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資料恢復應用程式 WinMend Data Recovery

它恢復資料FAT12 / FAT16/FAT32/NTFS/NTFS5分區在Windows操作系統中。

資料恢復應用程式 WinMend Data Recovery

資料恢復應用程式 WinMend Data Recovery :
快速掃瞄失敗的情況下,你可以通過全掃瞄,這將不會錯過任何一次機會,找到丟失的檔案。全掃瞄可能需要更長的時間。然而,我們獨特的引擎,其速度和可靠性都顯著高於同業。 (強烈建議全面掃瞄格式的分區。)
如果你失去了你的檔案的磁碟機的格式,你可以恢復他們與我們的UNFORMAT磁碟機功能。 UNFORMAT磁碟機,可以說明您輕鬆地尋找丟失的檔案,格式化的磁碟機​​上,並讓他們幾個簡單的點擊!

WinMend Data Recovery is a Windows-based data recovery application. It recovers data on FAT12/ FAT16/FAT32/NTFS/NTFS5 partitions in Windows operating systems. It can be used to scan partitions in various hard drives, removable drives and even in data cards, and to search and recover deleted or missing files, files lost during formatting or due to partition exceptions. With unique recovery algorithm, WinMend Data Recovery can significantly improve the accuracy and speed of scanning, and ensure everything done in an absolutely safe condition without any negative impact on the system.

Простота работы в 4 клика:
1. Quick Scan
With this safe and high-speed scan engine, you can quickly locate and recover most deleted files.
2. Full Scan
In case Quick Scan fails, you can go through Full Scan, which will never miss a single chance to find missing files. Full Scan may take longer. However, with our unique engine, its speed and reliability are still significantly higher than its peers. (Full Scan is strongly recommended for formatted partitions.)
3. Unformat a Drive
If you lost your files due to the formatting of a drive, you can recover them with our Unformat a Drive function. Unformat a Drive helps you easily look for the lost files on the formatted drives and get them back with a few simple clicks!
4. Safe File Recovery
WinMend Data Recovery always ensures safe operations while recovering files. It never overwrites any current files. For those files that are not deleted but inaccessible because they are locked by the operating system or other applications, WinMend Data Recovery recovers and saves them to other partitions. Keep in mind, all operations are safe, and your current files will not be damaged or overwritten.

資料恢復應用程式 WinMend Data Recovery / Site: www.winmend.com

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