【正印家族】授權營運專案 秘技傳授 +(技術諮詢) 讓你快速學成營運賺大錢! 站在成功者的肩膀上,你會看得更遠! 最快速的成功方法就是:【合法授權 100% 複製成功者經營模式】直接複製經營賺錢術 網路創業 【正印家族】 自動印鈔機賺錢術(借別人的智慧成功 - 提升您的網路競爭力!) 因為:你所需要的『網站資源』與『配套教學』【總教頭】都已經幫你準備好了! 【秘笈硬碟】:用一顆1000GB的硬碟,裝載【網站架站程式】 【超過500個軟體中文化檔案】與【教學影片課程】讓你馬上用! 密訓基地503萬訪客最期待的授權:【正印家族】授權營運方案 ! 總教頭親自示範公開網路經營的捷徑! 此原理類似武俠小說的【一甲子的功力】直接導入→ 任都二脈馬上通暢,你當然馬上成為武林高手! 傳授『授權檔案』再次加工賺錢技巧: 授權後大家都可以不一樣!總教頭會教你如何再次加工?讓它轉換成:具有你獨有特色的『自己獨家資源』! 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會與無法使用的擔憂....)



流行的軟體程式包括數百萬行的代碼。壞人利用的代碼漏洞(漏洞)來傳播惡意軟體。除非他們不能入侵。Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit 和應用三個層次的安全性,防止漏洞的危害漏洞的代碼。沒有一個掃毒軟體,但大多數的掃毒相容Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit 是一個小型,專門的屏蔽設計,保護您免受最危險形式的惡意軟體攻擊之一。

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Premium
– Shields 瀏覽器和瀏覽器外掛程式(內含Microsoft Internet Explorer,Mozilla火狐,谷歌Chrome,Opera)
–  Shields Java
–  ShieldsPDF閱讀器(內含Adobe Reader,請安裝Adobe Acrobat,Foxit閱讀器)
–  Shields微軟的Word,Excel和PowerPoint
–  Shields媒體播放器(內含微軟的Windows Media Player,VideoLAN的VLC播放器,QuickTime播放器,Winamp的播放器)
– 能夠加入/管理的自訂屏蔽


‧加入用於Windows 10的支援。




【文章標題】:(掃毒軟體)Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Premium
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Premium

Popular software programs contain millions of line of code. Bad guys exploit flaws (vulnerabilities) in the code to deliver malware. Except when they can’t. Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit wraps three layers of security around popular browsers and applications, preventing exploits from compromising vulnerable code. Not an antivirus, but compatible with most antivirus, Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit is a small, specialized shield designed to protect you against one of the most dangerous forms of malware attacks.

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Premium
– Shields browsers and browsers add-ons (including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera)
– Shields Java
– Shields PDF readers (including Adobe Reader, Adobe Acrobat, Foxit Reader)
– Shields Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint
– Shields media players (including Microsoft Windows Media Player, VideoLAN VLC Player, QuickTime Player, Winamp Player)
– Ability to add/manage custom shields

Whats New:

New Features:
• Added new Layer3 mitigations for IE, Java and Office.
• Added default protection for more popular browsers.
• Added Chromium-based browser application family.
• Added new alert window with exploit details.
• Added protection traybar tooltip notification.
• Added advanced configuration of mitigations per family.
• Added configuration for general settings.
• Added browse button when adding custom shields.
• Added new mechanism to reduce known false positives.
• Added anonymous submission of blocked exploits.
• Added confirmation window for file-format exploit submissions.
• Added Premium notifications in Free/Trial builds.
• Added support for Windows 10.

• Improved upgrade process to maintain existing custom shields.
• Improved visibility in GUI of Management Console exclusions.
• Improved error and crash reporting.
• Improved missing GUI notification for guest user accounts.
• Improved managed installation to avoid Start Menu folder creation.
• Improved settings tab by removing the need for Apply button.

• Fixed false positive with Word or Excel under certain conditions.
• Fixed false positive with LoadLibrary exploit mitigation.
• Fixed false positive with web-based Java applications.
• Fixed bug with timestamp conversions.
• Fixed bug which could cause protection to stop during startup.
• Fixed bug whereby LUA could start/stop protection.
• Fixed bug when trying to activate invalid license.
• Fixed user interface bug in settings tab.

(掃毒軟體)Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Premium  | Home Page: malwarebytes.org

(掃毒軟體)Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Premium  | Size: 3.02 MB



FairStars Recorder是一個實時的音訊記錄,提供了對WMA,MP3,OGG,APE和WAV格式的全面支援專業錄音功能。它容許您直接從您的聲卡錄製音效,內含來自麥克風或線路輸入插孔的高品質。它可以用來抓取任何音效,內含音樂,從電影對話,遊戲音效,流媒體音訊或其他任何東西。所捕獲的音效可以直接儲存到WMA,MP3,OGG,APE或WAV格式,而無需暫存檔。此外,該專案內含一個ID3標籤編輯器和錄音計劃。其他功能還內含無聲跳躍(靜音檢驗),檔案大小限制,錄製精靈等等。



FairStars錄音機和FairStars MP3錄音機之間的區別是什麼?
FairStars MP3 Recorder是FairStars錄音機的精簡版版本。 FairStars MP3錄音機不能支援WMA和FLAC格式輸出,無音訊刀具,也沒有支援錄音錄像時間表,等等。


【文章標題】:(音訊記錄工具)FairStars Recorder 3.70
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
FairStars Recorder 3.70

FairStars Recorder is a real-time audio recorder, offering professional recording features with full support for WMA, MP3, OGG, APE and WAV formats. It allows you to record sound directly from your sound card, including from a microphone or a line-in jack at high quality. It can be used to grab any sound, including music, dialogs from movies, game sounds, streaming audio or anything else. The captured sound can be saved directly to WMA, MP3, OGG, APE or WAV format, without the need for temporary files. In addition, the program includes a ID3 tag editor and recording schedule. Additional features include silent skip (Silence Detector), file size limits, recording wizard and more.

Main features:
• Record audio from sound card directly to WMA, MP3, OGG, APE or WAV format with high quality.
• Record sound directly from plackback device(only for Vista).
• Real-time sound monitor before recording, easy to select record device and adjust the volume(you may enable it on the Advance page of Record Option panel).
• Skip silent passages, stop recording or record to a new file automatically after a set time silence (Silent Detector).
• Stop recording or record to a new file automatically when reaching a set file length, size or time (File Limitation).
• Add files to File List automatially (File Append).
• Remove environmental noise automatically with the option Filters Setting.
• Support writing of ID3 tag when recording and showing when playback.
• Support ID3 tag view, import, edit, or transfer to the file in File List with TAG Editor and Tag Option.
• Recording Schedule for automatic recordings.
• Easy Set feature for silent sensitivity.
• Recording Wizard for beginner.
• Easy-to-use user-friendly interface, and skin support.
• Record control with hotkeys.

88KHz / 96KHz and 24Bit support only for WAV and FLAC formats now. Also, Not all audio device could be albe to support 24bit recording.
When you record from a microphone or a line-in jack, mark the option "Autosetting" in "Advance" page may remove the environmental noise automatically.
What is the difference between FairStars Recorder and FairStars MP3 Recorder?
FairStars MP3 Recorder is the lite version of FairStars Recorder. FairStars MP3 Recorder cannot support WMA and FLAC format output, no audio cutter tool, also not support Recording Recording Schedule, etc.

(音訊記錄工具)FairStars Recorder 3.70 | Home Page:www.Fairstars.com

(音訊記錄工具)FairStars Recorder 3.70 | Size: 3 MB



XPLORER ?將讓你在所有的地方你把你的數字財富,內含命名空間的延伸,如FTP , zipfolders ,網路資料夾等XPLORER ?瀏覽模型尺度好大的資料夾,與成千上萬的檔案。

xplorer2是一個檔案和訊息管理,堅持「通過簡單發揮大的效率」 。重新發明,它整合了Windows的外殼架構在一個小型,高效的資源包,可以立即熟悉工作的最佳功能。

 xplorerІ容許你瀏覽多個資料夾的時間,使用索引片和雙窗格。排序和複製檔案變得易如反掌。您可以快速瀏覽你的shell命名空間使用收藏夾,點擊路徑 ,方便地訪問根資料夾,一棵樹和一個的書籤窗格(下拉框)等你甚至可以儲存和恢復資料夾組,只要您的工作流程認為必要時。


·強大的MOVE現在即使你搬移到同一個分區(盤符) ,只要你在該對話框中指定一個過濾器。供應假的過濾器,如「*」 ,如果你並不真的需要過濾,但你需要的魯棒性。需要注意的是這種搬移操作將是不是一個簡單的拖放在同一分區 )
·註冊表選項GIOPT_ROBUSTMOVE , ( 268435456 )使F6搬移指令總是走「穩健」 ,但在犧牲速度。可通過「工具」>「進階選項」選單指令(佈局頁) 。
·馬克>同步精靈「對話框中有一個欄位忽略了一個規定的的日期差異(用於比較適用於修改日期時) 。勾選考慮檔案在指定日期範圍內是相同的,或清除該複選框,使用預設的公差+ / – 2秒。
·使用強大的副本時,如果有一個檔名衝突(目的檔案存在) ,你會得到一個機會,提供一個不同的檔名,這樣你就可以「手動」更名和保持舊的目的檔案或資料夾。只要輸入新的檔名(無路徑) ,請點選「是」按鈕。你甚至不需要鍵入延伸!重新命名的機會時提供複印選項都設定為「請求確認」覆蓋現有對象。
·對接面板,如樹有一個PIN他們的標題欄圖示。如果您按一下引腳上的切換自動隱藏/停靠模式。當設定為自動隱藏面板被最小化,帶入檢視,通過將滑鼠懸停在面板按鈕(或點擊最小化按鈕) 。再次點擊標題欄引腳的釐定面板停靠(擴大)模式。
·文字提取(搜尋關鍵詞)的PDF文件,即使你有最新的Adobe Reader – 但它是建議你切換到PDF的X-Change觀眾,特別是如果你是在64位Windows 。
·背景上下文選單選單(當你點擊空)一些虛擬資料夾內含一些特殊的命名空間延伸指令路由NSE子選單,例如加入新的安全FTP連線。幾個特殊的資料夾中有這樣的指令(需要Windows Vista或更高版本)
·右鍵點選一個USB磁碟機圖示(例如磁碟欄或樹),並使用跳出上下文選單指令安全地刪除它。這確保XPLORER ?至少不會被鎖定(但它可以在您的系統上的其他應用程式鎖定,請嘗試去除安全裝置在任務欄知會區功能變數的圖示)
· 「視窗」>「設定標題選單指令在廢料容器,可以用來提供一個自訂標題欄名稱。您也可以在位址欄鍵入文字識別作為一種替代手段。有用的多個視窗。

【文章標題】: (資源管理器)xplorer2 Pro (x86/x64) Multilingual
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
xplorer2 Pro (x86/x64) Multilingual

Xplorer is what windows explorer should have been. We've kept the best bits and threw away the inconsistencies and irritations, all in a small and nimble, easy to use package. At first glance everything looks familiar: the classic tree/view user interface, clean and clutter free, should get you started immediately. xplorer? will get you in all places you keep your digital wealth, including namespace extensions like FTP, zipfolders, webfolders etc. xplorer? browsing model scales up well to large folders with thousands of files. It reads fast, offers visual filters and a variety of selection mechanisms that allow you to manage your files effectively.

xplorer2 is a file and information manager that adheres to the philosophy "efficiency through simplicity". Without reinventing the wheel, it integrates the best features of Windows' shell architecture in a small, resource efficient package that's instantly familiar to work with. But look a little closer and you'll discover a whole new world under the surface that offers power, precision and flexibility, and will boost your everyday productivity no end! All the shell goodies from windows explorer — none of the hassle! Plus all the features you would expect from a powerful tabbed dual-pane file manager, including Omni-Finder, a find files module that simply outclasses all known search tools. Don't take our word for it, seeing is believing!

xplorer2 is what windows explorer should have been. We've kept the best bits and threw away the inconsistencies and irritations, all in a small and nimble, easy to use package. At first glance everything looks familiar: the classic tree/view user interface, clean and clutter free, should get you started immediately. xplorerІ will get you in all places you keep your digital wealth, including namespace extensions like FTP, zipfolders, webfolders (webDAV) etc.

