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Mirolit Halotea是一個有趣的應用程式,旨在讓你放鬆和享受pleaseant的氣氛。

6。雖然在電腦前工作或休息,你可以很容易忘記重要事件或預定的會議。不要擔心 – 內建的鬧鐘會提醒你安排的活動。
7。 Halotea給的主旨,積極影響其他的並行應用程式與其他應用程式相比,需要更少的系統資源。

【文章標題】: (音訊播放器)Halotea 1.403 Multilingual
【文章作者】: 錄影.剪接.編輯教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/photo-video/
【錄影.剪接.編輯教學課程】: http://por.tw/photo-video/video_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/photo-video/
【版權聲明】: (原創)錄影.剪接.編輯教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Halotea 1.403 Multilingual

Mirolit Halotea is a fun application designed to enable you to relax and enjoy a pleaseant atmosphere. It is created for those people who have nervous and intense work, who have small children, who want inner balance, who want to sleep peacefully, as well as for home and office PC users. With the help of sounds we can either provoke person's nervous system or calm it down. Children are not exceptions. In fact, according to the tests, small children behave calmly while the application is used.

Advantages of Halotea
1. If you were looking for an application for meditation, relaxation and rest, then this Application is just for you! It will help you to de-stress, set oneself for work, relax while at work…
2. All you have to do is to select and turn on a sound theme corresponding to your mood and you can enjoy the soothing sounds of nature, ambient or your own audio records. You may create your own presets and themes with the sounds you prefer and enlarge the set of samples with your own sounds.
3. There is no need to buy CDs with records of nature sounds and music for relaxation any more. All this you can find in this Application. CD records are invariable; the sounds are repeated in the same places and start palling on you soon. This Application enables sounds to be played at different intervals and with different effects, which creates the non-repeating sounds of nature or any other chosen ambient.
4. Of course, it will be interesting to listen to your music files simultaneously with the sounds of Halotea. For this purpose Halotea has a built-in audio player. Create your new sound.
5. You may record an audio session to a CD or a portable device and take it along. All this can be done easily with the help of the built-in recorder which records sounds in the OGG format that is played back by many modern portable devices.
6. While working at the computer or relaxing, you can easily forget about important events or a scheduled meeting. Don't worry – the built-in alarm clock will remind you of the scheduled events. This clock may not only alert the user by audio and visual signals, but also perform some pre-configured actions, like starting an application, turning off the computer, etc.
7. Halotea requires less system resources in comparison with other applications of the given subject, that positively affects other parallel applications. Halotea will create a favorable sound atmosphere without interfering with your principle computer activity.

(音訊播放器)Halotea 1.403 Multilingual | Homepage: mirolit.com/products/halotea/

(音訊播放器)Halotea 1.403 Multilingual| Size: 34.3 MB
