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【人工智慧技術】Vidnoz AI 工智慧頭像產生引人入勝的影片

Vidnoz AI 是影片創作領域的遊戲規則改變者。
該平台擁有一個包含 300 多個模板的龐大庫,可滿足從行銷到個人故事敘述的各種需求。



選擇模板和人工智慧頭像是創建影片的第一步。 該平台針對不同用途提供了多種模板,確保適合每個人。
第 2 步:輸入影片腳本並選擇 AI 配音
選擇模板和頭像後,輸入視訊腳本並選擇與您的內容相符的人工智慧配音。 該軟體提供 23 種語言的多種 AI 語音,面向全球。
第 3 步:點擊生成並等待您的視頻
一切就緒後,點擊「生成」按鈕,讓工具發揮神奇作用。 您的影片將在幾分鐘內由人工智慧生成,從而節省您的時間和精力。

5 分鐘內影片創作速度提高 200%

它利用模板、AI 配音和逼真的頭像,將影片創建速度提高了 200%。 忘記拍攝的複雜性 – 只需輸入文本,設置您的偏好,然後觀看引人入勝的視頻在幾分鐘內變得栩栩如生。

100 多種口型同步 AI 語音,呈現生動的演示

該軟體的一項突出功能是其廣泛的人工智慧語音集合,與腳本完美同步,複製真實的嘴唇動作、語氣、音調和手勢。 這些多種語言的聲音滿足了不同的行銷和受眾需求。

300+ AI 影片模板滿足各種創作需求


它提供了一系列免費資源來增強影片個人化,包括圖像、音樂、圖標和文字。 這些資源為您的影片增添了深度和多樣性,使它們更具吸引力和獨特性。


建立個人AI頭像: 上傳您的肖像,產生個人化AI頭像。
AI浮水印: 新增自訂浮水印,讓您的影片獨一無二。
多重轉場: 預先定義轉場,使影片轉場更流暢。
固有濾鏡: 使用濾鏡調整影片顏色,以獲得更具吸引力的視覺效果。
動畫: 透過添加動畫來個性化和多樣化影片。
影像背景: 選擇影像作為影片背景以獲得獨特的觸感。
手機模板: 適合短影片的垂直螢幕影片模板。
高清影片下載: 匯出高清影片以獲得一流的品質。

Overview of Vidnoz AI

It is a game-changer in the world of video creation. It provides a simple yet powerful way to generate engaging videos using realistic AI avatars. The platform boasts a vast library of over 300 templates that cater to various needs, from marketing to personal storytelling.
How to Use

Step 1: Choose a Template and an AI Avatar
Selecting a template and an AI avatar is the first step toward creating your video. The platform offers various templates for different purposes, ensuring something for everyone.
Step 2: Enter Your Video Script and Choose an AI Voiceover
Once you've chosen your template and avatar, input your video script and select an AI voiceover that aligns with your content. The software provides multiple AI voices in 23 languages for a global appeal.
Step 3: Click Generate and Await Your Video
With everything in place, hit the “Generate” button and let the tool work magic. Your video will be AI-generated within minutes, saving you time and effort.

200% Faster Video Creation in 5 Minutes

It accelerates video creation by up to 200% by leveraging templates, AI voiceovers, and realistic avatars. Forget about the complexities of filming—just input your text, set your preferences, and watch your engaging video come to life in minutes.
100+ Lip Sync AI Voices for Vivid Presentation

One standout feature of the software is its extensive collection of AI voices that sync perfectly with the script, replicating realistic lip movements, tones, pitches, and gestures. This array of voices in multiple languages caters to diverse marketing and audience needs.
300+ AI Video Templates for Every Creation Need

With an extensive library of templates spanning various scenarios and industries, you'll find everything you need for sales, marketing, communication, or personal use.
Free Media Library to Enrich Videos

It offers a range of free assets to enhance video personalization, including images, music, icons, and texts. These resources add depth and diversity to your videos, making them more engaging and unique.
More AI Features to Empower Video Creation

Create Personal AI Avatar: Upload your portraits to generate personalized AI avatars.
AI Watermarks: Add custom watermarks to make your videos unique.
Multiple Transitions: Predefined transitions for smoother video transitions.
Innate Filters: Adjust video colors with filters for more attractive visuals.
Animations: Personalize and diversify videos with added animations.
Image Background: Choose images as video backgrounds for a unique touch.
Templates for Mobile Phones: Vertical video templates suited for short videos.
HD Video Download: Export videos in high definition for top-notch quality.



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