But that's where the similarities end. Unlike explorer, xplorerІ allows you to browse more than one folder at a time, using tabs and dual panes. Sorting out and copying files becomes a breeze. You can navigate your shell namespace quickly using favorites, clickable paths (breadcrumbs), easy access to root folders, a tree and a bookmark pane (drop box) etc. You can even save and restore folder groups whenever your workflow deems necessary. xplorerІ browsing model scales up well to large folders with thousands of files. It reads fast, offers visual filters and a variety of selection mechanisms that allow you to manage your files effectively.

Main features:
» Browsing the shell namespace
» Managing files and folders
» Scrap containers
» Examine and maintain your filesystem
» Search for files and folders
» Automation of DOS (and windows) commands
» User Interface customization

· robust MOVE now works even if you are moving to the same partition (drive letter), as long as you specify a filter in the dialog. Supply a fake filter like "*" if you don't really need filtering but you need robustness. Note that this kind of Move operation is going to be SLOWER than a simple drag-drop on the same partition — but you asked for it 🙂
· registry option GIOPT_ROBUSTMOVE (=268435456) makes F6 move commands always go "robust" but at the great expense of speed. Available through Tools > Advanced options menu command (Layout page).
· Robust file operations in silent mode are not halted for any messages as long as there are queued jobs waiting. This means you can queue jobs and go away. At the very end you will see a summary of errors (if any).
· Mark > Sync wizard dialog has a field to ignore a prescribed date difference (it applies when modification date is used for comparisons). Tick it to consider files within the specified date range as identical, or clear the checkbox to use the default +/- 2 seconds tolerance.
· When using robust copy , if there is a filename collision (target file exists), you get a chance to supply a different filename so you can "manually" rename and keep the old target file or folder. Just type in the new filename (no path) and click on YES button. You don't need to type the extension even! The rename opportunity is offered when the copy options are set to "Ask confirmation" for overwriting existing objects.
· Docking panes like tree have a PIN icon on their titlebar. If you click on the pin you toggle the autohide/docked mode. When set to autohide the panel is minimized, brought into view by hovering the mouse over the panel button (or clicking on the minimized button). Click on the titlebar pin again to fix the panel in docked (expanded) mode.
· Text extraction (search for keywords) works for PDF documents even if you have the latest Adobe reader — but it is recommended you switched to PDF X-change viewer especially if you are on 64 bit windows.
· Background context menu menu (when you click on empty space) on some virtual folders includes an NSE submenu that routes to some special namespace extension commands, e.g. add new secure FTP connection. Several special folders have such commands (requires windows Vista or later)
· Tools > Fast search command more flexible when started from local folders outside the system index like C:. It will search whatever folders are in the system index, under the current folder.
· Various small bugs fixed
· Quickviewer (Native mode) won't get in the way when renaming or deleting items; console window likewise won't block folder delete/rename operations
· Right click on a USB drive icon (e.g. on the drivebar or tree) and use EJECT context menu command to safely remove it. This ensures that xplorer? at least won't be locking it (but it could be locked by other applications on your system, try the Safe device removal icon on the taskbar notification area too)
· AddressBar filter box works in miniscrap pane too (filter and select modes only), e.g. start typing a filename while the miniscrap has the focus and see what happens.
· Default document categories e.g. {pictures} are recognized as quick filters in the addressbar
· Symbolic links inherit the actual file dates at the time of creation (note the modification dates will diverge in the future)
· Subfolder sizes are calculated automatically (if relevant advanced option is set) even when you aren't in detailed view mode
· Window > Set title menu command in scrap containers can be used to supply a custom titlebar name. You can also type your text in the addressbar as an alternative means of identification. Useful for multiple scrap windows.

(資源管理器)xplorer2 Pro (x86/x64) Multilingual/Homepage – http://zabkat.com/index.htm

(資源管理器)xplorer2 Pro (x86/x64) Multilingual: 2.2/ MB


每次使用你的電腦,垃圾檔案和其他不必要的檔案存儲在您的電腦硬碟。這些積累的資料終究可以一分一秒減緩你的電腦。要加快你的電腦,你需要「碎片整理」您的及時硬碟。 Amigabit磁碟碎片整理是能幫你最好的人。這種快速和強大的磁碟碎片整理工具,可以分析一下,電腦碎片整理和改善磁碟的峰值效能。這是很容易與直觀的介面來使用。

. 給你選取的硬碟( S)一鍵式碎片整理選項,當你在趕時間或是沒有多少時間的時候。
. 合併零散的自由空間到一個連續的塊,避免新建立的檔案的碎片。

. 你可以整理多個磁碟或選取單個磁碟碎片整理,或預設略過磁碟碎片整理過程中一些巨大的檔案。提供了一個有效的模式來儲存,而不是每次都對整個電腦的所有磁碟進行碎片整理的時間。

. 這是從來沒有這麼容易而又能及時碎片整理的磁碟。安排您的電腦磁碟碎片整理,當你不在電腦前,無論在晚上早上或任何時間,甚至在你睡覺的你的時候,只要告訴您的電腦,您需要碎片整理的磁碟(一次,每天或每週),您就能得到一個速度更快的電腦。


. 啟動您的電腦自動關機時,碎片整理過程完成。當你離開可以保留磁碟碎片整理。
. 掃瞄和找出比你期望在硬碟上(前10 , 50 , 100 , 200或1000最大的檔案)的檔案較大。
. 把手與檢驗到的大檔案模式:檢視詳細訊息,訪問目的資料夾,從電腦中刪除到回收站,或搬移到其他位置

. 自動更新 – 讓你總是喜歡最新版本
. 免費線上說明單證 – 得到一步一步的介紹如何使用Amigabit磁碟碎片整理指南


【文章標題】: (磁碟碎片整理工具)Amigabit Disk Defrag 1.0.2
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Amigabit Disk Defrag 1.0.2

Each time you use your computer, junk files and other unnecessary files are stored on your PC's hard disk. These accumulated data finally can slow your computer down to a crawl. To speed up your computer, you need "defragment" your hard disk timely. Amigabit Disk Defrag is the best one to help you. This fast and powerful disk defrag tool allows to analyze, defrag computer and optimize disks for peak performance. It is easy to use with its intuitive interface.

Quick and Optimized Disk Defragmentation
>> Give your selected hard disk(s) a one-click defrag option, when you are in a hurry or do not have much time.
>> Merge scattered pieces of free space into a contiguous block, avoiding fragmentation of newly created files.

Single or Multiple Disk Defragmentation
>> You can defragment multiple disks or select individual disk for defragmentation, or preset to skip some huge files during the disk defragmentation. Offer an effective way to save your time instead of defragmenting the all disks on whole computer every time.

Schedule Disk Defragmentation
>> It's never so easier to defrag disks timely. Schedule your computer to defrag disk at night, early in the morning, or any time when you are not at PC. Just tell your computer when you need defrag disks (once, every day, or every week), get a faster computer even in your sleep.

Shut Down Computer After Disk Defragmentation
>> Enable your computer to shut itself down automatically when the defragmentation process is complete. Free up your hand when you want to keep the disk defragmentation while you're going away.
Find Out Large Files on Hard Disks
>> Scan & find out the larger files than your expect (the top 10, 50, 100, 200 or 1000 biggest files) on hard disks.
>> Handle with the detected big files by: view details, access to destination folder, delete from computer to Recycle Bin, or move to other locations

More Features
>> Auto update – keep you always enjoying the latest version
>> Free online help documentations – get step-by-step guide on how to use Amigabit Disk Defrag

(磁碟碎片整理工具)Amigabit Disk Defrag 1.0.2 | Homepage: www.amigabit.com/disk-defrag/

(磁碟碎片整理工具)Amigabit Disk Defrag 1.0.2 | Size: 2.3 MB





【文章標題】: (文字編輯器)Softwarenetz Text Editor 1.18 Multilanguage
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Softwarenetz Text Editor 1.18 Multilanguage

The Softwarenetz text editor is a simple and user friendly program for your private and business letters. Create your personal or business writing paper within the text editor program. Insert images and photos into your text. The Text editor supports all common formats (jpg, gif, bmp, png). Including interactive spelling in four languages, which will check your documents for spelling errors. The catalogue will sort all documents into different groups. This way you quickly have access to all your documents. The text editor program of course contains standard options like: search for text, replace text, font sizes, bold, underlined etc. The text editor program supports variables. You can insert the addresses of your contacts with just one mouseclick and print your letter.

(文字編輯器)Softwarenetz Text Editor 1.18 Multilanguage | Homepage: www.softwarenetz.de

(文字編輯器)Softwarenetz Text Editor 1.18 Multilanguage | Size: 8.7 MB

系統條件: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7



Almeza MULTISET – 無人值守安裝Windows和軟體的領導者!要建立一個WindowsXP的安裝盤會自動安裝在OS Windows使用者名,產品密鑰,時間和區功能變數設定問題?
這是可能的,Almeza MULTISET!讓你可以很容易地做到這一點,它將自動安裝所有您需要的應用程式,無論是你原有的電腦上,或到一個新的。這是一個理想的解決專案,快速重建系統!

建立一個可啟動的自動安裝光碟!您可以使用MULTISET軟體自動安裝軟體到電腦上使用任何介質(CD / DVD /快閃記憶體/硬碟機)建立一個通用的磁碟。
自動安裝在任何地方!現在你可以安裝在任何位置的專案,很多時候,只要你想 – 只是將光碟插入CDROM,DVDROM或快閃記憶體磁碟機,multiset為您將進行完整的安裝程式!你想自動安裝程式,但沒有時間來學習如何編寫所需的腳本?你喜歡簡單方便的解決專案嗎?你想立即看到的結果嗎?這僅僅是你一直在尋找的答案!

Almeza MULTISET功能:
1)Windows自動安裝。這是可能的,任何一台電腦上安裝的Windows作業系統自動建立CD / DVD。可以安裝在任何模式下:修復Windows(安裝操作系統的現用的版本以上)或完全重新安裝操作系統。
2)自動安裝任何軟體。它可以建立一個CD / DVD,會自動在多台電腦上安裝任何軟體套。例如,在安裝Windows後,就可以安裝服務包,驅動程式,本地化,任何軟體(編解碼器,音訊播放器,服務工具…),以及自動配置。

【文章標題】: (自動還原安裝軟體)Almeza MultiSet Professional 8.7.0
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Almeza MultiSet Professional 8.7.0

Almeza MultiSet – Leader in Unattended Installation of Windows and Software! Want to create a WindowsXP installation disk that will automatically install the OS Windows without asking questions about username, product key, time and locale settings? At the same time your favorite applications are automatically installed, the necessary keys are entered into the registry, drivers are updated, new patches (service packs) from Microsoft are installed. It's possible and you can do it easily with Almeza MultiSet! Almeza MultiSet will automatically install all the applications you require, either onto your original computer or onto a new one. It's an ideal solution for rebuilding your systems quickly!

