【PHP程式設計+MySQL資料庫+PHPMaker整合教學+技術諮詢】 本月特價優惠中! 動態的架站程式時代,要自訂PHP程式頁面有那麼難嗎? MySQL『資料庫』與『資料表』,用PHP程式有那麼難控制嗎? 你不用死背『PHP程式』與『MySQL資料庫』語法也能獨自設計完成! 這是自動化軟體程式的年代 (用PHPMaker 設計在彈指之間就能自動生成整個 PHP 程式系統) 這不是:神話!程式軟體模組取代了這一切複雜的工程。 你可以自己建構自己專屬的: 訂購表單、會員名單、擴增購物車特殊頁面 →POS 系統、CRM 系統、ERP 系統、HRM 系統...等等 (更可以加入數據資源銷售賺錢!) 該是:【見證奇蹟】的時候了! 非親眼所見....真的無法相信此神兵利器!


進階安裝 – 功能強大且易於使用的Windows Installer創作工具,使開發人員能夠建立可靠的MSI安裝包,以滿足最新的Microsoft Windows徽標認證的準則。非常易於使用,功能強大,速度快,重量輕。先進的安裝程式簡化的過程中,Windows Installer封裝的底層技術提供了一個非常容易使用,高層次的介面。該程式實現所有的Windows安裝程式規則,並遵循所有明智的最佳實踐。有了這個簡單,直觀的介面,建立一個Windows安裝程式包將只需要幾分鐘。





先進的安裝程式將組織您的應用程式的功能和元件為Windows Installer的指引。通過這種模式,而無需做任何事情,你可以利用先進的軟體安裝程式的功能,如部分安裝和維修。進一步定制該組織是直觀方便。


盒裝本地的EXE,DLL或腳本檔案,並寫在C,C + +,VBS或JS,自訂操作,給你加入任何你想要的全部力量,任何你想要的軟體安裝。

【文章標題】:(軟體安裝程式)KoolMoves 8.5 Retail
【文章作者】: PHP程式設計+MySQL資料庫+Dreamweaver整合教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/php/
【PHP程式設計+MySQL資料庫+Dreamweaver整合教學課程】: http://por.tw/php/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/php/
【版權聲明】: (原創)PHP程式設計+MySQL資料庫+Dreamweaver整合教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Advanced Installer 10.3 Build 51779

Advanced Installer – powerful and easy to use Windows Installer authoring tool, enabling developers to create reliable MSI packages that meet the latest Microsoft Windows logo certification guidelines. Extremely easy to use, powerful, fast and lightweight. Advanced Installer simplifies the process of building Windows Installer packages by providing a very easy to use, high level interface to the underlying technology. The program implements all Windows Installer rules and follows all the advised best practices. With this simple, intuitive interface, building a Windows Installer package will take just a few minutes. Start the program, add a few files, change the name, hit the Build button and you are done. No scripts to learn, no seminars to attend. Advanced Installer project files are stored in XML format. This way, they can be easily checked into a version control system. The software installer also operates at command line, so you can build your release packages in a completely automated script, like Make, Ant or NAnt. Furthermore, the most common operations are also implemented as command line actions, so you can modify your project in an automated fashion.

Windows Installer is becoming the "de facto" software installation technology on Windows. Being preinstalled on the latest Microsoft operating systems, and also bundled with the most popular productivity packages (Office, etc.) this software installer provides a significant number of power features that improve application management and administration.
This power doesn't come without pitfalls, and the most important of them all is the complexity. Creating an MSI file requires careful planning and editing of dozens of database tables.
Hundreds of pages of documentation must be read, countless lists of rules must be followed. Building a Windows Installer package may take days or even weeks. This is where a MSI creation tool comes to help.

Using Advanced Installer’s intuitive interface you can easily add to your install package all the resources your software requires:
• Files, Folders and Shortcuts (to installed files, existing files or URLs)
• Registry keys and entries
• Environment Variables (which can be replace or be appended to existing variable like PATH)
• INI file entries
• ODBC drivers, data sources and translators

If you have merge modules for your components, they can be also added to the installation. Next you can register these resources as necessary:
• .NET and Win32 assemblies
• Services
• File Associations, MIME types
• Permissions for files, folders, registry keys and entries

If your application needs some other software to be installed in order to run, you can easily specify them as Prerequisites. Advanced Installer will search for them, then download and install as necessary. This is an easy way to install frameworks like JRE or .NET, browsers or database engines. Searching for applications, files, folders, registry keys and INI entries is also provided. Using this, installing additional files, extensions and plugins to existing applications becomes trivial.

Advanced Installer will organize your application in Features and Components as per Windows Installer guidelines. This way you can take a
dvantage of advanced software installer features like partial install and repair without having to do anything. Further customizing the organization is easy and intuitive.

Advanced Installer can leave your software’s files unpacked, compress them into CAB files (split in multiple volumes as needed), insert them into the MSI file and add a EXE bootstrapper for backwards compatibility. Digitally signing the generated files will ensure that your customers will never have to question the provenience of your software, and the user registration with serial code validation hooks will ensure that only legitimate users get to install your software.

Packed as native EXEs, DLLs or script files and written in C, C++, VBS or JS, Custom Actions give you the full power to add anything you want, anywhere you want to your software installer.

(軟體安裝程式)KoolMoves 8.5 Retail | Home Page www.advancedinstaller.com

(軟體安裝程式)KoolMoves 8.5 Retail/ Size: 51.3 MB

當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那是自己摸索 PHP+MySQL+Dreamweaver整合痛苦開始!