【3D 設計軟體】Autodesk 3DS MAX 2022.0.1 建立.塑造和定義一系列環境和詳細角色
Autodesk 3DS Max軟體提供了高效的新工具,加速的效能以及簡化的工作流程,有助於提高藝術家和設計師的整體生產率,使其能夠處理當今苛刻的娛樂和設計可視化項目所需的複雜,高解析度資產。
具有匯入,可視化和編譯大量點雲資料集的功能;增強的視口效能;以及新的場景管理工作流程,3ds Max可說明藝術家和設計師處理更大的複雜性而不會降低速度。
此外,響應性更強的ActiveShade交談式編譯工作流現在支援NVIDIA mental ray編譯器,以及新的基於藝術家的基於節點的可視著色器編輯器,用於建立和預覽複雜的實時著色器,有助於提高照明,
著色和編譯的效率。任務。同時,借助對Python腳本的新支援,3DS Max提供了一個強大的核心工具集,可以更輕鬆地對其進行延伸和自訂,以滿足每個工作室的獨特需求。
【3D 設計軟體】Autodesk 3DS MAX 2022 的功能:
3ds Max可與大多數主要編譯器(內含Arnold,V-Ray,Iray和mental ray)配合使用,以說明建立引人注目的場景和視覺效果
Revit,Inventor和Fusion 360以及SketchUp,Unity和Unreal都可以與3ds Max一起使用
利用3ds Max和虛擬現實引擎的強大功能構建沉浸式建築可視化效果
【3D 設計軟體】Autodesk 3DS MAX 2022 官網下載:
Autodesk 3DS Max software delivers efficient new tools, accelerated performance, and streamlined workflows to help increase overall productivity for artists and designers working with the complex, high-resolution assets required by today's demanding entertainment and design visualization projects.
With the ability to import, visualize, and render massive point cloud datasets; enhanced viewport performance; and new scene management workflows, 3ds Max helps artists and designers handle greater complexity without slowing down.
In addition, a more responsive ActiveShade interactive rendering workflow that now supports the NVIDIA mental ray renderer, and a new artist-friendly node-based visual shader editor for creating and previewing complex real-time shaders help increase efficiency for lighting, shading, and rendering tasks. Meanwhile, with new support for Python scripting, 3DS Max offers a robust core toolset that is more easily extended and customizable to meet each studio's unique requirements.
Features of Autodesk 3DS Max 2022
Create, shape, and define a range of environments and detailed characters
3ds Max works with most major renderers—including Arnold,V-Ray, Iray, and mental ray—to help create striking scenes and visuals
Build imaginative characters and realistic scenes in games and architecture
Revit, Inventor, and Fusion 360, as well as SketchUp, Unity, and Unreal, all work with 3ds Max
Build immersive architectural visualizations with the combined power of 3ds Max and a virtual reality engine
Create, share, and update portable assets that are flexible, connected, and react to changes in design data
Match your UI to the way you think and work with a more responsive, modern, and customizable user experience