Create a bootable automatic installation CD! You can use MultiSet software to create a universal disk for automatic installing software onto a computer using any media (CD/DVD/Flash/Hard Drive). Automatic Installation Anywhere! Now you can install the programs in any location and as many times as you want – just insert the disk into the CDROM, DVDROM or FlashDrive, and MultiSet will undertake the complete installation procedure for you! Do you want to automate installation of programs but have no time to learn how to write the necessary scripts? Do you prefer simple and convenient solutions? Do you want to see the results immediately? This is just the answer you have been looking for!

Almeza MultiSet features:
1) Automatic Windows installation. It is possible to create a CD/DVD for the automatic installation of the Windows operating system on any computer. The operating system can be installed in any mode: repairing Windows (installing above the current version of the operating system) or reinstalling it completely.
2) Automatic installation of any software. It is possible to create a CD/DVD that will automatically install any sets of software on multiple computers. For example, after Windows is installed, it is possible to install service packs, drivers, localizations, any software (codecs, audio players, service tools…) and configure them automatically as well.
3) Creating a bootable disk for simultaneous unattended Windows and software installation. It is possible to create a disk that will install both Windows and a set of software.
4) Automatically restoring software settings and tuning Windows. It is possible to automatically restore software and Windows settings. It is possible to restore registry keys, run special tools.
5) Remote automatic installation. It is possible to automatically install sets of software via the local area network. The necessary software will be automatically installed on any number of computers connected to the local area network.

(自動還原安裝軟體)Almeza MultiSet Professional 8.7.0 | Home Page www.almeza.com

(自動還原安裝軟體)Almeza MultiSet Professional 8.7.0 / Size: 6.4 Mb


Blumentals Easy GIF Animator是功能強大且非常易於使用的軟體,用於建立和編輯動畫GIF圖像。
方便的GIF動畫支援所有類型的GIF動畫,並提供高壓縮並為您的動畫GIF圖像非常好的品質。這一切,Blumentals Easy GIF Animator是目前GIF動畫編輯器市場上最好的價格。

使用Easy GIF動畫就可以

– 輕鬆建立動畫橫幅,圖片和按鈕[檢視樣本]
– 從頭開始建立動畫GIF圖像
– 編輯和修改動畫GIF圖像
– 加入視覺效果,你的GIF動畫
– 建立搬移的文字效果
– 改善動畫GIF圖像,以便他們採取更少的空間和更快的加載
– 預覽GIF動畫在網頁瀏覽器
– 調整整個動畫的一次
– 管理動畫幀
– 設定動畫迴圈計數和幀持續時間
– 提取獨立的動畫幀
– 反向GIF動畫或它的一部分
– 輕鬆設定透明度
– 加入音效動畫
– 儲存動畫SWF格式的Flash
– 搜尋網路找到你的動畫圖像的使用
– 匯出GIF動畫為AVI格式
– 使用GIF,JPG , PNG和BMP動畫中的圖像
– 生成Web上發佈動畫的HTML代碼

【文章標題】: (GIF動畫編輯器)Blumentals Easy GIF Animator Pro Multilingual
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Blumentals Easy GIF Animator Pro Multilingual

Blumentals Easy GIF Animator is powerful yet very easy to use software for creating and editing animated GIF images. With this animated GIF editor you can easily create animated pictures, banners and buttons in no time. You can use special features to add stunning visual effects and prepare your animation for publishing on your web page. Easy GIF Animator supports all types of GIF animation and provides high compression and great quality for your animated GIF images. To top it all off, Easy GIF Animator is the best priced animated GIF editor on the market today.

With Easy GIF Animator You Can
– Easily create animated banners, pictures and buttons [View samples]
– Create animated GIF images from scratch
– Edit and modify animated GIF images
– Add visual effects to your GIF animation
– Create moving text effects
– Optimize animated GIF images so they take less space and load faster
– Preview GIF animation in web browser
– Resize whole animations at once
– Manage animation frames
– Set animation loop count and frame duration
– Extract separate animation frames
– Reverse GIF animation or a portion of it
– Easily set transparency
– Add sound to your animation
– Save animation in SWF Flash format
– Search the Web to find images for use in your animation
– Export GIF animation to AVI format
– Use GIF, JPG, PNG and BMP images in your animation
– Generate HTML code for publishing animation on the web

(GIF動畫編輯器)Blumentals Easy GIF Animator Pro Multilingual | Home Page – http://www.blumentals.net/egifan/

(GIF動畫編輯器)Blumentals Easy GIF Animator Pro Multilingual: 14.59 MB

OS: Windows All


曝光與64位Photoshop CS5的偉大專案!在CS5曝光3是曝光2快兩倍,在CS4中的Mac上的Windows上快30%左右。另一個速度提升來自我們新的逐步細化預覽系統。這一切都使得曝光效果容易。
曝光3支援批處理不需要Photoshop Lightroom的整合。請訪問我們的Lightroom的頁面詳細瞭解。



我們的新的預覽系統是互動性更強,這使得它更容易試驗和快速探索預設。我們發現快速的方法來加快我們的編譯,特別是如果你使用Photoshop CS5。在64位CS5曝光3的兩倍快,在CS4中對Mac和Windows上快30%左右的曝光2。

Photoshop CS5的64位支援
曝光3的偉大專案,在Macintosh和Windows 64位版本的Photoshop CS5。這使曝光訪問更多的記憶體和速度提升。

曝光3現在可以在Adobe的Lightroom 2或更高版本。我們的Lightroom整合方法提供批處理和不需要安裝Photoshop。請參閱我們的Lightroom的頁面,安裝和使用建議。









寶麗來,內含Polapan Polachrome

【文章標題】: (電影攝影創作工具)Alien Skin Exposure Revision 23645
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Alien Skin Exposure Revision 23645

Exposure brings all the creative tools of film photography to the digital world.
Over 500 analog techniques and organic looks are back like cross processing, Polaroid and vintage Daguerreotype. There is careful research under the hood, but the controls are simple so you can focus on the creative choices. The result is a photo that looks like it was made by a human, not a computer.
Exposure works great with 64-bit Photoshop CS5! Exposure 3 in CS5 is over twice as fast as Exposure 2 in CS4 on the Mac and about 30% faster on Windows. Another speed boost comes from our new progressive refinement preview system. All this makes the huge world of Exposure 3 effects easy to explore. Exposure 3 has tight Lightroom integration that supports batch processing and does not require Photoshop. Visit our Lightroom page to learn the details.

Exposure simplifies your workflow, collecting color, dynamic range, softness, and grain controls in one plug-in. Correct a colorcast, soften a digital portrait, and tweak contrast with one, easy-to-use tool. Or define your signature look and save it as a one-click effect.


Our new preview system is much more interactive, which makes it easier to experiment and quickly explore presets. We also found ways to speed up our rendering, especially if you are using Photoshop CS5. Exposure 3 in 64-bit CS5 is over twice as fast as Exposure 2 in CS4 on the Mac and about 30% faster on Windows.

Photoshop CS5 64-bit Support
Exposure 3 works great with the 64-bit version of Photoshop CS5 on both Macintosh and Windows. This gives Exposure access to more memory and a speed boost.

Lightroom Support
Exposure 3 now works in Adobe Lightroom 2 or later. Our method of tight Lightroom integration provides batch processing and does not require Photoshop to be installed. See our Lightroom page for installation and usage advice.

Over 500 Presets
There are now over 500 carefully designed factory presets in Exposure 3. Entire new categories have been added, such as Cinematography and Lo-Fi. New settings have been added in almost every other category too. Where appropriate, we enhanced existing settings with the new vignette, dust, and scratches features. We have two videos that give a tour through all of our factory presets. You can also visit our examples page to see many of Exposure’s effects.

Aging and Vintage Films
More vintage films have been added, including Technicolor movie film, early versions of Kodachrome, and Autochrome (one of the first color film processes). The illusion of age is enhanced by new features like dust, scratches, and vignettes. Visit our examples page to see these new effects.

Lo-Fi Photography
Toy cameras such as Lomo and Holga are extremely popular for creating odd special effects. Exposure 3 provides a wide range of looks from this Lo-Fi photography, including lens blur, warped vignettes, and funky colors from cross processing. Visit our examples page to see these new effects.

Ease of Use
The entire user interface has been rewritten from scratch. Here are some of the most noticeable results.
The preview image updates much faster.
Settings can now have comments that appear as hover help. We added comments to some of the factory presets to help explain the best way to use them. You can add comments to your own saved settings too.
The mouse scroll wheel lets you quickly zoom to arbitrary levels.
You can duplicate a factory preset by dragging it into the User Settings list.

What’s Already Great

Realistic Grain
Exposure’s grain is carefully researched and realistic, unlike the digital speckles rendered by other software. Like actual grain, it clumps and is strongest in the midtones. Grain size scales with your image size, just like real photographic enlargement.

Non-Destructive Editing
Exposure supports a non-destructive worklflow, making experimentation easy. Effects in Photoshop are rendered on a new layer, leaving your original image untouched. In Photoshop, Exposure can be run as a Smart Filter for easy tweaking of the effect after it is created. Batch processing is supported with actions in Photoshop and through tight integration in Lightroom.

Exposure takes advantage of multiple processors and multiple cores in order to run fast on modern computers. The more cores, the faster Exposure runs.

Huge Range of Effects
The best way to see what Exposure can do is to check out our examples, videos, and try it yourself for free. For a quick overview, here are some of the techniques of film photography that Exposure handles. These are just the tip of the iceberg.
Black & White Films
Agfa APX
Agfa Scala
Fuji Neopan
Ilford Delta
Ilford HP5
Kodak PLUS-X
Kodak Panatomic-X
Kodak T-MAX
Kodak TRI-X
Kodak Technical Pan
Color Print Films
Fuji Pro C, S, and H
Fuji Reala
Kodak Portra NC
Kodak Portra VC
Kodak Ultra Color UC
Color Slide Films
Fuji Astia
Fuji Provia
Fuji Velvia
Ektachrome EES, G, GX, and VX

Other Effects
Kodachrome, every variation from 1936 to the present day
Polaroid, including Polapan and Polachrome
Early photographic processes, including Autochrome, Calotype, and Daguerreotype
Color toning for B&W photos, many variations including split toning
Blur caused by plastic lenses
“Glamour Shots” soft focus
Vignette, wide range of shapes
Dust & Scratches
Cross processing, many variations
Wide range of Lo-Fi presets to simulate cheap plastic cameras
Wide range of fading and aging effects
Bleach Bypass

(電影攝影創作工具)Alien Skin Exposure Revision 23645| Home Page www.alienskin.com

(電影攝影創作工具)Alien Skin Exposure Revision 23645 | Size: 107.70 MB



Chief Architect首席架構師 – 專業的3D建築家居設計軟體。自動化容易的構建家居設計工具,改造,室內設計和廚衛的設計。瞭解為什麼Chief Architect 偏好家居設計軟體產品的2D和3D設計。它是用於住宅和輕型商用設計的各個方面。強大的建設和繪圖工具說明專業設計人員根據標準的建築實踐快速建立計劃。放置在該計劃的每一個元素有常用的預設值,使設計過程有效率和生產力。當您繪製牆時,程式會自動建立一個三維模型,並生成一個材料清單。有強大的自動和手動建築工具生產施工檔案與站台規劃,樓層平面圖,取景設計圖,電氣/暖通計劃,部分細節,和立面圖。它內含設計工具,照片般逼真的效果圖,藝術表現和虛擬,說明客戶可視化的設計。

全自動屋頂:臀部,山牆,棚, saltbox ,踝關節,鷗翼式,半臀,雙重斜坡 – 加老虎窗。與手動車頂工具,建立任何風格,內含彎曲的屋頂。
尺寸為一鍵式自動標註 ,終端到終端,室內,點至點,基準線,角度和間距

使用智慧對像( BIM)的窗,櫥櫃,門,框架具有屬性設計,並在設計智慧行為

家電,燈具,木製品和傢俱的廣泛目錄 – 匯入工具延伸了目錄到其他製造商
塊櫃,燈具,電器及配件打造的建築塊,如廚房島或整個廚房。儲存到庫中以備將來使用 – 省電功能一個偉大的時刻!

