, etc; Edit DVD clips with trimming, cropping, merging, and adjusting brightness, contrast, saturation, etc.

Why Choose iOrgsoft DVD Ripper
DVD is the most common used media file, you may get some classic movies stored on DVD disc at home. What if you want to put them to your iPhone 5 or other mobile devices for playback? The original DVD files definitely can not work on your devices due to the incompatible codec. iOrgsoft DVD Ripper is the exact tool you need to solve such problem. You can easily convert/rip DVD movies to common video formats like MP4,AVI, MOV, WMV, etc to play on different devices with this converter.

Simple Rip DVD Files to Common Video Formats
Do you want to play DVD files freely on devices, webs, programs without considering the codec problems any more? If so, it's helpful for you to use iOrgSoft DVD Ripper to do a simple conversion and then convert DVD videos to the popular common video formats, including MP4, M4V, WMV, ASF, MKV, AVI, MPG, MPEG, MPEG 2, FLV, etc.

Faster & Better
With the new DVD Ripper, you can rip DVD videos with a much faster speed to convert DVD movies to another common video format. In addition, this software is able to do batch conversion. Therefore, you can load and convert multiple files in one go which saves you from a lot of trouble.

Besides, it provides no-loss converting, which ensure the best output quality of your DVD files after the conversion.
Easy to Play DVD Movies on Mobile Devices

You can now enjoy your DVD movies everywhere and at anytime on your mobile devices with the DVD Ripper. See the supported devices below:
Mobile devices: Phones like iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, Samsung Galaxy Note, Samsung Galaxy S4, Sony Xperia Z, HTC, Nokia Lumia 920, etc. Tablets like iPad mini, iPad 4, the New iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, Galaxy Note 8.0, Kindle Fire HD, Nook HD, etc

Freely Import DVD Clips with Popular Programs
You need simply several clicks and then you can output suitable videos for popular programs like iTunes, Windows Movie Maker, Windows DVD Maker, Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere, etc to play or edit.
Use this DVD Ripper as an user-friendly editor, do trimming, merging, cropping, and adjusting brightness, contrast, saturation. Just have fun in making your personalized movies with the help of it!

(DVD翻錄和轉換)iOrgSoft DVD Ripper 4.3.1 | Home Page: iorgsoft.com

(DVD翻錄和轉換)iOrgSoft DVD Ripper 4.3.1 | Size: 16.4 MB



新增到提示點無限多可以儲存每首歌曲,一串奇妙的效果自動節拍同步。還加入多種介面,以適應每個人從初學者到專業的DJ,記錄你的混音燒錄在CD上,在網際網路上廣播,有自己的電台,儲存你的CD直接在MP3 ,使用的可能性耳機來預覽歌曲或外部mixtable在俱樂部演出。最後,輸入的DJ混合視訊剪輯( DVD , DivX的, MPEG … ),你可以傳送一個巨型螢幕上。


‧速度控制(從-34到+34 % )
‧ 3波段均衡器與殺+增益
‧ BeatLock引擎:你的歌曲將永遠停留,你的混音比任何其他的DJ可以更快
‧ OSC網路同步
‧ beatlocked課桌無限數量(本地多案例或網路)
‧擊敗感知效果外掛程式(內含: beatgrid ,濾波,鑲邊,下旋,制動,等.. )
‧ VST效果器的相容性
‧混合視訊與電視輸出(搭配歌曲和/或視訊剪輯! )
‧ DJ適應視訊轉換外掛程式
‧ ID3相容性
‧ CD到MP3編碼器
‧可選的3D音效卡, 2聲卡或Y型分路器進行實時監控或外部mixtable使用
‧ ASIO聲卡的相容性
‧完全可定制(皮膚引擎和快捷的巨集觀enngine )
‧與大多數外部控制器的相容性( DMC2 , DAC3 , iCDX , TotalControl , BCD2000 , DJConsole ,等.. )


【文章標題】: (混音軟體)Atomix Virtual DJ Pro 7.4.1 Build 482
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/ebook
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/ebook/new-ebook/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/ebook
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Atomix Virtual DJ Pro 7.4.1 Build 482

VirtualDJ is the hottest MP3 mixing software, targeting every DJ from bedroom DJs to professional superstars like Carl Cox. With its breakthrough BeatLock engine, your songs will always stay in the beat, and you can work your mixes incredibly faster than any other DJ could. The automatic seamless loop engine and the brand new synchronised sampler will let you perform astounding remixes live, with no preparation at all. The visual representation and the cues allow you to clearly see the song's structure, and never be surprised by a break anymore. The vinyl controls will let you scratch like on a real turntable, except that with the beatlock engine your scratches will never end out of the beat.

Add to that an infinite number of cue points you can save for each songs, a bunch of wonderful effects automatically beat-synchronised. Add also several interfaces to suit everybody from the beginner to the professional DJ, the possibility to record your mixes to burn them on CDs, to broadcast on the Internet and have your own radio station, to save your CDs directly in MP3, to use a headphone to preview the songs or an external mixtable to perform in a club. Lastly, enter the new era of DJs by mixing video clips (DVD, DivX, MPEG…) which you can send on a giant screen.

