【網路開店購物網站架設】教學 課程 + 技術諮詢 每年超過2000億的『網路購物市場』在網路上等待您去賺! 打造很賺錢的購物網站 →您需要有一套完整的課程與技術顧問諮詢! 史上真正頭一遭 ! 由購物網站架站教學基地【總教頭】所釋出的獨門技術密技 ! 參加了本秘技課程,您無須再自我摸索曠日廢時→快速打通任都二脈 全部課程有售後註冊諮詢及密訓基地,學成後你就是:購物網站的頭家! 你不用每星期跑補習班,趕著時間跟老師上課! 百分之百的上課實際操作錄製的教學影片! 購物網站架站不必再求人! 不必網路搜尋找不到適合的購物網站架站軟體及架站教學! 不論您是學生、電腦使用者、美工、或是一般民眾,不論您是從事那一種行業都適合! 只要您有購物網站架站需求,或是您有心想精修這個領域,您都絕對需要這份函授課程! 購買本課程享有長達一年的技術諮詢與服務!


你進行網上銀行交易或電子商務使用加密的128位SSL(安全套接字層),Zemana AntiLogger獨特的主動式防護,防止您的個人訊息被竊取,

老大哥在看著你嗎?黑客和間諜軟體可以抓住你的攝像頭的控制,甚至把它關閉!不用說,Zemana AntiLogger可以防止這一點。

即使你通過監視鍵盤輸入的鍵盤記錄器記錄。這對於安全上是無用的,Zemana AntiLogger有按鍵記錄器保護作用!

正如你可以採取一個螢幕捕捉,screenlogger惡意軟體捕捉螢幕上你最脆弱的時刻,例如,當你堵在敏感資料,比如銀行帳戶訊息VirtualKeyboard。 Zemana反螢幕記錄器識別這個可疑活動的模式,超越標準,基於簽名的防記錄算法。


惡意軟體喜歡你的註冊表,你的物理記憶體(RAM),和其他敏感地區,所以它可以注入惡意代碼,抓住控制您的電腦。 Zemana AntiLogger防止這一切,確保您的機器心臟。

– SSL記錄器保護
防止盜竊交換的資料通過安全連線(HTTPS / SSL)
– 按鍵記錄器保護
– 螢幕記錄儀保護
– 攝像頭記錄儀保護
– 剪貼簿記錄器保護
– 系統防禦

‧KeyCrypt SDK更新至版本1.6.1.246


【文章標題】: (反記錄器)Zemana AntiLogger
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Zemana AntiLogger

Anti-Logger, developed to thwarts attacks from various kinds of malware threats, proactively protects your "Information Security" without needing a signature-based algorithm by using powerful anti-action methods. Anti-Logger prevents attacks from all known forms of malware which are designed to perform information theft. Anti-Logger uses a proactive and unique way to detect potentially harmful applications which have not already been recognized or identified by anti-virus programs. Consequently, it protects your "Information Security" from a wide range of threats. Anti-Logger employs a brand new and powerful protection method against unknown malwares which cannot be caught by well-known and very commonly used security software. To examine closely the superior power of Anti-Logger, and to test the various protection modules, or to understand how your security software protects your system, visit"simulation test program" pages.

SSL Logger protection: (WORLD FIRST!)
128-bit encryption reliably secures data during online shopping and high-value financial transactions. Unfortunately, a new generation of spyware grabs your data just before it becomes safely encrypted!
Zemana AntiLogger's unique proactive protection prevents your personal information from being stolen while you are conducting online banking transactions or e-commerce using an encrypted 128-bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer).

Webcam Logger protection: (WORLD FIRST!)
Is Big Brother watching you? Hackers and spyware can seize control of your webcam, even when it's switched off! Needless to say, Zemana AntiLogger prevents this.

Key Logger protection:
Keyloggers record whatever you type by monitoring the keyboard. This renders most security useless, but not Zemana AntiLogger!

Screen Logger protection:
Just as you can take a screen capture, screenlogger malware snaps the screen at your most vulnerable moments, e.g., when you are plugging in sensitive data such as bank account information with VirtualKeyboard. Zemana Anti-Screen Logger spots this suspicious activity in ways that go beyond the standard, signature-based anti-logging algorithms.

Clipboard Logger protection:
Copying, cutting and pasting sends potentially sensitive data to your Windows clipboard where malware can get at it. Fortunately, Zemana AntiLogger deals with all attempts at malicious monitoring, including memory capture.

Webcam Logger protection: (WORLD FIRST!)
Is Big Brother watching you? Hackers and spyware can seize control of your webcam, even when it's switched off! Needless to say, Zemana AntiLogger prevents this.

System Defense:
Malware likes to get at your registry, your physical memory (RAM), and other sensitive areas so it can inject malicious code and seize control of your PC. Zemana AntiLogger guards against all this, securing the very heart of your machine.

Key Features:
– SSL Logger Protection
Prevents theft of data exchanged via secure connections (HTTPS/SSL)
– Key Logger Protection
Prevents all harmful applications from logging your keystrokes(thereby stealing your passwords and account info)
– Screen Logger Protection
Prevents harmful applications from capturing your computer screen.
– WebCam Logger Protection
Prevents any harmful applications from monitoring your Web Camera.
– ClipBoard Logger Protection
Prevents harmful applications from taking snapshots of your clipboard.
– System Defense
Tracks down Windows operating system activity in real-time t
prevent detrimental actions from various malware and spyware programs.

• KeyCrypt SDK updated to version
• Indonesian language file added
• Brazilian Portuguese language file updated
• Chinese language file updated
• Korean language file updated

(反記錄器)Zemana AntiLogger | Home Page: www.zemana.com

(反記錄器)Zemana AntiLoggerр / Size: 19.85 MB