藝術編譯 – 水彩,油畫,畫線,技術插圖,雙色調和玻璃屋™
對海拔,概述,橫截面,取景和娃娃屋 3D檢視
材料畫家 – 從任何圖像或網站應用彩色,材料和紋理
彩色選取器 – 製造商選取的彩色,材質或紋理為您的設計 – 或從數位照片

CAD固體 – 生產磚,裝飾線條和形狀。繪製成型型材,定制檯面,車道,以及其他建築物體或CAD的細節。
ALIGN ,分發,複製,反射延伸,使並行和精度和生產率幾個其他CAD工具
轉換CAD對像到建築物體 – 繪製成型配置檔並儲存為一個堆疊樹冠成型為一個房間或櫃子
CAD到牆工具匯入一個AutoCAD R檔案,並提供給層的映射

建立施工檔案與佈局工具 – 傳送任何檢視的佈局 – 規模定義,並連結到繪圖更新為您的設計變更
多個圖層和圖層組 – 遮罩層來建立你需要的檢視
國際商會 – 國際住宅規範清單

植物百科全書 ,大約每一株植物,內含整合的抗寒區地圖的詳細訊息

【文章標題】: (3D建築家居設計軟體)Chief Architect Premier X6 (x86/x64)
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Chief Architect Premier X6 (x86/x64)

Chief Architect — professional 3D architectural home design software. Automated building tools make home design, remodeling, interior design and kitchen & bath design easy. Discover why Chief Architect is the home design software product of choice for 2D and 3D design. Chief Architect Premier is for all aspects of residential and light commercial design. Powerful building and drafting tools help design professionals quickly create plans according to standard building practices. Every element placed in the plan has commonly used defaults to make the design process efficient and productive. As you draw walls, the program automatically creates a 3D model and generates a Materials List. There are powerful Automatic and Manual Building tools to produce Construction Documents with Site Plans, Floor Plans, Framing Plans, Electrical/ HVAC Plans, Section Details, and Elevations. Finally, Chief Architect includes design tools for photo-realistic Renderings, Artistic Renderings and Virtual Tours to help clients visualize your designs.

Summary Features:

Powerful Building & Design Tools
Automatic Roofs: hip, gable, shed, saltbox, gambrel, gullwing, half-hip, mansard – plus Dormers. With the manual roof tools, create any style including curved roofs.
Materials Lists for Cut, Buy and Lineal materials for cost estimating and bidding
Schedules: Windows, Doors, Cabinets, Rooms, Fixtures, Furniture and Plants
Dimensions for One-Click Auto Dimensioning™, End-to-End, Interior, Point-to-Point, Baseline, Angular and Centerline
Advanced Stair & Ramp tools for curved, flared, split and straight
Automatic Framing. Define hand Framed or Truss framed roofs and floors.

Electrical and HVAC tools
Design with Smart Objects (BIM) windows, cabinets, doors, framing that have properties and behave intelligently in the design
Elevation and Cross-Section tools
Power CAD tools for details and custom shapes, include a catalog of over 500 architectural correct details

Kitchen & Bath Design Tools
Create any style of custom cabinet including shaped, framed- and frame-less with the Cabinet Designer™ tools
Use specific manufacturer catalogs for your cabinets
Select from a library of thousands of custom door and drawer styles, cabinet feet, pilasters, hardware, wood species and colors
Extensive Catalog of appliances, fixtures, millwork and furnishings – import tools extended the Catalog to additional manufacturers
Block cabinets, fixtures, appliances & accessories to create architectural blocks such as a kitchen island or an entire kitchen. Save to the Library for future use – a great time saving feature!
Access custom or name brand colors, materials and textures from the Catalog.
Material Painter and Color Chooser tools allow you to import specific materials and customize for limitless design combinations
CAD tools to design custom shapes such as tub platforms and add Section and Wall Elevation details

3D Design and Modeling Tools
Seamless and simultaneous editing in 3D perspective, 2D plan and elevation views
Artistic Rendering – watercolor, painting, line drawing, technical illustration, duotone and Glass House™
Photo-Realistic 3D Ray Trace Rendering
Ray Trace Wizard with predefined settings for indoor and outdoor scenes
3D views for elevations, overviews, cross-sections, framing and Doll House™
Material Painter™ – apply colors, materials and textures from any image or website
Color Chooser™ – Choose manufacturer colors, materials or textures for your design – or from a digital photo
Record 3D views for virtual tours

Powerful CAD Tools
CAD Solids – produce slabs, moldings, and shapes. Draw molding profiles, custom countertops, driveways, and other architectural objects or CAD details.
CAD Drawing tools for lines, polylines, splines, arcs, sun angles and shapes
Align, Distribute, Copy, Replicate, Reflect, Extend, Filet, make Parallel and several other CAD tools for precision and productivity
Convert CAD objects to architectural objects – draw a molding profile and save as a stacked crown molding for a room or cabinet
Draw custom CAD details, access over 500 built-in CAD details, import DXF or DWG CAD files
CAD-to-Walls tool imports an AutoCAD® file and provides a mapping for layers
CAD tools to detail Cross Sections & Elevations

Plan Sets and Construction Drawings
Create construction documents with the Layout tool – send any view to the Layout – define scale and link to the drawing to update as your design changes
Multiple Layers and Layer Sets – mask layers to create the view you need
Annotation Sets (like Layer Sets) to group control Dimensions, Text, Arrows, Markers, Callouts, and Layers to streamline the annotation process
Create Detailed Plan Sets: Site Plans, Floor Plans, Framing Plans, Electrical/ HVAC Plans, Section Details, Structural and Foundation Plans, Room Finish Schedules, Elevations and 3D Perspectives
Use a PDF print driver to print to any size paper
ICC – International Residential Code Checklist
Time Tracker™ to monitor time spent on specific projects

Site Planning, Terrain, Deck & Landscaping Tools
Terrain Modeling, Landscaping Tools and Site Planning Tools for single or multiple lots
Terrain Elevation Lines and individual Terrain Elevation Points
Terrain Feature tools for Hills, Valleys, Flat Areas and more to modify the terrain attributes
Import Terrain or GPS data and quickly produce the 2D and 3D terrain detail
Road, Sidewalk and Curbing tools
Set the north pointer and define seasonal settings for detailed shadow overlay
Automatic and Manual deck framing; customize deck planking and materials
Over 4000 Landscaping Plants
Plant Encyclopedia™, with detailed information about each plant including integrated Hardiness Zone Maps

(3D建築家居設計軟體)Chief Architect Premier X6 (x86/x64) | Homepage: http://www.chiefarchitect.com/

(3D建築家居設計軟體)Chief Architect Premier X6 (x86/x64) / Size: 217.11 MB / 233.65 MB



*真正的1:1 DVD複製不會失去任何質量 – 複製整個DVD 4.7GB光碟或8.5 GB雙層光碟與1:1模式。
*複製DVD-9電影到一張4.7GB的光碟 – 收縮DVD-9電影近乎完美的品質,以適應在一張4.7GB的光碟。你不用存錢​​購買昂貴的雙層光碟。
*複製主電影 – 刪除「選單,拖車,不需要的音訊和字幕。
*複製DVD-9電影兩個4.7GB光碟 – 斯普利特兩個4.7GB光碟的DVD-9電影不會失去任何質量。節省昂貴的雙層光碟,並保持原有的品質。
*複製DVD電影到硬碟 – 從硬碟沒有享受它原來的DVD。您還可以將其燒錄到空白DVD。
*移除所有限制的DVD – 區功能變數內免費。刪除所有副本的UOPS和保護(CSS,索尼ARCCOS PuppetLock等)。不斷更新,以克服任何新的副本保護。
*快速複印速度 – 複製DVD在20-40分鐘內,這取決於你的系統效能。
*非常易於使用 – 簡單的使用者介面,只需點擊一下滑鼠。
*高相容性 – 支援幾乎所有的DVD燒錄機和空白光碟(DVD-R,DVD-RW,DVD + R,DVD + RW,DVD + R DL,DVD-R DL)。燒錄的DVD可以在家用DVD播放機和電腦播放。

‧Windows XP/2000/2003/VISTA/Window的7/8
‧512 MB的RAM
‧8 GB的可用硬碟空間


【文章標題】: (DVD複製工具)Ideal DVD Copy 4.2.0
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Ideal DVD Copy 4.2.0

Come here, Ideal DVD Copy will help you. With Ideal DVD Copy in place, you can easily backup any DVD movies, even if you are a novice user. You may enjoy the copied DVDs on home or computer DVD player every day without the inevitable risk of getting your originals scratched or damaged. Get Ideal DVD Copy now, don't waste your money on buying the repeated DVDs any more.

Key Features of Ideal DVD Copy:
* True 1:1 DVD Copy without losing any quality – Copy entire DVD to 4.7GB disc or 8.5 GB dual layer disc with 1:1 mode. The copied DVD is completely the same as the original DVD you bought.
* Copy DVD-9 movie to a 4.7GB disc – Shrink DVD-9 movie to fit on a 4.7GB disc in near perfect quality. Save your money to purchase expensive dual layer discs.
* Copy main movie only – Remove menus, trailers, unwanted audios and subtitles.
* Copy DVD-9 movie to two 4.7GB discs – Split a DVD-9 movie to two 4.7GB discs without losing any quality. Save your expensive dual layer discs and keep the original quality.
* Copy DVD movie to hard disk – Enjoy it from hard disk without original DVD. You also can burn it to blank DVD later.
* Remove all the restrictions of DVD – Make region free. Remove UOPs and all copy protections (CSS, Sony ARccOS, PuppetLock, etc.). Constantly updated to overcome any new copy protections.
* Fast copying speed – Copy a DVD within 20-40 minutes, depending on your system performance.
* Very easy to use – Simple user interface, just one click.
* High Compatibility – Support almost all DVD Writers and blank discs (DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD+R DL, DVD-R DL). Burned DVD can be played back on home DVD player and computer.

System Requirement:
• Windows XP/2000/2003/VISTA/Window 7/8
• 512 MB of RAM
• 8 GB of Free Hard Disk Space
• A DVD Writer (for burning DVDs)

Version 4.2.0 is released
• Includes all the decryption files so far. Users don't have internet connection also can backup the latest dvds.
• Fix the issue "Failed to calculate title size" in the "Selected episodes" copy mode when copying some new protection DVDs like Oz the • Great and Powerful, Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunter.

(DVD複製工具)Ideal DVD Copy 4.2.0/Homepage – www.idealdvdcopy.com

(DVD複製工具)Ideal DVD Copy 4.2.0: 6.84 MB



PC TuneUp的工具特性



還原點清潔這個過程可以釋放5 GB的硬碟空間和500MB之間。






2013 PC TuneUp工具就可以輕鬆地讓您的電腦安全運行。

【文章標題】: (PC效能改善工具)Madcrosoft PC TuneUp Tools 2013 v8.0.046 build 24.5.13
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Madcrosoft PC TuneUp Tools 2013 v8.0.046 build 24.5.13

PC TuneUp Tools 2013 is an award winning System Cleaner that helps you scan your PC. Safely clean the errors & invalid entries which cause system slowdown, freezing and crashing! Repair Registry problems and improve your PC performance.

PC TuneUp Tools Features

Registry Cleaner
The ultimate Registry Cleaner removes unwanted fragments left by uninstalled and software products within your system's Registry.

Privacy Cleaner
Privacy Cleaner can remove all your browsing history
with the click of one button.

