【網路開店購物網站架設】教學 課程 + 技術諮詢 每年超過2000億的『網路購物市場』在網路上等待您去賺! 打造很賺錢的購物網站 →您需要有一套完整的課程與技術顧問諮詢! 史上真正頭一遭 ! 由購物網站架站教學基地【總教頭】所釋出的獨門技術密技 ! 參加了本秘技課程,您無須再自我摸索曠日廢時→快速打通任都二脈 全部課程有售後註冊諮詢及密訓基地,學成後你就是:購物網站的頭家! 你不用每星期跑補習班,趕著時間跟老師上課! 百分之百的上課實際操作錄製的教學影片! 購物網站架站不必再求人! 不必網路搜尋找不到適合的購物網站架站軟體及架站教學! 不論您是學生、電腦使用者、美工、或是一般民眾,不論您是從事那一種行業都適合! 只要您有購物網站架站需求,或是您有心想精修這個領域,您都絕對需要這份函授課程! 購買本課程享有長達一年的技術諮詢與服務!

購物網站 osCommerce 發佈 osCommerce Online Merchant v3.0 Alpha 5 最新版本了!

最新版本 osCommerce Online Merchant v3.0 Alpha 5

PHP v5.2.0+ (with MySQLi extension)
MySQL v4.1.13+ or v5.0.7+

osCommerce Online Merchant v3.0 Alpha 5 新的特色:

Some of the new features in osCommerce Online Merchant v3.0 Alpha 5 include:

New object-oriented framework (alpha 1)
New installation routine (alpha 1)
register_globals and magic_quotes_gpc compatibility (alpha 1)
New template structure implementation (alpha 1)
Search-engine optimizations (alpha 1)
Service modules (alpha 1)
Checkout procedure cleanup (alpha 2)
New language definitions implementation (alpha 2)
Updated payment modules with post-transaction actions (alpha 3)
Catalog front-end, administration tool, and installation routine combined (alpha 3)
XHTML/CSS based default template layout for the catalog side (alpha 3)
Multiple product images implementation (alpha 3)
New action modules (alpha 3)
Administration Tool access levels (alpha 4)
Administrator Log (alpha 4)
Administration Tool batch action capabilities (alpha 4)
HTML Editor for product descriptions (alpha 4)
Full zone entries for most countries (alpha 4; Anders Pamdal)
Language injection feature for similar languages (alpha 4)
GeoIP Modules for the Administration Tool Who's Online section (alpha 4)
Product Attributes and Product Variants implementation (alpha 5)
Dynamic Table Listings (Administration Tool) (alpha 5)
Live Search (Administration Tool) (alpha 5)
Administration Tool sections now self-contained Applications (alpha 5)
Error Logging; both PHP and MySQL errors and warnings now logged (alpha 5)
(forced runtime usage of PHP E_ALL and MySQL STRICT_ALL_TABLES)
Stabilized Framework (alpha 5)
Usage of JSON for RPC calls (alpha 5)
Inclusion of jQuery v1.3.2 and jQuery UI v1.7 (alpha 5)Download

下載 osCommerce Online Merchant v3.0 Alpha 5 連結之網址:
