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NEW!字型面板裡面的Adobe CS
以直入你的字型瀏覽CS使用的ExtensisR字型面板。啟動,瀏覽,預覽你的手提箱融合字型集和字型庫,從一個單一的面板內的Adobe Creative Suite 5的應用程式,內含InDesignR,IllustratorR和PhotoshopR。








預覽任何使用任何字型的文字。輸入自訂文字使用QuickType,在您的收藏,選取任何字型和字型如何並排疊起來 – 甚至下降到他們的個人字形。在任何應用程式中撕下浮動預覽或字型的快照來預覽您的字型。





– 安全,專業的字型存儲
– 全功能的字型預覽讓您比較字型側端
– 自動啟動外掛程式外掛程式流行的設計應用,內含Adobe Creative Suite的和QuarkXPress
– 支援內含Mac OS X的獅子(10.7)和Windows 7
– 專利字型Sense技術指紋進行精確識別的字型
– 快,快速符合搜尋相似的字型
– 啟用的Web字型WebINK和Google Web字型連線的
– 組織字型集
– 建立PNG字型預覽拖曳和拖放字型快照
– FontDoctor內含免費為其他損壞的檢驗及組織
– 浮動預覽懸停在所有其他應用程式
– 內建字型快取吸塵器用於Mac OS X

【文章標題】: (字型管理器)Extensis Suitcase Fusion 5 v16.0.0.556
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Extensis Suitcase Fusion 5 v16.0.0.556

This is THE creative professional’s font manager. Assume complete control over your desktop and web fonts, while still having the freedom to explore. For sophistication and ease nothing in this galaxy can beat Suitcase Fusion™. It simply, and seamlessly, delivers the fonts you need, when you need them.

This is THE creative professional’s font manager. Assume complete control over your desktop and web fonts, while still having the freedom to explore. For sophistication and ease nothing in this galaxy can beat Suitcase Fusion™. It simply, and seamlessly, delivers the fonts you need, when you need them.

NEW! Font Panels Inside Adobe CS
Take your font browsing straight into CS using the Extensis® font panel. Activate, browse, and preview your Suitcase Fusion font sets and font library from a single panel within Adobe Creative Suite 5+ apps, including InDesign®, Illustrator® and Photoshop®.

Reliable Font Management
Fonts are crucial to your creativity, so we’re making sure you have them at the ready at all times. Suitcase Fusion 4 helps you quickly find, preview, and activate the perfect font seamlessly within your favorite design applications!

Available for Macintosh® or Windows®, Suitcase Fusion includes the innovative Suitcase Fusion Core™. It runs in the background, handling critical font activation and deactivation, allowing you to stay focused on your creative work. Suitcase Fusion 4 provides secure, reliable font storage; critical to the success of the creative professional.

Auto-Activation Brings Fonts to You
Focus on your work, not your system. Suitcase Fusion 4 automatically activates required fonts in even the most demanding workflows. Professional-grade auto-activation plug-ins for critical design and publishing apps seamlessly change font activation from an annoyance to an afterthought, and include native support for Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, and QuarkXPress®.

The built-in, patented Font Sense™ technology ensures that the exact font is precisely activated when required. And with a connection to WebINK® and Google Web Fonts, your creative library just got bigger.

Smart, Simple Font Previews
Preview any text using any font. Enter custom text using QuickType™, select any font in your collection, and see how typefaces stack up side-by-side – even down to their individual glyphs. Tear off floating previews or take Font Snapshots to preview your fonts in any application.

Powerful Search
Use QuickFind™ to perform dynamic searches as you type, or search by any metadata (style, keywords, classifications, etc.) using the Find feature. Not sure if you’ve got the right font? Use QuickMatch™ to perform a glyph-by-glyph comparison to locate similar fonts in your collection.

Customized Font Sets
Stay organized by creating sets of fonts, organized by project, type, or whatever best suits your workflow. Similar to Playlists in iTunes®, sets let you sort fonts for all of your documents, and even automatically organize fonts into Smart Sets.

Web Font Enabled
Designing websites using web fonts has never been easier. Use the Web Font Plug-in for Photoshop to access the large catalog of web fonts from WebINK and Google Web Fonts, then create website mockups FREE-of-charge. From project start to fini
, Suitcase Fusion has you covered.

Suitcase Fusion 4 Features
– Secure, professional font storage
– Full-featured font previews allow you to compare fonts side-by-side
– Auto-activation plug-ins for popular design applications, including Adobe Creative Suite and QuarkXPress
– Support includes Mac OS X Lion (10.7) and Windows 7
– Patented Font Sense technology fingerprints fonts for precise identification
– Find similar fonts fast with QuickMatch
– Web font enabled with WebINK and Google Web Font connections
– Organize fonts with Sets
– Create PNG font previews by drag-and-drop with Font Snapshots
– FontDoctor included FREE for additional corruption detection & organization
– Floating Previews hover over all other applications
– Built-in font cache cleaner for Mac OS X

(字型管理器)Extensis Suitcase Fusion 5 v16.0.0.556 | Size: 162.06 MB

(字型管理器)Extensis Suitcase Fusion 5 v16.0.0.556| Home Page: www.extensis.com

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
