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1. 關鍵幀動畫

2. 動畫特效

3. 匯出動畫和共享



【文章標題】:(3D動畫軟體)Aurora 3D Animation Maker 14.10.21 Multilingual
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Aurora 3D Animation Maker 14.10.21 Multilingual

When we do title,banner designer or video editing, it will think the text needs a cool animation to highlight the description of our content. Or do we need to show a logo in the video, then, a simple-to-use 3D animation software is your best assistant. KeyFrame Animation, Software key frame animation mode. Simple and flexible. Does not require complex design, anyone person can make a good 3D animation.

1. Key Frame Animation
Way of key frame animation software, simple and flexible. Does not require complex animation, everyone can create a cool title animation. Use one timeline to produce all the animation.
A key frame contains all the objects in the scene animation attributes. Key frame is automatically set, just need to find the location of the timeline, and then all the objects can be freely adjusted to the desired state, key frame automatically generated, easy to create animation.
Flexible to use, simply by adjusting the length of the animation, adjust the animation speed.

2. Animation Special Effects
Contains all the features of Text & Logo Maker, and all text, shapes, buttons, logos can be animated. Freedom and flexibility.
Software provides a variety of animation effects, greatly enriched the beauty of animation degree.
Variety of particle effects: include: fireworks, smoke, snow, flame, space and so on.
Movement of various animation effects include: Linear, Quad, Cubic, Quint and so on.

3. The Animation Export and Share
We can output video formats, including animation (avi, flv, mpg), Flash (swf), Gif animation, or image sequences (png, tga, bmp).
In this way, we either used in video editing, web production can greatly enhance our efficiency, improve our results.
Fully compatible with other design software, allowing you to perfectly integrate into your Among the work to bring you the production of efficient and beautiful experience.

(3D動畫軟體)Aurora 3D Animation Maker 14.10.21 Multilingual| Homepage: www.presentation-3d.com

(3D動畫軟體)Aurora 3D Animation Maker 14.10.21 Multilingual | Size: 45.5 MB