Restore Point Cleaner
Restore Point Cleaner This process its self could free up between 500mb to 5 GB of hard disk space.

Windows Prefetch Cleaner
Just like the TEMP directory on your system, the Prefetch folder can fill up with lots of unused entries and take up needed space.

Hard Drive Cleaner
Hard Drive Cleaner The removal of unwanted files and folders clogging up your Windows OS.

File Encrypter
File Encrypter Safeguard important documents on your PC. Password protects any file with an unbreakable encryption algorithm.

File Shredder
File Shredder program can eliminate personal and private files that you need to be removed from your personal PC

Startup Manager
Make Windows boot faster by managing what loads when you switch on your PC

All of the above features, AND MORE…
With 11 professional easy to use tools included in PC TuneUp Tools 2013 you can safely and easily keep your PC running like the day it was born.

(PC效能改善工具)Madcrosoft PC TuneUp Tools 2013 v8.0.046 build 24.5.13/Homepage: www.madcrosoft.com

(PC效能改善工具)Madcrosoft PC TuneUp Tools 2013 v8.0.046 build 24.5.13/Size: 4.52 MB



Total Commander Ultima Prime總指揮官終極總理,是一種特殊的分佈Christian Ghisler的總指揮官,它有許多有用的第三方附加元件,外掛程式和定制。
最新版本帶來了另一個安裝程式的代碼變更。因為現在它是可以啟動TC UP操作系統。
由於防病毒應用程式所提供的虛假警報,TC UP安裝安全模式,沒有任何可疑檔案。

【文章標題】: (程式操作系統工具)Total Commander Ultima Prime 5.8
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Total Commander Ultima Prime 5.8

Total Commander Ultima Prime is a special distribution of Christian Ghisler's Total Commander with many useful third-party add-ons, plug-ins and customisations. It also contains extended main menu and toolbar, other programs, changed layout and other elements. The newest version brings another installer's code changes. Since now it is possible to start TC UP with operating system. Because of false alerts provided by antivirus applications, TC UP is installed with safe mode, without any suspicious files. To install whole project's content users should choose "full installation" mode. The project has gained WinContig application for deframenting files purpose. Advanced users should be satisfy with excellent log viewer called Tail for Win32. The way of providing additional informations in customized columns has been corrected.

(程式操作系統工具)Total Commander Ultima Prime 5.8 | Homepage: tcup.pl

(程式操作系統工具)Total Commander Ultima Prime 5.8 | Size: 241 MB


Auslogics BoostSpeed​​ – 加快您的電腦和網際網路連線的理想解決專案。
這是一個偉大的模式來加快您的PC ,並保持它的清潔和改善。程式啟動速度更快。加快電腦的啟動時間。
提高上網速度,改善您的Internet Explorer ,Firefox和電子信件程式。升壓速度將清理磁碟和註冊表來加快您的電腦,其峰值效能和調整Windows 。

隨著加快PC BoostSpeed
修改的Windows設定,檔案系統和服務,大大提高了系統的效能。增加啟動及關機速度,禁用惱人的光碟自動運行和錯誤報告功能。 BoostSpeed​​將繼續監控您的系統可能的改善,讓你知道,如果這樣的改善是可能的。您還可以運行系統改善精靈,定期改善您的PC 。




寫得很糟糕的應用程式不斷竊取記憶體中,而不把它歸還。這就是為什麼你的電腦變得不穩定,隨著時間的推移,你必須重新啟動。 BoostSpeed​​自動釋放電腦記憶體來獲得額外的效能提升。您也可以手動恢復記憶體和剪貼簿。

BoostSpeed​​將檢驗大多數流行的「 PC – slowers 」 – 捆綁軟體(如電驢或Kazaa )悄悄地下載到您的電腦的惡意軟體和間諜軟體,佔用了網際網路流量,並拖慢系統。這也將讓您的系統免受間諜軟體程式的窺探。

BoostSpeed​​不同的軟體產品,內含Microsoft Office ,際網路瀏覽器(如Internet Explorer , Mozzila ) ,電子信件用戶端(如Outlook, 「蝙蝠」 ) , ICQ , MSN Messenger時,媒體播放器和其他可以提高效能。





【文章標題】: (系統改善工具)AusLogics BoostSpeed
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
AusLogics BoostSpeed

Auslogics BoostSpeed – the ideal solution to speed up your computer and Internet connection. This powerful Windows optimizer will boost Internet connections, tweak Windows to its peak performance, clean and defrag disks and the registry. It's a great way to speed up your PC and keep it clean and optimized. Start programs faster. Speed up computer start time. Increase Internet speed, optimize your Internet Explorer, Firefox and E-mail programs. Boost Speed will clean up disks and the Registry to speed up your computer and tweak Windows to its peak performance.

Speed Up PC With BoostSpeed
Modify Windows settings, file system and services to greatly increase system performance. Increase startup and shutdown speed, disable annoying CD autorun and error reporting features. BoostSpeed will keep monitoring your system for possible optimizations and let you know if such optimizations are possible. You can also run the System Optimization Wizard to periodically optimize your PC.

Speed Up Internet
Adjust your PC for faster images, music and software downloads, increased browsing speed and reliable Internet connections. View your download speed and graphs. To gain additional performance boost you can also turn on DNS Optimization.

Block Banner Advertisements
Tired of annoying banner advertisements accompanying many web sites? Now you can eliminate advertisements and also speed up your Internet browsing with BoostSpeed Banner Killer! You can add your own web sites to the black list to block them from showing their advertisements.

Keep Disk and Registry Clean
Get rid of junk on the disks and registry of your PC. Remove hazardous and space-wasting files left by untidy programs and crashes of your system. Dramatically increase the performance of your PC by cleaning, optimizing and defragmenting local disks and registry.

Optimize Memory and Appearance
Badly written applications constantly steal memory without giving it back. That's why your PC becomes unstable with time and you have to reboot. BoostSpeed automatically frees up computer memory to gain additional performance boost. You can also manually recover memory and clipboard.

Keep your PC fast and safe
BoostSpeed will detect most of the popular "PC-slowers" – bundle-software (such as eDonkey or Kazaa) which silently download malware and spyware to your computer, taking up internet traffic and slowing down the system. This will also keep your system safe from prying eyes of spyware programs.

Boost Software Products
BoostSpeed can improve performance of different software products, including Microsoft Office, Internet browsers (such as Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozzila), E-mail clients (Outlook, The Bat), MSN Messenger, ICQ, Media Player and others.

System Optimization Tools
Greatly increase your PC startup speed with Autorun Manager, where you can disable or remove the programs which try to load up when Windows starts up. Force-uninstall unwanted software products which take up space on your computer and slow it down.

Networks Tools
Keep your connection alive while you're away, synchronize your computer clock with atomic clock over the Internet, lookup domain names and IP addresses, measure your Internet connection speed. Troubleshoot and improve your Internet connection and local network with an excellent selection of network management tools.

• improved informational notes and hints to give a more detailed description of what the program does
• added result reports for all scanners
• Browser Care module now allows for cleanup of temporary files and other junk for all supported web browsers
• significantly improved program stability

(系統改善工具)AusLogics BoostSpeed| Home Page www.auslogics.com

(系統改善工具)AusLogics BoostSpeed / Size: 16.8 MB


Smart OCR Professional是一個有用的工具,使您能夠以編輯發現你的圖片文字進行光學字元識別。
此OCR軟體提供了99.8 %的準確度和保留原始文件的佈局和格式。使用者可以建立可搜尋的PDF檔案。
Smart OCR專業版識別傳真檔案,低品質的文件和螢幕快照。該應用程式支援掃瞄器和數位相機,並內含一個拼字檢查器一個內建的文字編輯器。
它支援多種輸出格式,內含PDF , DOC , RTF和HTML 。批次轉換支援,使使用者在同一時間能夠轉換多個檔案。智慧的OCR專業版識別流行的圖像格式,如BMP , JPEG,TIFF和GIFF 。在手動模式下,使用者可以在輸入圖像只能識別特定區功能變數。
它提供了整合到MS Office和Windows的選單,為網路使用者,加入自訂詞典監視的資料夾。

‧超過99.8 %的精度 – 它為您節省了大量的時間後修復您的文件
‧保留文件佈局和格式 – 我們先進的OCR技術,佈局和格式設定相同的掃瞄源檔案,內含文字和段落格式,圖像,符號清單,標題和列建立可編輯的數字文件。
‧廣泛的PDF支援 – 您可以將兩個掃瞄的PDF檔案轉換成可編輯的文件,並建立可搜尋的PDF檔案。
‧ MS Office的支援 – OCR紙質文件直接到MS Word的DOC檔案。
‧掃瞄器直接連線 – 在只需點擊幾下,你可以掃瞄紙質文件,並將其儲存在格式,如DOC或RTF格式為可編輯的檔案。您也可以儲存為可搜尋的PDF 。
‧ HTML作為輸出格式 – 發佈您掃瞄的檔案在網路上的搜尋和索引的格式。
‧數位相機的支援 – 直接匯入圖像從相機。
‧手動控制 – 只處理特定領功能變數中的輸入圖像。
‧內建的文字編輯器,拼字檢查 – 儲存為可編輯的格式之前進行最後變更您的檔案。
‧自訂解決專案 – 我們提供滿足您的特定需求定制的OCR解決專案。

它將改變您和您的組織處理文書工作。現在,你可以把你所有的紙質文件轉換為可編輯和可搜尋的電子文件,並儲存在您所選取的格式。無論您需要的PDF或Word DOC ,簡單的文字, RTF或HTML ,它會為你處理好。

OCR紙質文件轉換為可編輯的DOC或可搜尋PDF 。

【文章標題】: (光學字元識別工具)Smart OCR Professional v3.9.4.512
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Smart OCR Professional v3.9.4.512

Smart OCR Pro is a useful utility that enables you to perform optical character recognition in order to edit the text you find on your pictures. It allows users to perform optical character recognition on scanned paper documents to turn them into editable and searchable digital files. This OCR software offers 99.8 percent accuracy and preserves the layout and formatting of the original document. Users can create searchable PDF files. Smart OCR Pro recognizes fax documents, low-quality documents and screen shots. The application supports scanners and digital cameras and includes a built-in text editor with a spell-checker. Smart OCR Pro supports multiple output formats, including PDF, DOC, RTF and HTML. Batch conversion is supported, enabling users to convert multiple files at the same time. Smart OCR Pro recognizes popular image formats, such as BMP, JPEG, TIFF, and GIFF. In Manual Mode, users can recognize only specified areas in the input image. Smart OCR offers integration into MS Office and Windows menus, watched folder for network users and ability to add custom dictionaries.

Key Features:
• More than 99.8% accuracy – Smart OCR saves you a lot of time fixing your document later
• Retains document layout and formatting – Our advanced OCR technology creates editable digital documents with layout and formatting identical to the scanned source documents, including text and paragraph formatting, images, bullet lists, headers and columns.
• Extensive PDF support – You can convert both scanned PDFs into editable documents and create searchable PDF files.
• MS Office support – OCR your paper documents directly to MS Word DOC files.
• Scanner Direct Connection – In just a few clicks, you can scan your paper documents and save them as editable files in formats like DOC or RTF. You can also save as searchable PDF.
• HTML as output format – Publish your scanned documents on the Web in searchable and indexable formats.
• Digital camera support – Import images directly from your camera.
• Manual control – Process only specified areas in an input image.
• Built-in text editor with spell-checker – Make final changes to your documents before saving to editable format.
• Custom solutions – We offer custom-built OCR solutions that meet your specific requirements.

Smart OCR will change the way you and your organization handle paper work. Now you can turn all your paper documents into editable and searchable electronic documents and save them in the format of your choice. Whether you need PDF or Word DOC, simple text, RTF or HTML, Smart OCR will do it for you.