• Twin independent zero-latency players with:
• Standard controls (play, pause, stop, cue)
• Volume control
• Pitch control (from -34 to +34%)
• 3 band equalizers with Kill + gain
• One-click beat matching and synchronisation (new FAME algorithm)
• BeatLock engine: your songs will always stay in time, and you can work your mixes incredibly faster than any other DJ could
• Automatic beat-matched crossfading
• On-the-fly automatic BPM calculation
• Automatic pitch matching
• Automatic level matching
• Automatic beat matching
• Dynamic beat visualizer for easy "drag'n'drop" beat-matching
• Real scratch simulation
• Virtual scratch: Scratch your mp3 with your bare hand
• Automatic beat-aware LOOP function
• Synchronised sampler with 12 instant slots
• Master Tempo pitch algorithm
• Automatic first beat and last beat detection
• Automatic 4/4 phase detection
• OSC network synchronisation
• Infinite number of beatlocked desks (local multi-instance or network)
• Infinite number of cue points saved per songs
• Beat-aware effect plugins (included: beatgrid, flippin, vocal remover, filter, flanger, backspin, brake, etc…)
• VST effects compatibility
• Video mix with TV output (mix songs and/or video clips !)
• Full karaoke support
• Proprietary of FreeFrame video effects
• Inifite number of video effect simultaneously
• DJ-adapted video transition plugins
• Song database engine with easy-to-use search feature
• CoverFlow or text-only song browsing
• Compatible with iTunes playlists
• ID3 compatibility
• Automatic "filter" folders
• Automatic Hot-Swap of external harddrives
• Ready-to-burn file recording to burn your own mixed CDs
• Broadcast on the Internet
• CD to MP3 encoder
• Optional 3D sound card, 2 sound cards or Y-splitter for real-time monitoring or external mixtable use
• ASIO soundcard compatibility
• Fully customisable (skin engine and shortcut macro enngine)
• External MIDI keyboard compatibility for shortcuts
• Compatibility with most external controllers (DMC2, DAC3, iCDX, TotalControl, BCD2000, DJConsole, etc…)
• Optional automatic mixing: Virtual DJ recognizes the style of the music (techno, hip hop, lounge) and adapt its mix in consequence

(混音軟體)Atomix Virtual DJ Pro 7.4.1 Build 482 | Homepage: www.virtualdj.com

(混音軟體)Atomix Virtual DJ Pro 7.4.1 Build 482 | Size: 37.5 MB



GiliSoft幻燈片電影Creator是software.With它易於使用且功能強大的照片幻燈片,您可以將照片組合成的音樂和2D/3D轉場特效的視訊與您的朋友分享,你可以輕鬆地將您的照片集,以個性化的視訊為AVI , MPEG,WMV , DivX,MP4 , H.264/AVC , AVCHD , MKV , RM, MOV ,XviD格式或3GP格式。


支援多種圖像格式,內含JPG,JPEG , PNG,BMP 。
支援匯入MP3,WAV , WMA,OGG , FLAC , M4A ,AU檔案,甚至可以匯入支援的視訊格式內含AVI,MPEG , WMV,MP4 , FLV,MKV , H.264/MPEG-4 AVC ,AVCHD等。
支援視訊輸出的AVI , MPEG,WMV , DivX,MP4 , H.264/AVC , AVCHD , MKV , RMVB , MOV ,XviD格式或3GP格式。


【文章標題】: (照片幻燈片)GiliSoft Slideshow Movie Creator 7.0
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/ebook
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/ebook/new-ebook/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/ebook
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
GiliSoft Slideshow Movie Creator 7.0

GiliSoft SlideShow Movie Creator is the easy-to-use yet powerful photo slide software.With it,you can combine your photos into video with music and 2D/3D transition effects for sharing with your friends,and you can easily turn your photo collections to personalized videos in format of AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/AVC, AVCHD, MKV, RM, MOV, XviD or 3GP.

Easy-to-operate with a friendly interface, you are enabled to create more personalized photo videos by appending background music from imported audios, add transitional effects between images, adjust the orientation and display sequence of the imported photos and etc. What you can imagine, you can have it all with GiliSoft Slideshow Movie Creator.

Features and Benefits:
• Support Multiple Photo Formats
Support multiple image formats, including jpg, jpeg, png, bmp.
• Keep photo apsect
Support auto-adding black area to keep the original photo aspect.
• Easy to edit photo
You can adjust the photo direction and add photo description.
• Support Various Audio Files
Support import MP3,WAV,WMA,OGG,FLAC,M4A,AU files,even can import video formats supported include AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4, FLV, MKV, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AVCHD, etc..
• Many 2D/3D transition effect
Support more than 300 different 2D/3D video transition effects.
• User-defined header and trailer
Support designing the header and trailer of slideshow video, you can choose the picture or video clip as the material.
• Instant and Convenient Preview
Support real-time previewing photo slideshows,you can view any settings change.
• Support to export various video format
Support exporting videos in format of AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/AVC, AVCHD, MKV, RMVB, MOV, XviD or 3GP.

