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【紅巨星調色套裝】Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 15.1.0 色彩校正、修飾和電影效果

【紅巨星調色套裝】Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 15.1這個工具集由幾個不同的工具組成,每個工具都有自己的相容性訊息。
每個工具都可以在 Mac 和 Windows 上運行,並與 Adob​​e Premiere Pro、Adobe After Effects 和 Apple Final Cut Pro X 相容,而一些工具還可以在其他主機應用程式中使用。

【紅巨星調色套裝】Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 15 是一套完整的外掛程式,可為您提供所需的一切,以使您的素材在編輯時間軸上看起來更漂亮。

讓您的鏡頭具有好萊塢電影的外觀。使用 Magic Bullet Suite 中的工具,您的素材可以立即具有電影對照度和大預算電影的複雜調色板。

然後,超越色彩校正,精確模擬鏡頭濾鏡和膠片。使用 Magic Bullet Suite,您將擁有最強大、最直觀的實時色彩校正工具,無需切換到其他應用程式。

Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 14 功能概述:

魔法子彈降噪器 III
Magic Bullet Colorista IV
魔法子彈魔力 II

This toolset is made up of several different tools that each have their own compatibility info. Every tool runs on Mac and Windows and is compatible with Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects and Apple Final Cut Pro X, while some of the tools also work in additional host-applications.

Give your footage the look of a Hollywood film. With the tools in Magic Bullet Suite, your footage can instantly have cinematic contrast and the sophisticated color palettes of big budget movies. With tons of fully customizable presets based on popular movies and TV shows, you will have beautiful results in seconds.

This suite gives you everything you need to make your footage look great, right on your editing timeline. Balance out your shots with powerful color adjustments that work the way your eye expects them to. Then, go beyond color correction, with accurate simulations of lens filters and film stocks. With Magic Bullet Suite, you’ll have the most powerful and intuitive real time color correction tools available, without ever needing to switch to a different app.

Overview of Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 14 Features

Magic Bullet Looks
Magic Bullet Denoiser III
Magic Bullet Colorista IV
Magic Bullet Cosmo II
Magic Bullet Mojo II
Magic Bullet Film
Magic Bullet Renoiser



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