OCR paper documents to editable DOC or searchable PDF.
• Archive your paper-work and de-clutter your workspace
• Post documents on the Internet or your local corporate network
• Send your documents via email in any of the popular document formats
• Convert your favorite hard-copy books to Amazon Kindle

(光學字元識別工具)Smart OCR Professional v3.9.4.512/Homepage: www.smartocr.com

(光學字元識別工具)Smart OCR Professional v3.9.4.512/Size: 53.99 MB


FileLocator PRO提供了最經濟實惠的模式,詳盡地搜尋您的電腦,您的所有重要資料。
發現為何今天許多Windows XP使用者切換到FileLocator Pro!

‧ Word,Excel和PDF搜尋
‧開啟Office , Word完美的IFilter支援通過搜尋[*]
‧ LAN / WAN網路磁碟機​​,搜尋( UNC的支援)
‧搜尋結果匯出文字, HTML,XML , CSV或自訂格式使用XSLT
‧ ZIP , RAR , CAB , 7 -ZIP , ARJ , BZIP , CHM , CPIO ,DEB , GZIP , ISO , LZH ,NSIS , TAR存檔搜尋
‧啟動第三方編輯器在發現線路(內含VS.NET )

7.0 ( 2017年) Bug修復版本( 2013年10月11日)
– 音訊檔案搜尋( MP3 , WMA , WAV , OGG等) 。
– 圖片搜尋( JPG ,PNG,TIF , BMP ) 。
– 搜尋時間框架。
– 錯誤修復:歸檔在歸檔項目提取失敗。
– 錯誤修復:載入的最愛不清除以前的結果。
– 修正:對大檔案的高速快取掛起問題。

【文章標題】:(搜尋工具)FileLocator Pro 7.0 Build 2017
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
FileLocator Pro 7.0 Build 2017

FileLocator Pro™ offers the most affordable way to exhaustively search your computer for all your important data. FileLocator Pro offers unique advanced features for digging out information in even the most obscure file formats. Find out why many Windows XP users are switching to FileLocator Pro today!

Main Features:
• Search using Boolean or Regular Expressions
• Dual/Quad core processor support
• Word, Excel and PDF searching
• Open Office, Word Perfect searching through IFilter support [*]
• LAN/WAN network drives searching (UNC support)
• Export search results in Text, CSV, HTML, XML, or a customized format using XSLT
• ZIP, RAR, CAB, 7-Zip, ARJ, Bzip, CHM, CPIO, DEB, GZIP, ISO, LZH, NSIS, TAR archive searching
• Active Scripting support for the ultimate in search customization
• Shows surrounding lines of text
• Customizable search environment
• Built-in file viewer
• Launch 3rd party editor at found line (inc. VS.NET)
• Drag and drop support
• Print preview
• Search navigation to quickly browse previous search results
• Integrates into Windows Shell

7.0 (2017) Bug fix release (11 Oct 2013)
– Audio file searching (MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG and more).
– Image searching (JPG, PNG, TIF, and BMP).
– Search time added back to frame.
– Bug fix: Archive within archive item extraction failure.
– Bug fix: Loading favourites not clearing previous results.
– Bug fix: Cache hang issue on large files.

(搜尋工具)FileLocator Pro 7.0 Build 2017 | Home Page www.mythicsoft.com

(搜尋工具)FileLocator Pro 7.0 Build 2017  / Size: 27.19 MB





QuarkXPress,您可以將您的想法變成現實。它可以讓你精確地控制文字,圖像,形狀,彩色和透明度,這是一個廣泛的檔案格式相容。沒有設計過於簡單或過於複雜 – 沒有頁面配置軟體,讓你更好地控制設計。



QuarkXPress一個工具開啟了一個全新的世界的數字化設計和發佈,有一個熟悉的介面 – 價格合理 – 無需編碼或寫程式。

·您只需要學習一種技能以設計為多種媒體 – 讓你更高效,更快速


與應用程式Studio QuarkXPress建立自己的自訂iPad應用程式和出版物,然後在蘋果App Store出售

站出來,在這個新的和不斷增長的市場所設計的電子閱讀器BLIO互動內容 – 最方便,多功能的電子閱讀器市場
直接在QuarkXPress -Web和Flash設計無需編碼



【文章標題】: (編輯和排版彩色和圖片應用程式)QuarkXPress 2015 11.0
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
QuarkXPress 2015 11.0

QuarkXPress is a powerful layout application that has an intuitive, versatile interface which helps you combine writing, editing and typography with color and pictures to produce dynamic final output.

QuarkXPress is widely used by magazines, newspapers, advertising agencies, typesetters, printers, corporate publishers, design firms, catalog houses, book publishers and form designers. It is also used by businesses with publishing

Print Design & Publishing:
Over the past 25 years, millions of designers have used QuarkXPress® to produce advertising, brochures, magazines, books, catalogues, newspapers, and more. Why? Because QuarkXPress offers the ultimate in creativity, design control, and professional print output.

Spectacular Print Design:
QuarkXPress lets you turn your ideas into reality. It gives you precise control over text, images, shapes, colour, and opacity, and it’s compatible with a broad range of file formats. No design is too simple or too complex — and no page layout software gives you more control over design.

Professional Print Output:
Great design, of course, is only half of the equation. The other half is output; the final printed piece has to match what’s on the screen. To make sure that happens, QuarkXPress provides soft proofing features, comprehensive colour management, and support for international colour standards.
QuarkXPress also includes a built-in preflighting feature that can identify potential output issues early in the design process. When your layout is ready to go, easy-to-use presets for print-ready PDFs make sure output will go without a hitch.

Digital Design & Publishing:
Use a Single Tool to Create and Publish Richly Designed, Interactive Content for the Web, eBooks, Smartphones, the iPad, and More

Entering the Digital Marketplace:
QuarkXPress opens a whole new world of digital design and publishing to you in one tool, with one familiar interface — at one reasonable price — without requiring coding or programming.
Why spend the time and money to buy and learn a whole suite of applications, when you can create beautiful, functional digital designs and publications with a single tool? Only QuarkXPress delivers a complete set of intelligent cross-media design and export features in a single application.

With QuarkXPress:
· Print designers are right at home with digital publishing, interactive content, and Web content
· You can easily convert content from print to digital format
· You can synchronise content between print layouts, digital projects, and designs for different tablet orientations
· You can share colour definitions, style sheets, and other resources between different types of layouts
· You only have to learn one skill set to design for multiple media — so you’re more productive, faster
· Adding digital design and publishing skills to your portfolio can open a world of new opportunities, both for you and for your clients

Create iPad Apps:
Combine Rich Design with Interactivity for the Ultimate Mobile Experience
Create your own custom iPad apps and publications with App Studio for QuarkXPress, then sell them in the Apple App Store

Design for Blio eReader:
Bring Rich, Interactive Design to the eBook Marketplace
Stand out in this new and growing market by designing interactive content for the Blio eReader — the most accessible and versatile eReader on the market
Export to Flash and HTML
Web and Flash Design Without Coding — Directly in QuarkXPress
Build rich, fully interactive Web pages and Flash® projects, complete with animation, video, and more

Here are some key features of "QuarkXPress":
· Easy to use
· Integration with other applications, including common graphics, video, and other programmes
· Powerful design tools
· Precision typography
· Reliable print output
· Web, iPad, SWF (Flash), and interactive design
· Design and publish e-books
· Digital Design & Publishing
· Web Sites
· e-books
· Banner Ads
· Digital Magazines
· Digital Signage
· Digital Newspapers
· Interactive Presentations
· e-catalogues
· Print Design & Publishing
· Brochures
· Magazines
· Advertising
· Newspapers
· Posters
· Catalogues and Circulars
· Direct Marketing
· Packaging
· Books and User Guides
· Postcards
· Financial Reports
· Collateral
· Directories and Yearbooks

(編輯和排版彩色和圖片應用程式)QuarkXPress 2015 11.0  | Homepage: quark.com

(編輯和排版彩色和圖片應用程式)QuarkXPress 2015 11.0  | Size: 273.90 MB


它會掃瞄電腦將迅速(小於5分鐘),不拖慢電腦(除幾分鐘掃瞄)。 HitmanPro不需要進行安裝。
它可以從USB快閃記憶體磁碟機直接運行,CD / DVD,本地或網路連線的硬碟機。

SurfRight的惡意軟體檔案確定的惡意軟體的共同特點(行為)進行了廣泛的研究。 HitmanPro用戶端使用本研究報告在其行為掃瞄,當它掃瞄電腦病毒活動或可疑的檔案,惡意軟體的特徵。





【文章標題】: (惡意軟體掃瞄器)Hitman Pro 3.7.5 Build 199 (x86/x64)
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Hitman Pro 3.7.5 Build 199 (x86/x64)

Hitman Pro is a Second Opinion Malware Scanner that help you find and remove new unknown threats, to locate, identify and remove malware. HitmanPro is designed to work alongside existing security programs without any conflicts. It scans the computer quickly (less than 5 minutes) and does not slow down the computer (except for the few minutes it is scanning). HitmanPro does not need to be installed. It can be run straight from a USB flash drive, a CD/DVD, local or network attached hard drive. HitmanPro uses innovative cloud computing techniques to detect and remove potential malware threats with minimal impact on system performance. HitmanPro offers you a Free Scan for a second opinion. Unknown and suspicious files are automatically identified by online identification servers. This means no software on your system. If nothing is found (and we sincerely hope so), then you will never need a license. When a virus is found, then you will receive a free 30-day license to remove the threat.

SurfRight has done an extensive research of malware files to determine the common characteristics (behaviour) of malware. The HitmanPro client uses this research in its Behavioural Scan, when it scans the computer for virus activities or suspicous files that have the characteristics of malware.

For the files that are classified as suspicious, the Hitman Pro client sends a request to the Scan Cloud for confirmation if these files are indeed malicious. The Scan Cloud is a cluster of multiple computers, residing on the Internet. The Scan Cloud will respond to this request with the answer: * Safe * Malicious * Unknown

When the file is unknown, the Hitman Pro client uploads the file to the Scan Cloud where the file is scanned using the anti virus programs of 5 different vendors. Each of these anti virus programs analyzes the file and responds with “safe” or “malicious”.

When the file is classified as malicious by the Scan Cloud, the Hitman Pro client is placing the infection into quarantine. Various techniques ensure that all infections are completely removed without false positives.

To remove malicious software the developers have also built a special removal engine that is capable of removing the toughest threats. A native NT application is capable of removing resilient threats before Windows starts. And of course, including corresponding references like registry keys and shortcuts. All without the need of updates and signatures.

(惡意軟體掃瞄器)Hitman Pro 3.7.5 Build 199 (x86/x64)| Home Page www.surfright.nl

(惡意軟體掃瞄器)Hitman Pro 3.7.5 Build 199 (x86/x64) | Size: 5.50 MB / 5.68 MB



 Protected Folder受保護的資料夾它的目的是密碼保護你的資料夾和檔案不被看到,讀取或修改在Windows 7,Vista,XP和Server 2008,2003年它的工作原理就像一個保險箱,只需拖放你想要的資料夾或檔案隱藏或保護到受保護的資料夾,那麼沒有人可以看到,讀取或修改它們。無論你是關心隱私,資料竊取,資料丟失或資料洩露, Protected Folder是您的理想工具。



【文章標題】:(密碼保護資料)IObit Protected Folder 1.2
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
IObit Protected Folder 1.2

Protected Folder is designed to password-protect your folders and files from being seen, read or modified in Windows 7, Vista, XP and Server 2008, 2003. It works like a safety box, just drag and drop the folders or files you want to hide or protect into Protected Folder, then no one can see, read or modify them. Whether you are concerned with privacy, data theft, data loss, or data leaks, Protected Folder is an ideal tool for you.

