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DxO FilmPack讓你再現創新的風格,為您的數位照片,為你的形象,嘗試所有可用的外觀和找到一個完全對應的風格。

你可以完美地適用於質量,款式,彩色,最有名的薄膜捲到您的數位照片DxO FilmPack,創新技術的基礎上一種簡單而有效的工具。

結合色彩的編譯對一部電影,加入濾鏡 – 探索所有的可能性!

DxO FilmPack忠實呈現的彩色,飽和度,對照度,和您的數位照片上的模擬攝影,感謝DxO Labs公司的獨特的科學校準。

使用的DxO FilmPack作為獨立或作為一個外掛程式在DXO OPTICS PRO,使用Adobe Photoshop,使用Adobe Photoshop的元素,Adobe的Lightroom或Apple光圈。

【文章標題】: (數位照片創意編輯工具)DxO FilmPack 4 Expert 4.0.2 build 83
【文章作者】: 錄影.剪接.編輯教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/photo-video/
【錄影.剪接.編輯教學課程】: http://por.tw/photo-video/video_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/photo-video/
【版權聲明】: (原創)錄影.剪接.編輯教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
DxO FilmPack 4 Expert 4.0.2 build 83

DxO FilmPack lets you reproduce the style, colors, and grains of the most famous silver halide films for your digital photos. Try all the available looks and find the one that corresponds exactly to the style that you want for your image.

The best of film photography applied to digital
Whether color or black and white, bring out the best in your digital photos by applying hundreds of combinations of vintage photo effects. Use your imagination to produce realistic or creative retro-looking images!
You can perfectly apply the quality, style, colors, and grains of the most famous films rolls to your digital photos with DxO FilmPack, a simple and efficient tool based on innovative technology.

Artistic variety
More than 60 authentic film renderings and 25 creative renderings.
Reproduce the softness of a Fuji® Reala® film for your portraits, the charm of a Polaroid®, or the famous Kodak® Tri-X® grain.
Combine the color rendering of one film with the grain of another, add filters – explore all the possibilities!

Faithfully rendered films
DxO FilmPack faithfully renders the colors, saturation, contrast, and grain of analog photography on your digital photos, thanks to DxO Labs’ unique scientific calibrations.
Take advantage of DxO FilmPack’s exceptional performance and choose the best of both digital and film photography combined…

Quick and easy
The magic of film photography is yours with just a few clicks, thanks to an easy and intuitive interface.
You can process all of your photos rapidly and easily. Satisfaction guaranteed!
Use DxO FilmPack as a standalone or as a plug-in with DxO Optics Pro, Adobe® Photoshop®, Adobe® Photoshop® Elements®, Adobe Lightroom®, or Apple® Aperture®.

(數位照片創意編輯工具)DxO FilmPack 4 Expert 4.0.2 build 83| Homepage: www.dxo.com

(數位照片創意編輯工具)DxO FilmPack 4 Expert 4.0.2 build 83| Size: 338.33 MB