專業【商業商品攝影技術】教學 課程 + 技術諮詢 讓你快速學成! 用鏡頭讓商品自己說話,商品照片就是:賣相(影響網購業績與訂單!) 由商品攝影教學函授課程密訓基地【總教頭】所釋出的獨門技術密技 ! 參加了本課程,您無須再自我摸索曠日廢時→快速打通任都二脈 專業攝影總教頭【二十年的職業攝影秘技私授】讓你快速【出師】 教你自製攝影輔助器材: 教學中也教導學員如何利用垂手可得的物件來自製實用的攝影輔助器材,例如:反光板、透光柔光幕、背景紙、攝影台等。 教你完全能自如控制拍攝成果: 以淺顯易懂的方式解說曝光補償與白平衡,讓學員可以輕鬆控制光與影,調整商品的色調與明暗。 比對式的創新教學法: 透過【失敗照片】與【成功範例】的比對,讓學員能理解差異的原因,進而規避易犯的錯誤,累積正確的專業商品攝影技術。 二十年的專業經驗承傳:為了突顯被設商品的特色,教學時針對場景的選擇與擺設的方法做了精闢的解說,提供學員參考的方向。 讓你拍出專業的最佳效果:透過具體的實拍案例來解說佈景、照明、構圖等要點,因此學員可已配合自己想要拍攝的物品來學習各種技巧。 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會的擔憂....)


最簡單的方法就是使用:綠背景(布景)去背精靈 Green Screen Wizard Pro
再次使用綠背景(布景)去背精靈 Green Screen Wizard Pro就能一次搞定!

Green Screen Wizard Pro綠背景(布景)去背精靈是強大的攝影師是價格低廉,使用簡單的綠色背景(布景)軟體。

·在C + +編碼

Green Screen Wizard is powerful green screen software for photographers that is inexpensive and simple to use. Green Screen Wizard is a self-contained chroma key removal program that does not require Photoshop or other photo editing application to produce beautiful green screen photos. Green Screen Wizard brings you the latest in green screen software power and control while using a simple and very accessible interface.

Here are some key features of “Green Screen Wizard”:
· Full featured program, not a plug-in
· Simple User Interface
· Controls for Exposure, Color Balance
· Controls for Moving, Scaling and Rotation
· Controls for giving Green Screen Wizard information on how to best remove the green
· Supports many output sizes and resolutions.
· Remove dark or inconsistent areas from green background
· Reality Integration
· Coded in C++
· Supports ICC profiles

綠背景(布景)去背精靈 Green Screen Wizard Pro 6.8 版下載之檔案位址:


Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4  繁體中文版是:數位攝影/特效處理/管理的優異軟體!

 什麼是 Lightroom?

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4  繁體中文版軟體提供了一組完整的數位攝影工具,內含強大但簡單的自動控制以及最新的進階工具。創造能夠啟發靈感、提供資訊並達到娛樂效果的影像。

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4  繁體中文版軟體是一套完善的端對端攝影解決專案,不論您是業餘攝影玩家還是專業攝影師,都能利用這套軟體展現出相片最完美的一面。

這套產品提供了一套可完成任何數位影像工作的完整工具,並使用 Adobe 的最佳 影像技術,讓攝影師能夠呈現令人驚豔的影像品質。

Lightroom 4 的設計對象是想要獲得最佳影像且需要一套創新、全功能解決專案來處理其數位相片的攝影師。




現在您可輕鬆製作精緻的相簿,並透過社交媒體和相片分享網站輕鬆分享您的影像,內含 Facebook、Flickr 等等。

增強的視訊支援可讓您檢視視訊片段,進行簡單的編輯,然後再將 HD 短片上傳到 Facebook 和 Flickr。

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4  繁體中文版支援哪些格式呢?

除了 DNG、TIFF 和 JPEG 等格式之外,Lightroom 4 還支援絕大多數的 Raw 相機原始檔案格式 – 換言之,也就是數位相機主要使用的格式。

此外, Lightroom 4 也支援 Photoshop PSD 檔案格式,進一步提升與 Adobe Photoshop 的整合。

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4  繁體中文版 和 Adobe Photoshop 有何不同?

