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【影片轉換工具軟體】Tipard Video Converter v6.1.26

首先作為最專業的視訊轉換器,Tipard視訊轉換器可以很容易地轉換任何視訊如MPG, MPEG, MPEG2, VOB, MOD, MP4, H.264, AVI, WMV,等任何視訊轉換器還可以從視訊中提取音訊格式

Tipard Video Converter v6.1.26主要功能:







Firstly as the most professional video converter, Tipard Video Converter can easily convert any video such as MPG, MPEG, MPEG2, VOB, MOD, MP4, H.264, AVI, WMV, etc. This any video converter can also extract audio from video formats and convert it into M4A, MP3, AC3, AAC, WMA, WAV, OGG. The converted files can be enjoyed on your portable players PSP, iPhone (3G), iPhone, Zune, Zune 2, Blackberry, Creative Zen, Sony Walkman, iRiver PMP, Archos, PS3, Apple TV, Xbox, iPAQ, Pocket PC, Mobile Phone, etc.

Key Functions:

1. Support the mutual conversion between all video/audio formats, and HD videos
Tipard Video Converter gives you a hand to get what you want video/audio formats, even the High Definination videos.

2. Set video effect
Tipard Video Converter allows you to set the video Brightness, Contrast, Saturation.

3. Set Deinterlacing
Tipard Video Converter helps you to convert interlaced video to the progressive video, this function can optimize the video effect.

4.Trim your video length.
Clip any segment of your video exactly.

5. Crop the play region
Adjust the playing region of the video to fit for your player and your favor.

6. Merge into one file
Provide to join several video files into only one file.

7. Customize output settings
Set the Video Encoder, Resolution, Frame Rate, Video Bitrate. You can also directly input your own resolution as the form of “XXX*XXX”; set the Audio Encoder, Sample Rate, Channels, Audio Bitrate. You also can save all the output settings as your preference, which is saved in the user-defined column automatically.

【影片轉換工具軟體】Tipard Video Converter v6.1.26版下載之檔案位址: