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2013 WinCatalog使得龐大的收藏管理更容易。 2013年WinCatalog索引尋找檔案和資料,而無需達到原來的CD或DVD光碟,檔案和資料夾。

資料庫驅動的WinCatalog2013年。它採用行業標準的SQLite資料庫引擎的核心。為任何規模大小,助於操作的集合。無論多少光碟或檔案存儲在您的收藏 – WinCatalog2012將處理所有這些!



2013 WinCatalog完全支援Unicode。無論在什麼樣的語系,你的檔案的命名模式。 它正確編目所有。

額外的聯繫經理和關鍵字經理,它有新的場地經理這有助於管理物理位置更容易。您可以加入所有的位置,「框1」或「2 CD包」,並在目錄中的位置,每一個項目關聯。這將有助於更快地找東西。

2013 WinCatalog具有標籤式介面,它可以同時讓你保持幾種不同的搜尋結果。


【文章標題】: (快速尋找檔案和資料工具)WinCatalog 2013 4.11
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
WinCatalog 2013 4.11

WinCatalog 2013 Makes Managing Huge Collections Much Easier. WinCatalog 2013 indexes discs, files and folders for finding files and data without having to reach for the original CD or DVD. Stop wasting time looking for a tune or movie stored on a hundred’s disc from your growing collection! Simply process your CDs and DVDs with WinCatalog once, and you’ll be able to find any file from the collection in a matter of seconds!

It operates with catalogs of any size
WinCatalog 2013 is database driven. It uses industry standard SQLite database engine in the core. This helps to operate with collections of any size. No matter how many discs or files are stored in your collection – WinCatalog 2012 will handle all of them!

It can store picture thumbnails in catalog
WinCatalog 2013 can create picture thumbnails for most popular image types (like jpeg, png, bmp and others) and store them inside the catalog. The thumbnail previews are available even without the link to the original files, so if you search for a photo or picture, you can preview it BEFORE reaching the disc!

Thumbnails for every item
The thumbnails preview picture can be associated with ANY item in the catalog (not only with picture files). For example you can create a catalog of a coin collection and every coin will have it’s own picture!

Full Unicode support
WinCatalog 2013 fully supports Unicode. No matter in what language your files are named. WinCatalog 2012 will correctly catalog all of them.

Location manager
In additional to Contact manager and Keyword manager WinCatalog 2013 has new Location manager which helps to manage physical locations easier. You can add all locations, say “box 1” or “cd wallet 2” and associate every item in the catalog with the location. This will help in finding things faster.

New professional user interface
WinCatalog 2013 has tabbed interface which allows you to keep several various search results simultaneously.

(快速尋找檔案和資料工具)WinCatalog 2013 4.11 | Homepage: wincatalog.com

(快速尋找檔案和資料工具)WinCatalog 2013 4.11 | Size: 8.8 MB