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Actual Window Menu增加了幾個選單項通過在標題欄中的應用程式圖示訪問標準的視窗選單。其中新的指令是:易拉寶展開視窗,設定視窗透明度,改變程式的優先級,最小化到任務欄,並始終保持視窗頂部。這些新功能讓先進和新手的Windows使用者節省了他們的時間和桌面空間整齊地組織視窗。



【文章標題】:(組織和管理視窗)Actual Window Menu 8.3
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
Actual Window Menu 8.3

Computers have gone long way from primitive number crunching machines to advanced entertainment systems and serious business machines. Technology advancement made it possible to implement various graphical user interfaces with one and only aspect in mind – end user convenience. Modern operating systems have all it takes to operate the computer fast. Common user interfaces allow for almost intuitive understanding which in turn means less time spent on learning how to operate the machine and more time spent on actual usage of computer power. However, the rich functionality of Windows has to be hidden sometimes in order leave reasonable number of choices for end user in each given situation. This way, novice users learn interface faster, but advanced users are deprived of powerful features that may further speed up the computer operation. Actual Tools introduces Actual Window Menu, the unique standard window menu extension that provides advanced users with alternative ways of organizing and managing windows.

Actual Window Menu adds several menu items to standard window menu accessible via application icon in the title bar. Among new commands are: Roll Up Unroll window, Set window transparency, change program priority, minimize to task tray and always keep window on top. These new features allow advanced and newbie Windows users save their time and desktop space by neatly organizing windows.

Unlike simple shell extension solutions, Actual Window Menu allows you to create rules (i.e. available menu items and corresponding settings) for each individual application which is most convenient for automating the organization process. Simply find the window you would like to configure and use straightforward interface to configure its extended menu and its settings. Next time you run the program the settings will automatically take effect!

(組織和管理視窗)Actual Window Menu 8.3 | Homepage: www.actualtools.com/windowmenu/

(組織和管理視窗)Actual Window Menu 8.3 | Size: 10 MB