(照片幻燈片)GiliSoft Slideshow Movie Creator 7.0 | Homepage: www.gilisoft.com

(照片幻燈片)GiliSoft Slideshow Movie Creator 7.0| Size: 28.01 MB


EASEUS的Todo Backup工作站是一個旨在讓使用者快速備份和恢復他們自己的檔案分區方便和可靠的應用程式。只要您擁有了EASEUS待辦事項備份建立相應的圖像檔案,所有這些問題將迎刃而解,節省您的時間的艱苦努力,重新安裝電腦並獲得系統在任何時間再次運行。


‧一鍵備份檔案Windows 7庫下。

‧快速,簡單,安全的系統遷移到SSD 。

‧複製成影像檔磁碟的硬碟升級(內含GPT磁碟) 。


【文章標題】: (系統備份和恢復)EaseUS Todo Backup Workstation Build 20140114
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/ebook
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/ebook/new-ebook/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/ebook
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
EaseUS Todo Backup Workstation Build 20140114

EaseUS Todo Backup Workstation is a handy and reliable application designed to help users recover their files quickly and backup their partitions. As long as you have corresponding image file created by EaseUS Todo Backup, all these problems will be easily solved, saving your hours of hard work to reinstall computer and getting system running again in no time.

Backup Benefits
• Efficient system backup & recovery.
• Backs up email in Outlook in a safe way.
• One click to backup files under Windows 7 Libraries.
• Back up files to tape and restore to specified location.
• Support differential backup, incremental backup, schedule backup.
• Support dynamic volume and GPT disk.
• Add Network-attached Storage (NAS) as destination.
• One click backup to external storage device.
• Backup network data.
• New! Backup data including contacts, messages, call logs, documents, music, photos, videos in Android device.

Recovery Benefits
• Directly recover individual files from disk/partition backup image.
• WinPE based bootable disk provides fast system recovery.
• System snapshot offers a fast system state backup and recovery solution.
• Fast, easy and safely migrate system to a SSD.
• One-click to restore system to dissimilar hardware.
• New! Recover data including contacts, messages, call logs, documents, music, photos, videos in Android device.

Special Benefits
• Support P2V copy and P2V recovery.
• Copy to cloud for double protection of data.
• Remotely controlled by Central Management Console.
• Clone disk for hard drive upgrade (GPT disk included).
• Support P2V image files convert.
• Explore backup image file in Windows Explorer.
• Automatically delete old images to save disk space.

(系統備份和恢復)EaseUS Todo Backup Workstation Build 20140114 | Homepage: www.easeus.com

(系統備份和恢復)EaseUS Todo Backup Workstation Build 20140114 | Size: 131.58 MB



您的電腦變慢了?你希望你的電腦運行速度要快,就像新買的時候一樣? Amigabit微震提供電腦使用者的所有他們需要改善PC系統效能的工具。這種複雜的PC改善軟體可以掃瞄,分析和改善電腦,找出並刪除不必要的,無效的或損壞的檔案塞滿您的硬碟機,磁碟碎片整理和清理你的註冊表修復和防止系統錯誤,縮短Windows的啟動時間,以及更多。變慢的電腦修復很容易!





【文章標題】: (PC系統工具)Amigabit Powerbooster 4.0.0
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/ebook
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/ebook/new-ebook/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/ebook
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Amigabit Powerbooster 4.0.0

Is your computer slowing down? Do you want your computer to run as fast as the day you bought it? Amigabit PowerBooster offers computer users all of the tools they need to optimize the PC system performance. This sophisticated PC optimizer software can scan, analyze and optimize computer, find out and remove unnecessary, invalid or broken files cluttering your hard drive, defrag and clean your registry to fix and prevent system errors, reduce Windows startup time, and much more. Slow Computer Fix easily now!

Amigabit PowerBooster gives you smart PC scanning options:
• Do a quick scan of your main files. The easiest and fastest way to check and fix the potiental issues that to make your PC run as new.
• Run a full scan of all your drive. The PC scanner dives deep into every aspect of the computer’s system searching for potential issues quickly and accurately.

Amigabit PowerBooster provides an all-in-one solution to speed up your computer:
• Enjoy the New PC Feeling With Ease. Make your PC start and run faster by shutting down unnecessary background processes, cleaning up junk files, finding and removing duplicate files, removing unwanted startup programs, etc.
• Keeps Your PC Running at Peak Performance. Increase the overall system performance by defraging fragmented hard drives, cleaning and repairing Windows registry, uninstalling unwanted software or programs correctly, cleaning up and managing right-click context menu easily, and much more.

Intelligent Internet Privacy Protection
• Protect Your Privacy on the Internet. Completely clean internet privacy files, clean your junk files which removes duplicate documents, temporary files, Internet browser cache and history, as well as browser add-ons to protect your online privacy.
• Prevent You from the Online Theft Permanently. This PC protection tool offers the ultimate protection from credit card numbers, bank details or other personal information you enter online.