Lightroom 將您在處理大部分數位攝影工作時需要的所有工具全部整合在單一的直覺式解決專案中。

Lightroom 可協助攝影師提高工作效率,以更快的速度來處理單張相片到整組相片或更大的影像庫。

Adobe Photoshop 軟體是業界標準的數位影像編輯工具,提供諸多先進的工具讓攝影師、美術設計人員和其他影像專業人員使用,以獲得完整的控制功能來進行精細、像素層級的編輯工作,並處理多圖層檔案。




Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4  繁體中文版製作相簿

利用 Lightroom 包括的各種簡單好用的範本,將您的影像製作成精美的相簿。只需按幾下滑鼠,便可上傳相簿以供印刷。


依地點尋找影像或分類、輕鬆指定影像的拍攝地點,或規劃攝影展。自動顯示內建GPS 功能之相機和照相手機裡的地點資料。



Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4  繁體中文版新功能:

書本模組 排版編輯書本並將書本傳輸到 Blurb.com 印刷。

‧地圖模組 在地圖上檢視您的相片。

‧比軟校樣 檢視列印時各彩色的真實髮色。

‧基本面闆變更 全新的改良控制項,讓您調整色調與對照。

‧RGB 點曲線

‧DNG 失真壓縮

‧額外的局部校正 套用白平衡、亮部、陰影、雜訊減少以及疊影的局部調整。

‧以電子信件傳輸多張相片 直接從 Lightroom 以電子信件與他人分享相片。

‧轉存至 Revel Revel 增效模組可讓您將相片直接傳輸到 Adobe Revel。

‧更多的視訊處理功能 在 Lightroom 中播放、拖曳以及預視視訊。

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4 軟體可提供一套全面的數位攝影工具,從極為簡單的一鍵調整到前沿的先進控制。

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4 是當今數字拍攝工作流程中不可或缺的一部分,可快速匯入、處理、管理和展示圖像;增強的校正工具、強大的組織功能以及靈活的列印選項可以說明您加快速度。

Photoshop Lightroom 可以說明您縮短電腦前的處理時間,將更多的時間投入拍攝中。

Lightroom 與 Adobe Photoshop 有很多相通之處,但定位不同,不會取而代之,Adob Lightroom 是一種適合專業攝影師輸入,選取,修改和展示大量的數字圖像的高效率軟體。


Create incredible images, share them easily, and efficiently manage your entire photo library. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 software provides a comprehensive range of features for your digital photography tasks, from powerful yet simple automatic controls to state-of-the-art advanced tools.

Top features

Highlight and shadow recovery
Bring out all the detail that your camera captures in dark shadows and bright highlights. Now you have more power than ever before to create great images in challenging light.

Photo book creation
Create beautiful photo books from your images with a variety of easy-to-use templates included in Lightroom. Upload your book for printing with just a few clicks. Receive 20% off from Blurb on your first book created using Lightroom 4 software.*

Location-based organization
Find and group images by location, easily assign locations to images, or plot a photo journey. Automatically display location data from GPS-enabled cameras and camera phones.

Extended video support
Organize, view, and make adjustments to video clips. Play and trim clips, extract still images from them, or adjust clips with the Quick Develop tool.

NEW Features:

Highlight and shadow recovery
Bring out all the important detail that your camera can capture. New technology brings in more image detail from dark shadows and bright highlights than ever before. Now you've got more power to create great images in challenging lighting conditions.

Photo book creation
Create beautiful photo books from your images with a variety of easy-to-use templates included in Lightroom. Upload your book for printing with just a few clicks. Receive 20% off from Blurb on your first book created using Lightroom 4 software.*

Location-based organization
Find and group images by location, easily assign locations to images, or plot a photo journey. Automatically displa
y location data from GPS-enabled cameras and camera phones.

White balance brush
Get more consistent color across your image in scenes with mixed lighting sources. A flexible brush lets you refine and adjust white balance in targeted areas of your shot.

Additional editing brushes
Expand your creative control by targeting particular areas of your images using new local editing brushes for noise reduction and moiré removal.

Extended video support
Organize, view, and make adjustments to video clips. Play and trim clips, extract still images from them, or adjust clips with the Quick Develop tool.

Video publishing
Easily share video clips in HD format on Facebook and Flickr. Or save HD clips formatted for phones, tablets, TV, and more.

Save time and ink and ensure your prints meet your expectations. Soft-proofing lets you preview how an image will look when printed with color-managed printers.

Enhanced online sharing integration
Easily post images to social media and photo sharing sites like Facebook and Flickr®. With selected sites, online comments about your images are visible within Lightroom.

Emailing within Lightroom
Email images directly from Lightroom using the email account of your choice.

Import of other libraries
Bring the power and elegance of Lightroom to all your images, new and old. Easily import photos from other applications.

