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easyHDR Pro毫無疑問,產生更好的效果。比以往任何其他能夠產生Photomatix的工具還優。
多年來,有的人已經嘗試了很多的編輯程式。 EasyHDR卻已超越他們了。

‧做後期處理的音色映射的結果,沒有任何量化虧損 – 浮點資料(模糊,銳化,降噪,白平衡,色調調節)
‧負載BMP,JPEG,24/48/96-bit TIFF,FITS和Radiance RGBE檔案格式
‧儲存為BMP,JPEG(不丟失EXIF頭),24/48-bit TIFF或光輝RGBE(HDR)

【文章標題】: (圖像編輯程式)easyHDR PRO 2.30.5
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
easyHDR PRO 2.30.5

easyHDR Pro without question, produces much Better results than I was ever able to produce with Photomatix. Over the years I have tried a lot of editing programs. EasyHDR has outperformed them all. The results look more like what I saw with my own eyes when I snapped the shutter. The Best shadow detail, more natural looking color and accurate color, too! The results are like night and day to Photomatix. EasyHDR is more reasonably priced. And for the quality of the edited image, less costly than nearly all editing software. Easier to use. Produces the finished edit in much less time. I have not found a program that will produce a better picture to print, of Landscapes, Nature & Wildlife, Portraits, Architectural and Interiors. Photomatix is just not this versatile. Considerable time has been spent making comparisons, as I feel it is my responsibility as a working photographer, to provide to my clients and customers, the Best Quality Image I can. And because I take pride my work, and I Enjoy photographing the Beauty that God has given us, and sharing these Joys with others!

• blend a sequence of photos taken at different exposure values into a High Dynamic Range (HDR) image
• tone map HDR image into an 8-bit per channel REALISTIC looking result that can be displayed on computer screen or printed
• align the input photos using manual-alignment feature (compensates for shift, scale, rotation and PERSPECTIVE) or…
…use auto-alignment feature, that compensates for shift as well as rotation
• adjust tone curve shape to fine-tune the contrast
• do post processing on the tone mapped result without any quantization losses – on floating point data (blur, sharpening, noise reduction, white balance, color tone adjust)
• convert and tone map RAW images from your digital camera
• load BMP, JPEG, 24/48/96-bit TIFF, FITS and Radiance RGBE file formats
• save as BMP, JPEG (without loosing EXIF headers), 24/48-bit TIFF or Radiance RGBE (.hdr)
• use batch processing option to automatically process tens of image sets without any user interaction
• language versions: English, polski, Español, Deutsch, Français, Русский, Italiano, Português & Brazilian

(圖像編輯程式)easyHDR PRO 2.30.5| Home Page www.easyhdr.com

(圖像編輯程式)easyHDR PRO 2.30.5: 9.34 MB