• Quick Scan
• Deep Scan
• Driver Backup
• Protect Privacy
• Memory Manager
• Startup Manager
• Uninstall Manager
• Process Manager
• Shutdown Scheduler
• Disk Defragmenter
• Disk Cleaner
• Disk Check
• Registry Cleaner
• Registry Defrag
• Context Menu Fixer
• Shortcut Cleaner
• Undelete Deleted Files
• Unlock Locked Files
• File Shredder
• File Encryption
• Cloned File Finder
• File Splitter
• Empty Folder Finder
• Top File Finder

(PC系統工具)Amigabit Powerbooster 4.0.0/Homepage: www.amigabit.com

(PC系統工具)Amigabit Powerbooster 4.0.0/Size: 8.79 MB








匯入表的內容從PDF ,或自己建立它
FlipCreator支援分析和PDF檔案的匯入表的內容。在此之後,您可以編輯的內容匯入的表。如果你想通過自己的創造,而不是從PDF匯入它,或是您的PDF不包括表的內容, FlipCreator可以讓您為您的數字出版物建立表的內容。

您可以為一些重要的網頁加入書籤。所有的讀者可以看到你定義這些書籤。在另一方面, FlipCreator也有abiity通過你的讀者加入書籤。differency,這些書籤是看到誰是創造它們的人。







在指令行功能是提供給進階使用者。你可以完成數字publicaiton帶指令行的出版。此功能可讓您從指令列或事件你自己的應用程式中呼叫並運行FlipCreator 。

flipcreator D: : PDF ebook.pdf數字出版可以用下面的指令行來建立


你不需要啟動FlipCreator程式。只需右鍵點選在Windows資源管理器中的PDF檔案,並選取選單項「與FlipCreator建立數字出版」 。該程式將被啟動,​​您的數字出版物的出版,將自動完成。


前庭sed的事前。 Donec sagittis euismod普魯斯。
FlipCreator支援拖放操作。所以,你可以拖曳的PDF和圖像檔案轉換FlipCreator的桌面圖示。 FlipCreator會自動運行,並建立發佈,然後自動關閉。您也可以將PDF或圖像檔案FlipCreator的主介面。您的出版物的頁面會從PDF檔案或圖像檔案被加載。




我們提供這個功能對於那些讀者誰不能連線到際網路或不想線上閱讀的出版物。它使閱讀器下載發佈到讀者的硬碟機, USB磁碟機或CD / DVD ,讓他們可以閱讀的出版物下線。



此功能可讓您的讀者分享他們喜歡的電子書通過電子信件或社交網路,如Facebook,Twitter和MySpace 。

【文章標題】: (出版軟體)Alive Software FlipCreator Global Edition
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/ebook
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/ebook/new-ebook/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/ebook
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Alive Software FlipCreator Global Edition

FlipCreator is a digital publishing software that allows you to create realistic page-turning e-Publications including E-Book, E-Magazine, E-Brochures, E-Catalogs, E-Reports, E-Newsletters. Convert PDF and images to digital publications directly. All links and table of contents will be imported into your publication automatically. You can add/edit/delete links and table of contents before publishing. Powerful features that fit your need. Incredibly intuitive and user friendly interface let you publish your publication in a few clicks. You can also right click on PDF and convert it to publication directly.

Easy to use.
With our easy to use interface, you can make a digital publication in a few mouse clicks! Even a new user, you can use FlipCreator within a couple of minutes without any special learning.

FlipCreator also supports right click operation, this feature allows you to create a digital publication with only TWO clicks.

Add web links, email links, Goto page links to pages.
Hyperlinks can be inserted into any pages. It can be placed in any position with any size, of cause, you can also adjust it's position and size with drag-drop operations.

Add audio for page or background.
You can specify a audio for background. When reader opens the digital publication, the audio will be played automatically. You can also specify audio for each page. When reader turns to the involved page, the audio will be played.

Your readers can turn on/off the audio in settings interface after opening the publication.

Import table of contents from pdf, or Create it by yourself.
FlipCreator supports analyzing and importing table of contents from PDF files. After that, you can edit the imported table of contents. If you want to create it by yourself, instead of importing from PDF, or your PDF does not contain a table of contents, FlipCreator can help you to create table of contents for your digital publication.

Add bookmarks for you readers.
You can add bookmarks for some important pages. All your readers can see these bookmarks you define. On the other hand, FlipCreator also has the abiity to add bookmarks by your reader. But the differency is that these bookmarks are only visible to the person who create them.

Note: The bookmarks your reader created are saved into your reader's computer, so any other reader won't see it.

Generate Files for Search Engines.
FlipCreator can generate html files for search-engines to index. Once your submit one of these files to search engines, your publications will become searchable.

Show advertising banner to your readers.
You can add an advertising banner to the top of the "book". You can also add a intruction banner to the right hand side of the "book". The banner can be not only jpeg format, but also gif or flash animated banner.

An URL can be specified to the banner, when your readers click on the banner, the URL will be opened.

run FlipCreator from command line or your application.
The command line feature is provided for the advanced users. You can finish a publishing of digital publicaiton with command line. This feature allows you to call and run FlipCreator from command line or event your own application.