System requirements
• Windows
• Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® 64 processor
• Microsoft® Windows Vista® with Service Pack 2 or Windows® 7 with Service Pack 1
• 2GB of RAM
• 1GB of available hard-disk space
• 1024×768 display
• DVD-ROM drive
• Internet connection required for Internet-based services

4.4 Bugs – Fixed
• The crop overlay tool resized incorrectly when used in conjunction with the “Constrain to Crop” checkbox in the Lens Correction panel
• Background graphics were not correctly rendered within the Book Module
• Reading metadata from file would sometimes result in keyword and and GPS metadata to not save for video files
• Updated the "Missing File Icon" for HiDPI / Retina dispalsy
• The supplied lens profile for the Sony RX-1 did not contain vignette information
• Preview in Develop Module was not updated with the latest adjustments
• Square tile artifacts while painting with brush
• Previews of photos in portrait orientation were blurry when viewed in the filmstrip in the Develop module. (Mac only)
• Image in Book Disappears After Changing Modules
• Error changing modules when in Slideshow with second monitor connected
• Stack badges displayed the wrong count when creating new stack that included a preexisting stack.
• Local Adjustment Effect (Brushed Adjustment) Disappears (temporarily) After Selecting a Pin (Win only)
• Book changes are not saved after switching between modules
• The Filter scrollbar within the Library module was not rendering properly.
• Auto-tone was not working properly when used in conjunction with the Exposure adjustment slider. (Win only)
• The Black&White button was not creating a History state within the Develop module. (Win only)
• When switching from image to image, remnants of previous image visible on fringes of new photo. This occurred on Retina screens only.
• RGB color readouts were specified in the Adobe RGB colorspace rather than the ProPhoto linear colorspace. This occurred when working in Soft Proofing within the Develop module.
• Horizontal artifacts would occassionally appear in DNG files.
• Adding a page behaved inconsistently in the Book module depending on the method used to add a page.
• The state of the “Remove Chromatic Aberrations” checkbox within the Lens Correction was not persistent between sessions of Lightroom.
• Cannot add contacts from Address Book to email on Mac
• Sliders can no longer be moved on Win by using mouse wheel.

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4  繁體中文版官方  Home Page www.adobe.com

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4  繁體中文版 檔案大小: Size: 796 Mb

照片後期製作-Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.3 繁體中文版

Photoshop Lightroom是一款以後期製作為重點的圖形工具,可用來進行數碼相片的瀏覽、編輯、

Lightroom 3去年十月份發布了第一個公開Beta測試版,今天放出的最終版則號稱“

Lightroom 3繼續支持64位系統,包括Windows XP/Vista/7、Mac OS X 10.5/10.6,
聯機拍攝(Tethered Shooting拍攝的同時即可在電腦上查看照片)、圖片水印嵌入、電影膠片顆粒效果模擬(Grain工具)、

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3現已在官方網絡商店裡開始銷售,完整版售價299美元,升級版售價99美元。

Adobe? Photoshop? Lightroom? 3 可協助您完美地完成各項攝影相關工作,不論您要修飾單張影像、搜尋數十張


優異的雜訊抑制功能 新增功能

運用全新的雜訊抑制技術,讓高 ISO 影像也能產生令人驚豔、自然生動的效果。
您只需要使用 Adobe? Photoshop? Lightroom? 3 內建的功能,在任何 ISO 下都能產生清晰的影像。

加速效能 新增功能

讓您快速完成數位攝影工作,有更多時間拍照和行銷您的作品。Lightroom 3

支援 DSLR 影片檔 新增功能

運用全新支援大部分數位 SLR 相機的影片檔,讓您輕鬆並排管理和組織靜態相片和影片檔。

影像浮水印 新增功能


輕鬆匯入影像 新增功能


透視校正 新增功能


更有彈性的列印套件 新增功能


鏡頭校正 新增功能


更有彈性的線上發佈 新增功能

直接從 Lightroom 圖庫(可能需要使用協力廠商的增效模組)
輕鬆將您的影像發佈至所選的線上相片分享服務。 展示您的作品並隨時更新您的網路文件夾或收藏館變得比以前更加容易。

輕鬆分享加上配樂的幻燈片影片 新增功能


電腦連線拍攝 新增功能


影片粒狀紋理模擬 新增功能


‧Intel? Pentium? 4 處理器或相當等級
‧Microsoft? Windows? XP with Service Pack 3;Windows Vista? Home Premium、Business、Ultimate 或 Enterprise
(32 位元和 64 位元)或 Windows 7 (32 位元和 64 位元)
‧2GB 的記憶體
‧1GB 可用硬碟空間
‧1,024×768 螢幕
‧CD-ROM 光碟機

Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 3 可協助您完美地完成各項攝影相關工作,不論您要修飾單張影像、搜尋數十張、處理數百張或組織數千張相片。


什麼是 Lightroom?

