【Linux主機+架站+維護教學+遠端協助】專案 網路開展事業或在網路賺錢第一步: 【架設24小時賺錢網站主機】比網頁設計更優先! 你還在租用虛擬主機嗎? (租用不如自有主機!自己當家作主才是:王道!) 因租用會:限制空間大小、流量、PHP.ini修改、特定語法使用... 綁手綁腳,你還能有多出眾的作為? 替你架設Linux主機伺服器+影片教你維護 (還有遠端技術協助)讓你自己當家作主! 為協助學員快速架站(隨心所欲展開網路事業)總教頭特別規劃: 替你架設Linux主機專案 並教如何成為網管高手! 聰明的網站經營者都選擇架設Linux主機伺服器做為網站運作平台,因功能完整又強大,免費架站程式超多! 參加了本專案,您無須再自我摸索曠日廢時→快速打通任都二脈 還有配套『加盟專案』,你可以現學現做,自然的實現:『事少、錢多、離家近!』的成功境界。


自動建立具有專業外觀的家庭電影,moviEZ HD只需點擊幾下,你的電影。你的照片。你的音樂。你就大功告成了。無視訊編輯經驗需要!隨著全高清媒體的大力支援和強大的功能,你的電影和照片時刻準備與朋友,家人和世界分享 – 那就是EZ !

在全高清視訊,告訴你的故事。從攝影機,手機或相機傳輸檔案,用自己的想法然後重新排序剪輯。加入你喜歡的音樂,歌曲的長度和節奏自動同步你的電影。 moviEZ HD,立即加入自動縮放,平移和過渡。

隨著高清moviEZ :
– 體驗支援全高清攝錄一體機,搬移裝置和照相機
– 個性化的視訊和幻燈片配音,音樂和字幕
– 選取和自訂樣式,使每個項目獨特
– 在社交網站上分享電影,或將它們上傳到各種裝置
– 簡單的功能,讓您調節亮度,應用色彩校正,減輕紅眼


moviEZ HD為您提供10個獨特的播放風格,使您毫不費力地說出你的故事,只需點擊一下滑鼠。每個風格有獨特的效果,動畫和過渡來說明您建立完美呈現!



使用者可以即時預覽電影在全螢幕幕, DVD質量的觀點。您不僅可以預覽項目的準的預覽視窗,但你可以檢視你的工作在全螢幕預覽模式。這使您能夠在您的整個電腦顯示器看電影,所以你知道它似乎正是你想要在儲存之前的模式。


【文章標題】: (自動建立有趣的電影工具)Sony moviEZ HD 1.0 Build 2844
【文章作者】: Linux架設主機.協助維護專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/linux/
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/linux/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Linux架設主機.協助維護專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Sony moviEZ HD 1.0 Build 2844

Your movies. Your photos. Your Music. You’re Done. moviEZ HD automatically creates professional-looking home movies in just a few clicks — no video editing experience required! With full HD media support and powerful features, your movies and photos are moments away from being ready to share with friends, family and the world — it's that EZ!

Automatically create fun movies
Tell your story in full HD video. Transfer files from your camcorder, phone, or camera and then rearrange the clips how you want. Add your favorite music, then automatically sync your movie to the song's length and beat. moviEZ HD does the rest by adding automatic zooms, pans, and transitions instantly.

With moviEZ HD:
– Experience full HD support from camcorders, mobile devices, and still cameras
– Personalize videos and slideshows with voiceover, music, and captions
– Select and customize Styles to make each project unique
– Share movies on social networking sites or upload them to a variety of devices
– Simple features let you adjust brightness, apply color correction, and reduce red eye

Playback Styles
moviEZ HD provides you with ten distinctive Playback Styles which enable you to effortlessly tell your story in just one click. Each Style has unique effects, animations, and transitions to help you create the perfect presentation!

Easy file transfer
With one-touch transfer, users can easily import media files from a wide variety of camcorders, phones, and digital still cameras.

Video tools
Editing video has never been easier! Sequence your photographs, zoom in on specific details, and rotate images. You have complete control.

Instant Full Screen Previews
Users can preview movies instantly in a full screen, DVD-quality view. Not only can you preview projects in the standard preview window, but you can view your work in full screen preview mode as well. This enables you to see the movie across your entire computer monitor, so you'll know it appears exactly the way you want before saving.

(自動建立有趣的電影工具)Sony moviEZ HD 1.0 Build 2844 | Home Page: www.sonycreativesoftware.com

(自動建立有趣的電影工具)Sony moviEZ HD 1.0 Build 2844 | Size: 101.7 MB