A digital publication can be created with the following command line: flipcreator D:PDFebook.pdf

Right click and publish in two cicks.
You don't need to start FlipCreator program. Just right click on PDF files in the Windows Explorer and select "Create digital publication with FlipCreator" menu item. The program will be started and the publishing of your digital publication will be finishing automatically.

FlipCreator is integrated into Windows Explorer, so you can finish a publishing with only 2 clicks.

Vestibulum sed ante. Donec sagittis euismod purus.
FlipCreator supports drag & drop operation. So you can just drag the PDF and image files into the desktop icon of FlipCreator. FlipCreator will run automatically and create the publication, then close itself automatically. You can also drag the PDF or image files to the main interface of FlipCreator. The pages of your publication will be loaded from the PDF files or image files.

Note: You can also drag and drop the PDF files and image files to the desktop icon of FlipCreator to start the program and publish your digital publications.

Built-in FTP client.
FlipCreator is able to upload the published digital publication to your FTP server directly after you finish the publishing.

Read it offline.
We offer this feature for those readers who can't connect to the internet or don't want to read the publication online. It enables reader to download the publication onto the readers' hard drives, USB drives or CD/DVD, so that they can read the publication offline.

For your readers convenience, both of EXE and ZIP version are provided.

view previous or related digital editions.
It give your readers the ability to view previous or related digital publications. Like an eMagazine, you can show the links of the last two years' issues for your readers, so that they can easily access these issues by a couple of mouse clicks.

Share via email or share on Social Networks.
This feature allows your readers to share the ebooks they like via email or social networks, like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace.

(出版軟體)Alive Software FlipCreator Global Edition | Homepage:: www.flipcreator.net

(出版軟體)Alive Software FlipCreator Global Edition / Size: 26.07 MB



Active KillDisk Professional Suitek讓您徹底銷毀硬碟和軟碟磁碟機的所有資料,但不內含已刪除的檔案和資料夾的未來收回的可能性。
新!新增3個NIST 800-88擦除方法
積極引導磁碟精簡版的改進:新增的網路和安全功能,預配置;加入WMI和腳本支援,驅動程式的包大容量存儲, USB3和網路裝置
支援擦拭蘋果的HFS +和exFAT的
在磁碟機上的檔案系統( FAT , FAT32,NTFS等)並不重要,檢驗的物理磁碟機使用低層級的磁碟訪問被刪除

 Windows 8的
 Windows 7的
 Windows Vista的
 Windows XP
 Windows Server 2000
 Windows XP專業x64
 Windows XP家庭版64位
 Windows Server 2003 x64的
 Unix的用於PC ,等..


【文章標題】: (徹底刪除硬碟和軟碟磁碟機資料)Active KillDisk Professional Suite 8.0
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/ebook
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/ebook/new-ebook/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/ebook
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Active KillDisk Professional Suite 8.0

Active KillDisk allows you to destroy all data on hard and floppy drives completely, excluding any possibility of future recovery of deleted files and folders.
Key Features:
New! Added 3 new NIST 800-88 erase methods
New! Default method can be defined in INI file to get HDD serial
New! Certificate logo now can be added in JPEG format
Active@ Boot Disk Lite improvements: Added pre-configuration of Network & Security features; Added WMI & Scripting support; Driver's Pack for Mass Storage, USB3 & Network devices
Parallel erasing/wiping of several disks at the same time
Erasewipe speed has been significantly increased
Support for wiping Apple HFS+ & exFAT
Erasing/Wiping Certificate can be saved as PDF
Supports 18 security standards
Detects and displays information about all partitions, hard disks and floppy drives currently connected to your computer
Wipes out all floppies and hard disk drives completely by secure overwriting data on physical level using [One Pass Zeros] data destruction method
Erases partitions, logical drives and even not used disk space
Erasing report is created and can be saved as a file
File systems (FAT, FAT32, NTFS, etc) on the drive do not matter, detected physical drive is erased using low-level disk access

System Requirements:
√ Windows 8
√ Windows 7
√ Windows Vista
√ Windows XP
√ Windows Server 2000
√ Windows XP Professional x64
√ Windows XP Home 64 bit
√ Windows Server 2003 x64
√ Linux
√ Unix for PC, etc…

(徹底刪除硬碟和軟碟磁碟機資料)Active KillDisk Professional Suite 8.0 | Homepage: www.lsoft.net/killdisk.aspx

(徹底刪除硬碟和軟碟磁碟機資料)Active KillDisk Professional Suite 8.0 | Size: 178 MB









炫耀您最新的PSP, iPod,iPhone手機, 3GP手機或掌上電腦的圖片和短片


光碟出口: DVD,CD ,藍光光碟, HD-DVD
視訊輸出:支援AVI, WMV,ASF , MPG , 3GP,MP4 , MOV ,的iPod,iPhone , PSP,行動電話,掌上電腦


在Windows 7 2000/XP/Vista/2008專案

【文章標題】: (幻燈片製作器)NCH PhotoStage Slideshow Producer 2.27 Beta
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/ebook
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/ebook/new-ebook/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/ebook
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
NCH PhotoStage Slideshow Producer 2.27 Beta

Create your own photo slideshow movies
Creating a slideshow has never been easier.
Bring your digital photos to life
Share memories in an interesting and portable way
Easily combine pictures, video clips, music and narration
Preserve your memories with a multimedia slideshow you’ll be proud to share with friends and family. Add photos and videos to the timeline, add visual interest with panning and zoom effects and place fade transitions between slides for a professional finish.

Slideshow Creation Features:

Stunning Transition Effects
Panning and zooming effects bring your photos to life
Fade transitions give your slideshow a professional touch
Preview the effects in real time
Customize the duration of the effect

Complete Photo Optimization
Fine tune brightness, color and saturation
Crop, rotate and flip photos easily
Add text captions to individual slides
Add video clips for a complete slideshow presentation
Preview your changes in real time

Amazing Audio Tools
Add music tracks to your slideshow
Record narrations with the click of a button
Import pre-recorded narrations
Mix multiple music tracks together using our powerful
MixPad Audio File Mixer

Share With Your Family and Friends
Burn to DVD and watch on your living room TV
Show off your latest pics and clips on PSP, iPod, iPhone, 3GP mobile phone or Pocket PC
Output video files and share your creation with even more friends by computer or over Internet

Supports Many Media Formats
Input Formats:
Image: bmp, gif, jpg, jif, jiff, jpeg, exif, png, tif, tiff, psd, tga, pcx, jp2, wmf, ico
Audio: wav, mp3, mpga, m4a, ogg, mid, flac, aac, wma, au, aiff, raw, dvf, vox, cda, gsm and many more
Video: avi, mpeg, wmv, divX, Xvid, mpeg1, mpeg2, mpeg4, mp4, mov, asf, vob, ogm and many more

Output Formats:
Disc export: DVD, CD, Blu-ray Discs, HD-DVD
Video export: avi, wmv, asf, mpg, 3gp, mp4, mov, iPod, iPhone, PSP, Mobile Phone, Pocket PC

System Requirements
Works on Windows 7 2000/XP/Vista/2008

(幻燈片製作器)NCH PhotoStage Slideshow Producer 2.27 Beta / Homepage: http://www.nchsoftware.com/slideshow/index.html

(幻燈片製作器)NCH PhotoStage Slideshow Producer 2.27 Beta / Size: 5.06 MB


今天看到新聞:資策會、政大、知名作家-九把刀 合作推動新一代電子書創作
每天只看政治新聞,罵來罵去,不管誰執政,健保費都會漲價(國民黨執政,所以自由時報就大幅報導:二代健保差額補貼將取消 千萬人保費漲)


資策會、政大、知名作家-九把刀 合作推動新一代電子書創作


受歡迎的程度,自上架app store第一天就衝上付費排行榜第一名,即可見端倪。






Windows 95或更新
256+ MB的RAM
40 GB硬碟                           
彩色顯示器(1024 X768)

視窗XP ​​/視窗7
P4或速龍處理器(2 GHz以上)
100+ GB硬碟
17「彩色顯示器1280 x 1024


【文章標題】: (動畫書工具)Digicel FlipBook ProHD 6.93
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/ebook
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/ebook/new-ebook/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/ebook
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Digicel FlipBook ProHD 6.93

DigiCel FlipBook lets you draw right on the computer with your mouse or tablet. Or you can draw on paper, like the pros, and shoot your rough drawings under a camera for speed and then scan your cleaned-up drawings for quality. FlipBook will keep track of all your drawings in its traditional exposure sheet with thumbnail images and play them back instantly with sound. FlipBook also provides specially designed tools to help you paint your drawings quickly and easily without having to learn or go through a lot of difficult steps. You can add pans, zooms, rotation, blurs and dissolves and then export movies that you can play on TV or post on the internet.

Minimum Windows Requirements
Windows 95 or newer
Pentium class computer
256+ MB of RAM
40 GB Hard Drive
Color Monitor (1024 X 768)

Recommended Configuration
Windows XP/Windows 7
P4 or Athlon Processor (2 GHz+)
100+ GB Hard Drive
17" Color Monitor 1280 X 1024
Wacom Graphics Tablet

(動畫書工具)Digicel FlipBook ProHD 6.93 | Home Page: www.digicelinc.com

(動畫書工具)Digicel FlipBook ProHD 6.93 | Size: 8.7 MB



AVS音訊轉換器可以讓你轉換,編輯,建立鈴聲。轉換之間的MP3音訊檔案, FLAC , OGG , AAC,M4A , M4B , M4R , AMR , WMA , VOX等格式與AVS音訊轉換器。


– 之間的所有關鍵音頻格式轉換
轉換MP3 , WMA,WAV , M4A , AMR ,OGG,FLAC , MP2等的管理APE文件,並對其進行編碼由AVS音頻轉換器支持的任何關鍵的音頻格式。查看支持的音頻格式的完整列表。

– 從視頻導出音頻
從視頻文件中選擇並轉換成音頻。 AVS音頻轉換器支持DVD , MPEG,MP4 , AVI,DIVX, MOV,WMV , VOB , 3GP , RM, QT , FLV等見支持的視頻格式的完整列表。

