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利用其先進的掃瞄引擎PerfectRegistry清除無效的註冊表錯誤。它不僅修復無效的註冊表項,它也進行碎片整理註冊表,保持它的精簡流暢的​​系統效能。你不必成為一個電腦專家使用PerfectRegistry 。該介面可以迅速方便輕鬆地修復所有註冊表錯誤,甚至對於新手使用者。取得PerfectRegistry並把它下載Yahoo!,看看有什麼可以為你實際上做的!
‧測試與1000 +的應用
‧相容Windows XP , Vista和Windows 7 ( 32位和64位)


清理無效的註冊表錯誤,提高應用程式的響應時間。 PerfectRegistry讓你通過使用先進的掃瞄引擎與點擊自動檢驗並修復無效的註冊表項更快地訪問您的程式和應用程式。



避免隨機系統崩潰,運行時錯誤和藍屏死機(藍屏死機) 。 PerfectRegistry定期修復註冊表錯誤提供了一個更穩定的計算環境。





我需要PerfectRegistry ?

‧藍屏死機( BSODs )

【文章標題】: (修復註冊表與碎片整理)Raxco PerfectRegistry
【文章作者】: Linux架設主機.協助維護專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/linux/
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/linux/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Linux架設主機.協助維護專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Raxco PerfectRegistry

PerfectRegistry cleans such invalid registry errors using its advanced scan engine. It not only fixes invalid registry entries, it also defragments the registry, keeping it streamlined for smoother system performance. You don't have to be a computer expert to use PerfectRegistry. The interface makes it easy to fix all registry errors easily and quickly even for novice users. Get PerfectRegistry and take it for a spin to see what it can actually do for you!
Enhance/Optimize Overall PC Performance
• Fixes invalid registry errors
• Defrags and compacts the registry
• Improves system response time
• Prevents system crashes, BSOD and other errors
• Drastically improves overall PC performance
• Tested with 1000+ applications
• Compatible with Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 (both 32 and 64-bit)

Quicker System Speed
Increase application response times by cleaning invalid registry errors. PerfectRegistry gives you faster access to your programs and applications by using an advanced scan engine to detect and fix invalid registry entries automatically with a click.

Smoother PC Performance
Enhance overall system performance by allowing PerfectRegistry to remove obsolete and invalid entries from your Windows registry, resulting in smoother PC operation.

Prevent System Crashes
Avoid random system crashes, runtime errors and the BSOD (blue screen of death). PerfectRegistry provides a more stable computing environment by regularly fixing registry errors.

Avoid Error Messages
PerfectRegistry runs from time to time to prevent common Windows error messages.

Backup and Restore
PerfectRegistry has a backup and restore functionality, allowing you to completely undo a registry cleaning if necessary.

Do I need PerfectRegistry?
• Slow performance on a relatively new PC
• Blue screen of death (BSODs)
• Frequent PC freezes
• Unexplained PC crashes
• Common Windows errors
• Programs freeze often and are slow to open

(修復註冊表與碎片整理)Raxco PerfectRegistry | Home Page: www.raxco.com

(修復註冊表與碎片整理)Raxco PerfectRegistry| Size: 5.4 Mb
