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Symantec Encryption Desktop Professional是一套全面的加密應用的捆綁磁碟機加密來保護存儲在本地硬碟機上的檔案和桌面電子信件加密來保護機密資料的電子信件提供了靈活的,多層次的加密。

– 安全的檔案共享鎖定下來一台筆記本電腦,桌上型,外部磁碟機或USB快閃記憶體磁碟機的全部內容,內含引導扇區,系統和交換檔案。
– 啟用加密電子信件和安全的AIM R即時訊息。
– 建立獨立於存儲的加密容器安全檔案共享和利用內含公用事業特定的檔案傳輸; PGP自解密檔案, PGP的虛擬磁碟,和PGP郵編。
– 內含PGP粉碎機可以徹底銷毀不需要的基於磁碟的檔案和資料夾。
– 一個PGP的虛擬磁碟空間的面積,連線到您的電腦,這是預留和加密的任何磁碟上。 PGP的虛擬磁碟很像銀行的金庫,並保護敏感的檔案,同時您的電腦的其餘部分被鎖定的工作非常有用。
– 磁碟機加密可以集中部署和Symantec Encryption加密管理伺服器


– 快速部署和透明的工作最大限度地降低使用者干擾,同時提高存儲的資料保護。
– 公司獲得電子信件無負擔的使用者,以提高遵守政策和法規,但又不妨礙生產力。
– 容許使用者方便地和透明地共享加密檔案和資料夾,從而提高資料的安全性,而不會影響使用者的工作效率。

Symantec Encryption Desktop Professional 10有什麼新的
– Symantec Encryption身份的品牌

– 與Symantec Encryption檔案共享加密和Dropbox對蘋果iOS裝置整合
Symantec Encryption檔案共享加密,前身為PGP NETSHARE ,與Dropbox的整合帶來的保護從Dropbox Windows用戶端複製到基於雲的存儲檔案。然後,您可以檢視您的iOS裝置上這些加密Dropbox的檔案。這種整合使受保護的檔案中Dropbox的位置搬移,讀取,編輯和儲存您或合作組。檔案和資料夾都需要加密或解密透明。

– 微軟的Windows PE ( WinPE)中的64位支援
Symantec Encryption磁碟機加密,前身為PGP的整個磁碟加密,現在提供的WinPE恢復為32位和64位微軟Windows 7環境


【文章標題】:(加密軟體)Symantec Encryption Desktop Professional 10.3.2
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Symantec Encryption Desktop Professional 10.3.2

Symantec Encryption Desktop Professional is a comprehensive suite of encryption applications which provides flexible, multi-layered encryption by bundling Drive Encryption to secure the files stored on local hard drives, and Desktop Email Encryption to secure confidential data in email.

Key Features
– Secure file sharing locks down the entire contents of a laptop, desktop, external drive, or USB flash drive, including boot sectors, system, and swap files.
– Enables encrypted email and secure AIM® Instant Messages.
– Creates storage-independent encrypted containers for secure file sharing and transport of specific files using included utilities; PGP Self-Decrypting Archive, PGP Virtual Disk, and PGP Zip.
– Includes PGP Shredder which can completely destroy unwanted disk-based files and folders.
– A PGP Virtual Disk is an area of space, on any disk connected to your computer, which is set aside and encrypted. PGP Virtual Disk is much like a bank vault, and is very useful for protecting sensitive files while the rest of your computer is unlocked for work.
– Drive Encryption can be centrally deployed and managed by Symantec Encryption Management Server

Key Benefits
– Rapid deployment and transparent operation minimizes user disruption while improving stored data protection.
– Secures email without burdening users, to improve compliance with policies and regulations without hindering productivity.
– Allows users to easily and transparently share encrypted files and folders, improving data security without impacting user productivity.

What's New in Symantec Encryption Desktop 10.3
– Symantec identity branding
The PGP product line has been renamed.

– Integration with Symantec File Share Encryption and Dropbox on Apple iOS devices
The integration of Symantec File Share Encryption, formerly known as PGP NetShare, with Dropbox brings protection to files copied from a Dropbox Windows client to cloud-based storage. You can then view these encrypted Dropbox files on your iOS device. This integration allows protected files to move among Dropbox locations, to be read, edited, and saved by you or a collaborative group. Files and folders are encrypted or decrypted transparently, as needed.

– Microsoft Windows PE (WinPE) 64-bit Support
Symantec Drive Encryption, formerly known as PGP Whole Disk Encryption, now provides WinPE recovery for both 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft Windows 7 environments

(加密軟體)Symantec Encryption Desktop Professional 10.3.2 | Home Page: www.symantec.com

(加密軟體)Symantec Encryption Desktop Professional 10.3.2 | Size: 83.6 MB