– 轉換文件為M4B
將您的音軌M4B格式AVS音頻轉換器。它們分成章節和添加書籤。前音頻轉換設置的質量水平。準備音頻文件為您的iPod / iPhone 。

– 創建鈴聲為iPhone
編輯音頻文件並將其保存到M4R格式的iPhone 。您的個人鈴聲與AVS音頻轉換器。

– 編輯您的音頻文件

– сonvert音頻文件從一種格式到另一種;
– 創建和MP3和M4B格式編輯音頻書籍;
– 通過標誌或分割你的音頻合併單獨的音頻文件合併成一個單一的文件;
– 指定的頻率,頻道,你的輸出文件的比特率等參數的數量,然後再轉換您的音頻文件;
– 當您轉換您的音頻應用的MP3和OGG格式的參數微調;
– 指定轉換前的輸出音頻文件的位置;
– 直觀地判斷音頻轉換過程的進展;
– 播放轉換後的音頻文件後,將它們轉換為確保質量是足夠的;
– 修改現有的音頻文件,如標題,藝術家,專輯,註釋額外的文本信息。


寫:支持MP3, WMA,WAV , M4A , M4B , M4R , AAC , AMR , AWB , OGG , MP2 , FLAC

【文章標題】: (音訊轉換器)AVS Audio Converter
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/ebook
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/ebook/new-ebook/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/ebook
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
AVS Audio Converter

AVS Audio Converter will help you convert, edit, create ringtones. Convert audio files between MP3, FLAC, OGG, AAC, M4A, M4B, M4R, AMR, WMA, VOX and other formats with AVS Audio Converter. Use batch mode to convert and work with several files at one go. Specify frequency, number of channels, bitrate and other parameters of your output files before conversion.

– Convert between All Key Audio Formats
Convert MP3, WMA, WAV, M4A, AMR, OGG, FLAC, MP2, etc. Manage APE files and encode them to any key audio format supported by AVS Audio Converter . See a full list of supported audio formats.

– Export Audio from Video
Select and convert audio from your video files. AVS Audio Converter supports DVD, MPEG, MP4, AVI, DIVX, MOV, WMV, VOB, 3GP, RM, QT, FLV, etc. See a full list of supported video formats.

– Convert Files to M4B
Convert your audio tracks to M4B format with AVS Audio Converter . Divide them into chapters and add bookmarks. Set up quality level before audio conversion. Prepare audio files for your iPod/iPhone.

– Create Ringtone for iPhone
Edit an audio file and save it to M4R format for iPhone. Make an individual ringtone with AVS Audio Converter .

– Edit Your Audio Files
Trim, delete parts, merge files, apply effects with AVS Audio Converter . Modify extra text information in your audio files.

Using AVS Audio Converter you can:
– сonvert audio files from one format to another;
– create and edit audio books in MP3 and M4B formats;
– split your audio by markers or merge separate audio files into one single file;
– specify frequency, number of channels, bitrate and other parameters of your output files before you convert your audio files;
– apply fine tuning of parameters for MP3 and OGG formats when you convert your audio;
– specify the location of the output audio files before conversion;
– visually judge the progress of the audio conversion process;
– play the converted audio files after you convert them to make sure that the quality is sufficient;
– modify extra text information in existing audio files such as Title, Artist, Album, Comment.

All key formats are supported

Write: MP3, WMA, WAV, M4A, M4B, M4R, AAC, AMR, AWB, OGG, MP2, FLAC

(音訊轉換器)AVS Audio Converter | Home Page: www.avs4you.com

(音訊轉換器)AVS Audio Converter | Size: 42.85 MB

ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7



為所有的Windows系統,內含Windows XP 打造時尚的圖示
建立半透明圖示的陰影適用於Windows XP
建立圖片的圖示,內含BMP , JPEG,TIFF , GIF , PNG等圖片格式
完美的圖示是一個簡單的工具,來建立的圖片和照片圖示。它可以讓Windows XP變成時尚半透明的圖示。你可以調整資料夾和檔案的圖示。通過應用不同的效果,可以使異常的象形圖變得簡單,直觀易懂的介面,是該程式有的工作樂趣。完美的圖示 – 快速圖示製作工具!

系統需求:Windows 95/98/ME/2000/NT/XP/2003/Vista/7 , 32 MB記憶體,奔騰233兆赫, 3 MB硬碟。


【文章標題】: (快速圖示製作工具)Perfect Icon 2.42
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/ebook
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/ebook/new-ebook/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/ebook
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Perfect Icon 2.42

Create beautiful icons from pictures and photos and tweak your system in seconds. Icons are many with different meanings and make-up assist users in application of messages or figurer in computers, one of the most interesting things that keep vision viewers refreshed and wail to stay long on computers is the icons from pictures. You will be delighted to keep the window of your computer attractive with a nice wall picture and save it on the screen, on the Internet when you open your Facebook you would always to look at the images on the pictures of the items you wish either beautiful people and advertise and any events.
With Perfect Icon you can:
Create stylish icons for all Windows systems, including Windows XP
Apply different effects and styles to icons
Create semi-transparent icons with shadow for Windows XP
Create icons from pictures, including BMP, JPEG, TIFF, GIF, PNG and other image formats
Create icons from screen captures
Modify folder icons
Modify file-type icons
Customize standard Windows Icons
Repair Windows icon cache
Perfect Icon is an easy tool to create icons from pictures and photos. It can make stylish semi-transparent icons for Windows XP. You can tweak icons on folders and files. By applying different effects, you can make unusual pictograms. The simple, intuitively intelligible interface makes working with the program fun. Perfect Icon – rapid icon creation tool!

