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4 。重新想像掩蔽工作流程:屏蔽模組,現在連線到每次調整「索引片包括了一套全面的工具,內含邊緣感知刷,梯度面具,工具智慧羽毛,彩色感知工具和更多。

5 。使用者介面設計:清晰,我們繼續開發一個更清潔,更現代化和高效的介面,以提高可用性,工作流程和整體美觀。

【文章標題】: (圖像清晰工具)Topaz Clarity 1.0.0 for Photoshop Datecode 30.10.2013
【文章作者】: 錄影.剪接.編輯教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/photo-video/
【錄影.剪接.編輯教學課程】: http://por.tw/photo-video/video_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/photo-video/
【版權聲明】: (原創)錄影.剪接.編輯教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Topaz Clarity 1.0.0 for Photoshop Datecode 30.10.2013

Topaz Labs is happy to announce the release of Topaz Clarity! The technology behind this new plug-in allows for intelligent enhancements in contrast and clarity with absolutely no artifacts or halos.


1. Selective Contrast Control: With Clarity, we have developed a cutting-edge process of selecting specific contrast variations in your original image, allowing you to quickly target and then increase or decrease the contrast and clarity in that specific variation.

2. Breakthrough Halo-Free Algorithm: Boost contrast and clarity without emphasizing transitions between light and dark areas, eliminating the common problem of halos, noise and artifacts.

3. Advanced Hue/Saturation/Luminance Technology: Using IntelliColor technology, you can easily enhance your image with the HSL filter, getting stronger, yet more natural HSL adjustments.

4. Re-Imagined Masking Workflow: The masking module, now attached to each adjustment tab contains a comprehensive set of tools including an edge-aware brush, gradient mask, smart feather tool, color aware tool and more.

5. User Interface Design: With Clarity, we have continued to develop a cleaner, more modern and efficient interface to improve usability, workflow and overall aesthetics.

(圖像清晰工具)Topaz Clarity 1.0.0 for Photoshop Datecode 30.10.2013 | Homepage: www.topazlabs.com

(圖像清晰工具)Topaz Clarity 1.0.0 for Photoshop Datecode 30.10.2013 | Size: 57.05 MB