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一旦你嘗試過 Mediafour MacDrive Pro,你會怪自己不儘早安裝它。隨著Mediafour MacDrive Pro在Windows PC上不再是被Mac的磁碟忽略,並且無法使用。 它有助於Mac的磁碟行事,出現像普通的Windows磁碟。你可以拖曳和拖放來複製在任一方向的檔案,或按兩下直接從Mac磁碟開啟檔案。它,內含硬碟, CD-R/RW,DVD-R/RW ,軟碟, iPod播放器,快閃記憶體磁碟機,Zip ,Jaz, MO, DMG虛擬磁碟檔案等等。

它採取的猜測共享檔案。無論您是在家裡和辦公室,教室和實驗室的宿舍裡,甚至在同一台電腦之間傳輸檔案,Mediafour MacDrive Pro使它順暢的。

事實上,你很難知道 Mediafour MacDrive Pro標準。一旦安裝它,它會自動給你訪問任何一台Mac上跳出到您的電腦。 Mediafour MacDrive Pro甚至會將Mac的磁碟上的一個「蘋果」圖示,只是為了讓事情說清楚。

您可以訪問Mac的磁碟上的檔案,就像你使用Windows格式化磁碟。從磁碟或從程式中開啟檔案。 Mac檔案自動獲得正確的圖示和檔案在Windows和 Mac  Os 中以副檔案名。與來自微軟,Adobe ,FileMaker ,Avid公司, Digidesign, NewTek多的軟體的偉大專案。

建立蘋果的CD,DVD ,甚至格式化硬碟

訪問這些檔案是偉大的,但它不會停在那裡。您可以建立的Mac磁碟使用它的CD / DVD製作檔案傳輸和備份。需要分區或修復Mac硬碟機?沒問題。該Mediafour MacDrive Pro磁碟管理器為您提供了分區,格式化,分析,甚至修理磁碟的權力。

它確實簡化了跨平台計算。如果你住在這兩個在PC和Mac世界裡,你應該為自己今天拿到Mediafour MacDrive Pro。

【文章標題】: (磁碟管理器)Mediafour MacDrive Pro
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Mediafour MacDrive Pro

Once you've tried MacDrive, you'll kick yourself for not installing it sooner. With MacDrive on a Windows PC no longer are Mac disks ignored and unable to be used. MacDrive helps Mac disks act and appear like normal Windows disks. You can drag-and-drop to copy files in either direction, or double-click to open documents directly from Mac disks. MacDrive works with just about anything you can throw at it, including hard drives, CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW, floppies, iPods, flash drives, Zip, Jaz, MO, DMG virtual disk files and more.

Simplify cross-platform computing
MacDrive takes the guesswork out of sharing files. Whether you are transferring files between home and the office, a class room lab and your dorm room or even on the same computer, MacDrive makes it painless.

In fact, you'll hardly know MacDrive is working. Once installed MacDrive will automatically give you access to any Mac disk you pop into your computer. MacDrive even puts an "apple" icon on the Mac disk, just to keep things clear.

You can access files on the Mac disk just like you would with a Windows formatted disk. Open files from the disk or from within a program. Mac files automatically get the right icons and file name extensions under both Windows and Mac OS. Works great with software from Microsoft, Adobe, FileMaker, Avid, Digidesign, NewTek and more.

Create Mac CDs, DVDs, even format hard drives
Accessing the files is great, but MacDrive doesn't stop there. You can create Mac disks for file transfers and backups using the MacDrive CD/DVD Creator. Need to partition or repair a Mac hard drive? No problem. The MacDrive Disk Manager gives you the power to partition, format, analyze and even repair disks.

MacDrive really does simplify cross-platform computing. If you live in both a PC and Mac world you owe it to yourself to get MacDrive today.

(磁碟管理器)Mediafour MacDrive Pro / Site: www.mediafour.com

(磁碟管理器)Mediafour MacDrive Pro / Size: 17.25 MB