System requirements: Windows 95/98/ME/2000/NT/XP/2003/Vista/7, 32 MB RAM, Pentium-233 MHz, 3 MB Hard Disk.

(快速圖示製作工具)Perfect Icon 2.42 | Homepage:: http://www.iconempire.com/perfect-icon/index.htm

(快速圖示製作工具)Perfect Icon 2.42 / Size: 6 Mb



以證明其目的的最好方法是想像攝影師用來拍攝後處理的照片。 Adobe的產品是黑暗的房間,數字世界簡化的專家,用來做圖像的最終狀態的手動工作。

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.3 變化:
*佳能的PowerShot S120
*富士X -E2
*尼康1 AW1
*尼康Coolpix P7800
*尼康D5300 ( * )
*奧林巴斯OM – D E – M1
*奧林巴斯STYLUS 1 ( * )
*松下DMC – GM1
*索尼A7 ( ILCE – 7 )
*索尼A7R ( ILCE – 7R )
*索尼DSC- RX10 ( * )

*佳能EF -M 11 – 22公厘的f/4-5.6 IS STM
*尼康1尼克爾AW 11- 27.5公厘F/3.5-5.6
*尼康1尼克爾AW 10公厘f/2.8鏡頭
*適馬18 – 35公厘F1.8 DC HSM A013
*適馬18 – 35公厘F1.8 DC HSM A013
*索尼E 20mm F2.8定
*索尼FE 28 – 70公厘F3.5- 5.6 OSS

* Esc鍵後右鍵點擊螢幕,滑鼠在幻燈片播放不離開幻燈片。


【文章標題】: (圖形編輯器)Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.3 Final Multilingual
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/ebook
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/ebook/new-ebook/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/ebook
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.3 Final Multilingual

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is a graphic editor designed to manage and process digital images. It is, in technical terms, an end-to-end solution for photographers and digital photo enthusiasts. It offers a wide range of digital instruments to adjust RAW images to look their best.

The best way to demonstrate its purpose is to imagine how photographers used to process photos after taking them. Adobe’s product is the dark room of the digital world, simplifying the manual work that specialists used to do in order to bring images to the final state.

Changes in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.3:
New Camera Support
* Canon PowerShot S120
* Fujifilm XQ1
* Fujifilm X-E2
* Nikon 1 AW1
* Nikon Coolpix P7800
* Nikon D610
* Nikon D5300 (*)
* Olympus OM-D E-M1
* Olympus STYLUS 1 (*)
* Panasonic DMC-GM1
* Phase One IQ260
* Phase One IQ280
* Sony A7 (ILCE-7)
* Sony A7R (ILCE-7R)
* Sony DSC-RX10 (*)

New Lens Profile Support
* Canon EF-M 11-22mm f/4-5.6 IS STM
* Nikon 1 NIKKOR AW 11-27.5mm f/3.5-5.6
* Nikon 1 NIKKOR AW 10mm f/2.8
* Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 58mm f/1.4G
* Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 DC HSM A013
* Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 DC HSM A013
* Sony E 20mm F2.8
* Sony FE 28-70mm F3.5-5.6 OSS

Fixed Issues:
* Issues when upgrading catalog from previous versions of Lightroom.
* Incorrect photos are displayed after switching away from a Publish Collection.
* Catalog optimization did not finish, and was not optimizing the catalog
* Feather of clone spots is set to 0 after upgrading catalog to Lightroom 5.
* Auto White Balance settings are not saved to Snapshots.
* Sony 18-55mm lens is detected as the Hasselblad 18-55mm lens for lens correction.
* Increased Update Spot Removal history steps when in Before and After view.
* Slideshows start playing automatically even when the Manual Slideshow option is enabled.
* Video playback stops when dragging on the scrubber.
* Errors when publishing photos to Flickr through the Publish Service.
* Option + drag on Edit Pin behavior is functioning incorrectly.
* Black border appears around the exported slideshow video.
* Catalog containing images processed with PV2003 were adding a post-crop vignette when catalog upgraded to Lightroom 5.
* Pressing the “Reset” button while holding down the Shift key caused Lightroom to exit abruptly.
* Output Sharpening and Noise Reduction were not applied to exported images that were resized to less than 1/3 of the original image size.
* The Esc key did not exit the slideshow after right clicking screen with mouse during slideshow playing.
* Import dialog remained blank for folders that contain PNG files with XMP sidecars.
* Metadata panel displayed incorrect information after modifying published photo. Please note that this only occurred when metadata was changed after the photo was published.

(圖形編輯器)Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.3 Final Multilingual| Home Page www.adobe.com

(圖形編輯器)Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.3 Final Multilingual | Size: 873 MB