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Canvas X Pro 16是專門設計技術圖形的,比以往更快,更強大,這是讓專案師,小企業主,技術圖形專業人士更有信心。

現在,隨著64位技術,Canvas X Pro 16已經微調的表現。迎合了廣泛的專業人士 – 從圖形設計師專案師 – 這款升級技術使更多的記憶體,有更快的效能,並且是DPI感知趁今天」最先進的硬體。其結果是急劇增加的檔案的速度和最佳的圖形顯示。Canvas X Pro 16還內含用於富集的使用者體驗的新現代化介面。

為什麼要嘗試新的 Canvas X Pro 16?
現在,在64位可用,Canvas X Pro 16是我們最強大的產品更新。

現在,改善,支援64位操作系統本身,Canvas X Pro 16快速,行動敏捷,能夠在與文件與超過100萬的對象。使用它最常用的操作功能起來的速度,通過你要的項目會更快更有效地。 UI改進以便更順暢,更清潔的對象編輯。並與DPI設定支援高解析度顯示器,即使在大螢幕上,您的項目會顯得清晰和明確。
憑借改進的CGM進出口字型大小的轉換和弧線,以及最新的AutoCAD DWG / DXF檔案2013的支援,Canvas X Pro 16是真正的專案師和技術插圖。

使用WindowsR 7,8 Windows,或 Windows 8.1(所有64位操作系統)


【文章標題】: (圖形設計工具)ACD Systems Canvas X Pro 16.2115
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
ACD Systems Canvas X Pro 16.2115

Faster and more powerful than ever before, Canvas X Pro 16 is specially designed to make it possible for engineers, small business owners, and technical graphics professionals to illustrate and communicate with confidence.

Now with 64-bit technology, Canvas X Pro 16 has been fine-tuned for performance. Catering to a wide range of professionals — from graphics designers to engineers — this upgraded technology allows for more memory, faster performance, and is DPI-aware to take advantage of today’s most advanced hardware. The result is drastically increased document speed and the best graphics display available on the market. Canvas X Pro 16 also includes a new modernized interface for an enriched user experience.
Canvas X Pro 16’s unique and integrated design environment makes it possible for users to work with and combine all graphical elements, and to apply high-end effects in a single document. Technical illustrators can now open and manipulate documents with over one million objects in seconds vs. minutes.

Why try the new Canvas X Pro 16 ?
Now available in 64-bit, Canvas X Pro 16 is our most powerful product to date.
The upgraded technology allows for more memory, faster performance, and is DPI-aware to take advantage of today’s most advanced hardware.
Tuned for improved performance. Caters to a wide range of professionals, allowing them to analyze, enhance, and share illustrations with ease and precision.
Technical illustrators can now open and manipulate documents with over one million objects in seconds vs. minutes.
Unique and integrated design environment makes it possible for users to work with and combine all graphical elements and apply high-end effects in a single document.
New modernized interface for an enriched user experience.

What's New
Now optimized to support 64-bit operating systems natively, Canvas X Pro 16 is quick, agile, and capable of working with documents with over 1 million objects. With the speed of Canvas X’s most commonly-used operations amped up, you will fly through your projects quicker and more efficiently. UI improvements allow for smoother, cleaner object editing. And with support for DPI settings for high resolution monitors, your projects will look crisp and clear, even on the big screen.
With improved CGM import and export font size conversion and arcs, and support for the latest AutoCAD DWG/DXF 2013 files, Canvas X Pro 16 is truly provisioned for engineers and technical illustrators.

Windows® 7, Windows® 8, or Windows® 8.1 (all 64-bit OS)

(圖形設計工具)ACD Systems Canvas X Pro 16.2115 | Home Page: www.canvasx.com/en/products/canvasx-pro-16

(圖形設計工具)ACD Systems Canvas X Pro 16.2115 | Size: 166 MB