Key Benefits :
Extremely Easy to Use
Just drag and drop the file to Protected Folder with folder password to protect it. Its intuitive interface makes it the ideal utility for complete computer novice.
Hide from View
Hide folders, files, pictures & videos from those who want to investigate and search for certain files on your computer. No one can see them except you.
Block Access
Easily block access to files, folders, and programs you choose. You can password protect folder and its files then others can see it but cannot access, read or view its content.
Write Protection
Protect your files from being modified by others. No one can change the content of your files without your permission. Lock your file and folder to be unchangeable.
Privacy Protection
Keep your private data, files, pictures or videos into Protected Folder, the only way to access these files is with your folder password.
No more Data theft, Data loss, or Data leaks
Lock your important files or folders from being accidentally deleted, replaced, or stolen by others.
Safe and Secure
Protected Folder is safe and secure, without any virus, adware, and spyware.

(密碼保護資料)IObit Protected Folder 1.2 | Home Page: iobit.com

(密碼保護資料)IObit Protected Folder 1.2 | Size: 3.1 MB



此版本不僅清除一些JETAUDIO局限性,也增加了新的功能。 JETAUDIO改善ID3 TAG,皮膚,MPC MOV和M3U播放,僅舉幾例,jetCast為使用者提供了新的選取佇列和連接埠轉信。

JETAUDIO是一個Windows應用程式,可以播放多種視訊音訊格式。有幾種不同的版本可用的程式。基本JETAUDIO是一個免費的標準版本的播放器禁用某些功能。使用JetAudio VX內含與COWON的便攜式多媒體和數字音訊播放器。 VX版本的程式容許使用者將視訊轉換到便攜式媒體播放器將無法播放的格式。 JETAUDIO加VX自帶的功能,如MP3和MP3PRO編碼,一個名為BBE音效處理器,一些額外的音訊檔案處理應用,視訊轉換功能和更多的記錄選項。



【文章標題】: (多媒體軟體)Cowon JetAudio Plus VX
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Cowon JetAudio Plus VX

Jetaudio is an integrated multimedia software. Not only does it play various music files but also has other major features such as music CD burning, recording of music files, conversion to other file mode, etc. In addition to these specialized features, you can create your own exclusive broadcasting system by connecting JetAudio to JetCast, which is provided to you along with JetAudio. This version not only cleared some limitations of jetAudio but also added new features. jetAudio has improved ID3 TAG, skin, MPC MOV and m3u playback to name a few and jetCast provides users with new options for Queue-up and Port-forwarding.

jetAudio is a Windows application that can play a multitude of video an audio formats. There are several different versions of the program available. jetAudio basic is a free standard version of the player with some features disabled. jetAudio vX is included with some of Cowon's portable multimedia and digital audio players. The vX version of the program allows users to convert videos into a format that the portable media player will be able to play back. jetAudio plus vX comes with features such as mp3 and mp3pro encoding, a sound effects processor called BBE, some extra audio file manipulation applications, video conversion capabilities and more recording options.

» Supports All Major File Formats
» Audio CD burning
» Recording
» Visualization
» Various sound effects
» Speed Control
» Resume
» Synchronized Lyric (Karaoke)
» Alarm & Timer
» Equalizer
» Conversion
» Audio CD Ripping
» Internet Broadcasting
» Tag Editing
» Multi-channel sound ouput
» Crossfade
» Skin
» Subtitles
» Convenient album management & Playlist

(多媒體軟體)Cowon JetAudio Plus VX / Homepage: www.jetaudio.com

(多媒體軟體)Cowon JetAudio Plus VX/ Size: 37.39 Mb


TeamViewer Manager是一個可選的資料庫工具,在存儲,也可以通過網路與其他支援者共享的資料庫和您的合作夥伴的詳細訊息。
內含您的連線複雜的記錄和報告功能。TeamViewer Manager僅計入保費牌照或更高。沒有執照,此下載只限於一共有五個合作夥伴,可用於試驗purposes.Remote控制,無需安裝:
·隨著TeamViewer ,您可以遠端控制任何一台電腦在網際網路上的任何地方。無需安裝,只需運行該應用程式的兩側,並連線 – 甚至通過嚴密的防火牆。

·隨著的TeamViewer ,您可以遠端控制任何一台電腦在際網路上的任何地方。無需安裝,只需運行該應用程式的兩側,並連線 – 甚至通過嚴密的防火牆。

·第二的TeamViewer模式容許您出示您的桌面上的合作夥伴。在幾秒鐘內顯示您的演示,產品演示和在網際網路上 – 在你的螢幕上。

·TeamViewer帶有整合的檔案傳輸,讓您從和遠端夥伴複製檔案和資料夾 – 這也適用在防火牆後面


· TeamViewer是一個非常安全的解決專案。商業TeamViewer版本的功能完全安全的資料通道,密鑰交換和RC4會話編碼,使用HTTPS / SSL相同的安全標準。



【文章標題】: (資料庫工具)TeamViewer 9.0.24951 Premium / Enterprise
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
TeamViewer 9.0.24951 Premium / Enterprise

TeamViewer Manager is an optional database tool that stores your partner details in a database that can also be shared over the network with other supporters. Also includes sophisticated logging and reporting functionality for your connections. TeamViewer Manager is only included in the Premium licenses or higher. Without a license, this download is restricted to a total of five partners and may be used for trial purposes.Remote Control without Installation:
· With TeamViewer you can remotely control any PC anywhere on the Internet. No installation is required, just run the application on both sides and connect – even through tight firewalls.

Remote Control without Installation:
· With TeamViewer you can remotely control any PC anywhere on the Internet. No installation is required, just run the application on both sides and connect – even through tight firewalls.

Remote Presentation of Products, Solutions and Services:
· The second TeamViewer mode allows you to present your desktop to a partner. Show your demos, products and presentations over the Internet within seconds – live from your screen.

File Transfer:
· TeamViewer comes with integrated file transfer that allows you to copy files and folders from and to a remote partner – which also works behind firewalls

Works behind Firewalls:
· The major difficulties in using remote control software are firewalls and blocked ports, as well as NAT routing for local IP addresses.
· If you use TeamViewer you don't have to worry about firewalls: TeamViewer will find a route to your partner.

Highest Security Standard:
· TeamViewer is a very secure solution. The commercial TeamViewer versions feature completely secure data channels with key exchange and RC4 session encoding, the same security standard used by https/SSL.

No Installation Required:
· To install TeamViewer no admin rights are required. Just run the software and off you go…

High Performance:
· Optimized for connections over LANs AND the Internet, TeamViewer features automatic bandwidth-based quality selection for optimized use on any connection.

(資料庫工具)TeamViewer 9.0.24951 Premium / Enterprise | Home Page: teamviewer.com

(資料庫工具)TeamViewer 9.0.24951 Premium / Enterprise | Size: 7.14 MB









你可以在文字easily.User友好介面的字型設定(大小,彩色和樣式) ,使用很方便。

語音下載適用於Windows XP :
如果你想獲得更多的邁克和瑪麗的音效對於Windows XP ,可下載邁克和瑪麗音效。



【文章標題】: (語音播放器)Xrlly Software Text to Speech Maker 2.5.0
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Xrlly Software Text to Speech Maker 2.5.0

Text to Speech Maker is an award-winning text-to-speech player that lets you listen to documents, e-mails or web pages instead of reading on screen.It also allows you to convert text to WAV,MP3 or VOX files for listening later with your portable MP3 player.


Powerful functions:
Text to Speech Maker is a text-to-speech player that lets you listen to documents, e-mails or web pages instead of reading on screen.It also allows you to convert text to WAV,MP3 or VOX files for listening later with your portable MP3 player

More Voice Support:
Support dozens of male, female and robotic voices for Britain English, German and French.You can download more voices at http://www.microsoft.com/reader/developers/downloads/tts.asp .

Fast Converting Speed:
Reading and Converting is performed directly without any temporary files, and thus enables high converting speed and economy of hard disk space.

Support Optional MP3 Quality:
The "Output Sample Frequencies" and "Output Bitrates" options allow you to make a choice between the quality and the size.

Copy and Paste:
support copy/cut to clipboard and paste from clipboard, that make it easy for you to read any text souce,such as emails,web pages,documents,and so on.

Support Font Settings:
You can setup font(size,color and style) of the text easily.User-friendly interface,very easy to use.

Voice Download for Windows XP:
If you want to get additional Mike and Mary voices for Windows XP, download Mike and Mary voices following

(語音播放器)Xrlly Software Text to Speech Maker 2.5.0 | Home Page: www.xrlly.com

(語音播放器)Xrlly Software Text to Speech Maker 2.5.0 | Size: 8 MB


Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10是最終的虛擬服務技術人員清理,改善和保護您的PC 。使用Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10 ,讓您的電腦更快,反應更靈敏,清潔和簡化您的系統,修復和修復常見的Windows錯誤,提高系統的穩定性,實現和保持最佳效能。還可以保護您的隱私,維護或刪除敏感資料。電腦維修是必不可少的,但費時。像任何其他機器,電腦需要維修,定期,以確保平穩運行。依靠內建的裝置,是需要複雜的知識,以及不斷地努力,不斷加快速度與技術發展是個艱鉅任務。不要浪費時間了!讓Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10解決系統的複雜性,而你就可以專注於自己的工作了!

Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10模組:
‧復原點管理器: Windows自帶的內建功能,備份敏感的系統檔案,例如在程式的安裝。使用此模組檢討,恢復或刪除這些備份。




‧ Internet清潔:刪除你的上網痕跡和刪除Internet暫存檔,清除瀏覽器快取,並清除您的瀏覽歷史記錄。
‧碎片整理3 :重組您的磁碟機和加速讀/寫操作。支援積極主動的碎片整理,以防止未來的磁碟機碎片。
‧註冊表碎片整理:調整你的Windows註冊表,以提高訪問時間和加快您的Windows 。


‧檔案加密和Decrypter的:加密和密碼保護敏感檔案。要解密,使用Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10或建立獨立的可執行檔案。
‧檔案分割和喬伊納:分割大檔案,便於分發和使用的Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10歸隊他們。
‧ Undeleter :恢復意外刪除的檔案和資料夾輕鬆。

自訂Windows :


新功能的Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10 :



* Internet清潔:更快的執行速度

增強的Windows 8技術支援:
*Windows 8量身打造的調整


【文章標題】: (系統改善和保護)Ashampoo WinOptimizer 11.00.00
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 11.00.00 Beta

Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10 is the ultimate virtual service technician to clean, optimize and protect your PC. Use Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10 to make your PC faster and more responsive, clean and declutter your system, fix and repair common Windows errors and improve system stability, achieve and maintain peak performance. Also you can protect your privacy and safeguard or remove sensitive data. Computer maintenance is essential but time-consuming. Like any other machine, computers require maintenance at regular intervals to ensure smooth operation. Relying on built-in facilities alone, though possible, is a daunting task that requires intricate knowledge as well as constant efforts to keep up to speed with technical developments. Don’t let background tasks take time away from you! Let Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10 handle system complexity while you focus on what computers were made for – to get your work done!
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10 Modules:

• Backup management: Restore individual backups, to reverse recent changes, or delete them.
• Restore Point Manager: Windows comes with a built-in feature that backups sensitive system files, e.g. during program installations. Use this module to review, restore or delete these backups.
• Task Scheduler: Automatically carry out background tasks at specified intervals.
• Settings: Customize general as well as module-specific settings.
• Statistics: Review application performance metrics.