進一步瞭解 Lightroom
進一步瞭解 Lightroom

Lightroom 3 中的新功能


Lightroom 3 提供多種新功能和增強功能,包括更快速的效能、全新的世界級雜訊抑制功能、鏡頭校正、支援 DSLR 影片檔、可輕鬆分享含配樂的幻燈片等。





上一頁 下一頁

Adobe TV

Adobe TV的 Lightroom 頻道上觀看 Lig
htroom 實際運用的影片,並對它如何協助您建立出色影像並簡化您的數位攝影工作流程有基本概念。

Lightroom 3 學習中心*

觀看說明 Lightroom 3 新功能的教學影片,並向專業人士全國協會 (National Association of Photoshop Professionals) 的專家學習進階技巧。

擴充 Lightroom*

運用自第三方開發人員取得的數百種增效模組與預設集進一步擴充 Lightroom 的功能,從匯出影像以進行線上列印到建立動態色彩與色調效果。

照片修片大師-PhotoInstrument 5.4.545 Multilingual多國語言繁體中文版




*從剪貼簿複製 /貼上圖像。
* PSD檔案(Photoshop格式)支援編輯。
* PNG,JPG,bmp格式和其他格式的檔案儲存到電腦。



最新版包括這些特效工具:液化、克隆、污點、皮膚擦淨劑、魅力皮膚、推托/燒傷、刷子、迷離、削尖、Colorize、轉動/標度、紅色眼睛撤除、亮光對比、調整顏色水平、煥發 醫治用的刷子、Denoise、對像撤除。

PhotoInstrument is a powerful and easy-to-learn raster graphics editor used to process digital photographs. With only a few clicks, anyone can solve most digital photo problems: Photo Editing; Photo Retouch; Draw MakeUp. Make your photo looks like its taken by professional photographer. If you ever wonder to touch up your photo, so you look more beautiful on your facebook or friendster or even on myspace, well this software is answer your question.

PhotoInstrument is a powerful and easy-to-learn raster graphics editor used to process digital photographs. With only a few clicks, anyone can solve most digital photo problems:
* Photo Editing
* Photo Retouch
* Draw MakeUp
* Make your photo look like it's taken by a professional photographer.

If you ever wonder to touch up your photo, so you look more beautiful on your facebook or friendster or even on myspace, well this software is the answer to your question.

Look down for it is important features:
* Drag and drop to open photos in this photo editor.
* Copy/Paste image from Clipboard.
* Batch Resizing (resize multiple images)
* PSD file (PhotoShop Format) support in Editing.
* Multi Language support.
* Save to computer as .jpg, .png, .bmp and other file formats.
* And many more features…

 照片修片大師-PhotoInstrument 5.4.545 Multilingual多國語言繁體中文版下載之檔案位址:

onOne Perfect Photo Suite 6是 onOne 所推出的 Adobe Photoshop 外掛程式合集最新版本,包括 onOne 軟體公司的七款專業級產品。

onOne 軟體公司為專業攝影師和平面設計師提供世界一流的軟體解決專案。

onOne Perfect Photo Suite 6.1 產品所含內容:

Perfect Portrait 1

Perfect Portrait 1 全新的產品需要出修飾的奧秘,為減少瑕疵及加強眼睛,嘴唇和牙齒的合適的工具,自動臉部和功能檢驗,增強實力的總控制,可作為一個獨立的應用程式或直接與 Lightroom,Aperture 或 Photoshop無縫整合到您的工作流程。

Perfect Layers 2

Perfect Layers是快速簡便的方法來建立分層檔案用Photoshop Lightroom 或 Apple Aperture。憑藉完善的圖層可以建立和編輯多層次 Photoshop檔案直接從 Photoshop Lightroom和 Apple Aperture,或從任何應用程式用它來結合圖像。用它來改變的天空,複合多張圖片一起修飾肖像使用內建的混合模式。我們非常高興能為您提供強大的分層功能,無縫整合到您的攝影工作流程。

Focal Point 2

FocalPoint 是Photoshop 柔化景深濾鏡,Photoshop 焦點控制外掛程式。攝影當中有時候想要進行選取性的聚焦,有許多技術可以實現這一點,比如說平面的重點,或是對局部進行模糊處理等等。最常見的方法是控制景深,在相機上採用大口徑的鏡頭,調節出一個狹長的景深來,也可以實現焦點控制。而在Photoshop 平面處理當中則需要採用更多的技巧來實現。現在這個外掛程式FocalPoint 就能說明你輕鬆實現這個目的。

