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多功能音樂播放器 Foxmediatools FoxPlayer 2.8.0

FoxPlayer是一種輕型的音訊軟體定制髖關節介面,際網路流媒體播放,連續播放,MP3 WAV轉換器和許多其他強大的功能。
該專案缺乏在尺寸和效能,具有整合ID3編輯器,簡化更名,修改檔案和使用Xaudio MPEG引擎,其購股權數目可觀的補償。

多功能音樂播放器 Foxmediatools FoxPlayer 2.8.0




FoxPlayer is a light audio software with customizable hip interface, Internet streaming, continuous play, mp3 wav converter and numerous other great features. The program lacks in size and compensates in performance having an integrated ID3 editor which simplifies renaming and modifying files and using Xaudio MPEG engine to power its impressive number of options.

FoxPlayer is a very light, fast and versatile music player which is also able to convert your mp3s into wavs with great efficiency.
With a proper configuration, FoxPlayer will play FLAC, AAC, MP4, WMA and other formats.

Naturally, such a program could not have come without, full drag and drop functions, Ctrl click, click Shift click selection and simple Del usage.

Besides the tones of options you are presented with when using this application, there are those simple but all the more important functions available such as minimize-to-tray, always on top, exit after play, allow multiple instances and many more you will enjoy discovering yourself.

多功能音樂播放器 Foxmediatools FoxPlayer 2.8.0 | Home Page: www.foxmediatools.com
ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7

多功能音樂播放器 Foxmediatools FoxPlayer 2.8.0 | Size: 6.8 Mb