Analyze system:
• System information: Get detailed information on your machine’s hard- and software specifications.
• Disk Space Explorer: Scan your hard disks and analyze disk space distribution to identify and combat resource hogs globally or individually by file types.
• System Benchmark: Measure your machine’s performance and compare it against other computers online.
• Disk Doctor: Find and detect defective files on your hard disks and attempt to recover them either globally or by individual file selection.
• HDD Inspector: Analyze your hard disk’s S.M.A.R.T. data based on the same powerful algorithm used in Ashampoo HDD Control 2 and determine the health status and long-term reliability of your drives.
• Font Manager: Preview and remove installed system fonts.

Improve performance:
• Service Manager: Review and adjust Windows service startup settings based on recommendations and submit your own ratings.
• StartUp Tuner: Improve the startup time of your PC and disable unnecessary Autostart entries.
• Internet Tuner: Auto-tune your network settings for best internet performance.
• Process Manager: Manage running processes and kill non-responsive tasks. Apply filters to hide system-critical processes.
• Uninstall Manager: Review a list of all installed applications and remove both programs and corrupted entries individually.

Maintain system:
• One-Click Optimizer: Sequentially run Internet Cleaner, Drive Cleaner and Registry Optimizer to remove clutter in one swipe without user interaction.
• Drive Cleaner: Delete temporary files and clear your Windows History to reclaim hard disk space.
• Registry Optimizer: Optimize, clean and repair your Windows Registry database.
• Internet Cleaner: Remove your Internet traces and delete temporary Internet files, clear your browser cache and erase your browsing history.
• Defrag 3: Defrag your drives and speed up read/write operations. Supports Pro-Active Defrag to prevent future drive fragmentation.
• Registry Defrag: Restructure your Windows registry to improve access times and speed up your Windows.

File tools:
• File Wiper: Protect your privacy and permanently erase files and folders to render them unrecoverable for file restoration tools. It is also possible, to overwrite empty hard disk space to prevent restoration of already deleted files.
• File Encrypter & Decrypter: Encrypt and password-protect sensitive files. To decrypt, use Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10 or create standalone executables.
• File Splitter & Joiner: Split up large files for easy distribution and rejoin them using Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10.
• Undeleter: Recover accidentally deleted files and folders with ease.
• Link Checker: Detect and remove invalid application shortcuts.
• Duplicate Finder: Locate and remove redundant files to reclaim disk space. Use the available settings to specify search locations, define search criteria or add exceptions.

Customize Windows:
• Tweaking: Access and customize hidden system settings to fine-tune Windows to your needs or rely on pre-defined system profiles.
• Anti-Spy: Protect your privacy and restrict in- and outbound network traffic as caused by Windows error reports and application remote access features.
• File Associator: Customize Windows file associations and individually assign applications to file types.
• Context Menu Manager: Enable/disable Windows context menu entries for files and folders.
• Icon Saver: Save and restore the exact positions of your desktop icons, e.g. in the event of unwanted changes due to graphics driver installations etc.

New Features in Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10:
New Modules:
* Duplicate Finder: Locate and remove redundant files to reclaim disk space
* Link Checker: Detect and remove invalid application shortcuts
* Font Manager: Review and delete installed system fonts
* Restore Point Manager: Create, apply and delete Windows system restore points

User Interface Enhancements:
* Redesigned overview and statistics pages for maximum ease of use and clarity
* User-definable favorites

Module Enhancements:
* File Wiper: Wipe free disk space to prevent data recovery
* Drive Cleaner: Faster execution and improved detection rate
* Registry Optimizer: Improved detection rate for better results
* Internet Cleaner: Faster execution

Enhanced Windows 8 Support:
* Revised task scheduler
* Updated for maximum compatibility
* Windows 8 tailored tweaks

(系統改善和保護)Ashampoo WinOptimizer 11.00.00 | Home Page www.ashampoo.com

(系統改善和保護)Ashampoo WinOptimizer 11.00.00 / Size: 22.2 MB



這個計劃是可以收回的各類檔案,不是夢,現在自己動手做資料恢復。 Windows使用者不會要丟失檔案或已錯誤刪除的重要檔案,不然他們會傷心的。
一個偉大的工具,iOrgsoft可以恢復各種因任何原因的檔案資料恢復的意外刪除,和格式化和其他Windows上的操作不當。此外,它可以從外部磁碟機,如USB快閃記憶體磁碟機, SD卡,手機,平板電腦,數位相機等恢復刪除的檔案

– 恢復刪除的檔案Windows xp/vista/7/8。
– 取消刪除的各類檔案,方便和安全。
– 復原清理垃圾桶恢復刪除的檔案從廢紙簍。
– 可以恢復的Word, EXCEL , PPT , PDF , JPG , PNG ,視訊和音訊檔案。
– 支援恢復檔案從USB磁碟機,SD卡等外部存儲裝置,如


iPhone從iTunes備份恢復 – 恢復檔案為iOS裝置
‧繼續恢復 – 繼續掃瞄的基礎上最後一個未完成的掃瞄

此資料恢復應用程式可以恢復不同的檔案類型,內含照片,視訊,音樂,文件,電子信件,歸檔檔案,和許多更多。除了在Windows中恢復被刪除的檔案,它也可以從外部存儲裝置,如SD卡, USB磁碟機,數位相機, iPhone , iPad的,和其他裝置的資料恢復。
以及在Windows 8,Windows 7 , XP , VISTA 。

一些可以預覽掃瞄的檔案,如Word ,Excel和PPT , HTML , JPG,PNG等,這將說明使用者確認檔案是否正是他們正在尋找。預覽檔案,看他們是否是正確的檔案,檢視照片,以檢查他們是否都完好無損。


【文章標題】: (資料恢復工具)iOrgsoft Data Recovery 1.0.2
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
iOrgsoft Data Recovery 1.0.2

iOrgsoft Data Recovery is a powerful program for users to recover files that are lost or deleted accidentally, formatting, and other operations. Various types of files are recoverable with this program. DIY data recovery is not a dream now. Windows users do not need to be sad at the lost files or the mistakes they have made to delete the important files. iOrgsoft Data Recovery, a great tool that can recover kinds of files due to whatever reasons like accidental deletion, formatting,and other improper operations on Windows. Besides, it can recover deleted files from external drives like USB flash drives, SD card, phones, tablets, digital cameras, etc.

Recover Deleted Files on Windows
– Recover deleted files on Windows xp/vista/7/8.
– Undeleted kinds of files easily and safely.
– Undo emptied trash to recover deleted files from the Trash.
– Can recover Word, Excel, PPT, PDF, JPG, PNG, videos and audio files.
– Support to recover files from external storage devices like USB drive, SD card, etc.

Data Recovery for Everyone
Recovering data has been a mystery job for a long time, once users lost data, they have to ask some experts to do the recovery. Now, this times has gone! Due to iOrgsoft Data Recovery software, anyone can recover the lost data themselves easily. Scanning, previewing, recovering data can be done within only a few simple steps. Four recovery mode can meet most of your data recovering needs.

• Lost data recovery: Scan the lost files quickly to search the lost files
• Raw Data Recovery: Scan your drive completely
• iPhone Recovery from iTunes backup – Recover files for iOS devices
• Resume Recovery – Continue to scan based on the last unfinished scanning

Recover everything you need
This data recovery application can recover various file types including photos, video, music, documents, email, archive files, and many more. In addition to recovering deleted files on Windows, it can also recover data from external storage devices such as SD cards, USB drive, digital cameras, iPhone, iPad, and other devices. Works well on Windows 8, Windows 7, XP, vista.

Preview files
Some of the files scanned can be previewed like Word, Excel, PPT, HTML, JPG, PNG, etc. This will help users confirm whether the files are exactly what they are looking for. Preview documents to see whether they are the right files; View photos to check whether they are intact.

(資料恢復工具)iOrgsoft Data Recovery 1.0.2 | Home Page: www.iorgsoft.com

(資料恢復工具)iOrgsoft Data Recovery 1.0.2 | Size: 6.07 MB


Linkman Pro書籤管理是一個完整的解決專案,為專業使用者設計的。
Linkman Pro可以有效地組織和檢查大量的連結,並整合了Internet Explorer和Firefox 3 。
你可以從現有的書籤收藏和匯出書籤,多種格式的匯入和同步。你甚至可以建立你自己的匯出模板。幾個模板的例子,如XML和HTML輸出都內含在內。Linkman Pro支援10個不同的Windows瀏覽器的多個版本。
»相容所有主要的Windows瀏覽器( IE, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Seamonkey, Maxthon, etc.)
能力處理大型資料庫(甚至上百萬的連結) ,而效能或穩定性問題
» IE瀏覽器整合
» Firefox 3的整合
» URL發射歷史

»找回使用者configuable的URL meta標籤(精簡版僅檢索關鍵字和描述)
編輯匯出模板( XML ,TSV )支援UTF8

Firefox 1.x-3.x, Internet Explorer 3.x-8.x, Google Chrome 2.x-5.x, K-Meleon 1.x, Maxthon, SeaMonkey 1.x, Opera 4.x-9x, Avant Browser, Neoplanet, Netcaptor, SlimBrowser

【文章標題】: (書籤管理工具)Linkman Pro 8.9.0
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Linkman Pro 8.9.0

Linkman Pro is a complete bookmark management solution designed for the professional user. Linkman Pro can efficiently organize and check large amounts of links and integrates with Internet Explorer and Firefox 3. It can call upon many powerful facilities that replace the browser's native URL management systems. You can easily add links from all browser windows and let retrieve keywords and descriptions automatically. You get the capability to import and synchronize from existing bookmark collections and export bookmarks in a variety of formats. You can even build your own Export Templates. Several Template examples like XML and HTML output are included. Linkman Pro supports multiple versions of ten different Windows browsers.
» Compatibility with all major Windows browsers (IE, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Seamonkey, Maxthon, etc.)
» Use the same link collection across different browsers
» Supports keywords, ratings, comments, descriptions and user defined data
» Ability to handle large databases (even millions of links) without performance or stability issues
» Internet Explorer integration
» Firefox 3 integration
» Optional Desktop Toolbar for fastest browsing ever
» Optional Internet Explorer Toolbar
» Highly customizable user interface
» Detects duplicate links, even if they differ in subdomains, ports or login data
» Query for URLs on the same domain or subdomain and display results in groups
» User defined rating system
» Synchronization
» Extensive help file including Tutorial
» Retrieves keywords, descriptions from web pages
» Password protection
» Multiple import and export formats
» Fully customizable Html Link webpage generation
» Text and Status Query
» Printing support
» Sort feature with multiple sort orders and autosort
» Drop Basket for faster browsing and URL addition
» URL Path associated launch
» URL Launch History
» Fast Links for fast access to your favorite URLs
» Daily Links feature to launch several bookmarks with one click
» Full Drag and Drop support including link drops from browser to Linkman
» Advanced Tray Icon (configurable click actions)
» User defined browser support
» Auto save
» System-wide hotkeys for easy use, even when working with another application

Features of Pro-version:
» Optional installation on USB sticks for mobile usage
» Ability to check URLs for dead links, intelligent (only major) content changes, and page movements
» Search and Replace feature (Edit menu)
» Retrieve user configuable URL meta tags (Lite version retrieves only Keywords and Description)
» Editable Export Templates (XML, TSV…) with UTF8 support
» Query results can be exported using Templates

Compatibility with all major Windows browsers:
Firefox 1.x-3.x, Internet Explorer 3.x-8.x, Google Chrome 2.x-5.x, K-Meleon 1.x, Maxthon, SeaMonkey 1.x, Opera 4.x-9x, Avant Browser, Neoplanet, Netcaptor, SlimBrowser

(書籤管理工具)Linkman Pro 8.9.0 | Home Page: www.outertech.com

(書籤管理工具)Linkman Pro 8.9.0 | Size: 8.8 MB

ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8