Perfect Effects 3

Perfect Effects 3 使用Photoshop Actions 來處理一系列圖像工具,內含圖像效果、修改及產生自動化操作等。 Perfect Effects 3 容許使用者分別預覽效果,或是在類似一個分層的結構下堆疊,同時可以儲存將來要使用的預先設定。新的實時預覽也顯示全螢幕,所以你可以看到在其最好的形象。你一定會喜歡能夠輕鬆地堆疊多個效果,共同創造自己的獨特的外觀。

現在,Perfect Effects 3 它無縫整合到您的工作流程,您是否使用Lightroom,Aperture 或 Photoshop,Photoshop不再需要.甚至作為一個獨立的應用程式。

Photo Frame 4.

PhotoFrame 4 可作為外掛程式安裝於Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 軟體中,軟體的特色是幫攝影師將拍攝作品通過畫框更完美的展示,PhotoFrame 4 增加了更多的畫框及裝飾物的向量圖。軟體內建獨特的畫框邊緣效果,內含普通木質畫框效果、花邊、裝飾物及紋理效果等。該軟體提供的數以百計的新畫框對婚禮攝影師更是大有說明。

Perfect Mask 5

Perfect Mask 5 是一款精準的去背解決專案,可以說是目前最專業的去背軟體之一,具體功能有:讓你的去背效果可以達到最佳化,精準的遮罩功能,智慧筆刷以及魔術棒,無限的Undo/Redo 功能;另外在MaskPro之中還有提供相當多的工具如魔術筆刷以及路徑工具,所以你不用擔心因為工具過少作不出好的遮罩來將影像去背,因為這些工具再加上先前所提到的選色工具絕對可以幫你作出完美的遮罩,讓你的作品達到專業的水準。

Perfect Resize 7

Perfect Resize 7 是一款影像縮放的工業標準,是攝影師、繪畫藝術家和數位圖像專業人士的必備工具,該程式可以說明你建立和列印超高品質的拉近圖像,最大可達1000%,並保持線條和細節不失真。不僅支援RGB 圖像,也支援CMYK 和CIE-Lab 圖像。
本版本可適用於Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 或Apple Aperture。

Perfect Photo Suite 6, the dramatic new version of onOne Software's award winning product suite offers the best new tools for solving the most common problems faced by photographers today. This major upgrade introduces completely new products Perfect Portrait and Perfect Effects, Perfect Mask, the next generation of Mask Pro, Perfect Layers, in addition to favorites Perfect Resize, FocalPoint and PhotoFrame. And now, you can move effortlessly between applications, for a smoother and faster workflow.

As your workflows have changed, so have our products. All of the products in the Perfect Photo Suite 6 now work directly from Lightroom and Aperture, in addition to Photoshop, and they can even be used on their own.

Perfect Photo Suite 6 continues to work as a plug-in for Adobe Photoshop and now also as a completely standalone application. This additional functionality means that all products in the Suite can be used together within Adobe Lightroom without relying on a separate host application as was previously required. Perfect Photo Suite 6 will continue to include full support for Photoshop CS5 and CS4 with many of the products now functioning as Smart Filters.

Perfect Effects 3 builds on the popularity of PhotoTools to provide a faster and more powerful way to create images with impact. Perfect Effects includes a complete library of professional photographic effects that can be previewed, live and full screen, on an image before being applied. Perfect Effects now includes more manual control and blending options that provide even more control over how effects are combined and applied.

Perfect Portrait 1 is a completely new product that offers the latest innovations in portrait retouching for photographers. Photographers can now focus on the art of portrait creation because the most time consuming retouching tasks have been automated in Perfect Portrait. Perfect Portrait automatically finds faces, eyes and mouths in images so that photographers can get directly to the work of retouching and enhancing an image. Improving skin texture and color, removing blemishes and enhancing features like eyes, lips and teeth have never been easier.

Perfect Layers 2 allows photographers to combine photos for endless creative options. Create and edit multi-layered files with Perfect Layers directly from Lightroom, or as a standalone application. Perfect Layers files are saved in the PSD file format and can be edited in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements later. Perfect Layers is the heart of the new Perfect Photo Suite

Perfect Mask 5 is the next generation of Mask Pro, the leading software for background replacement. Perfect Mask takes the core strengths of Mask Pro to another level, by automating many common masking tasks with incredible accuracy. Perfect Mask’s new masking technology makes selecting subjects and isolating backgrounds surprisingly easy. With Automatic Background Removal, an initial mask is made on the image and can then be fine-tuned using the Erase and Refine Tools. With these new features, high quality masks can be created in just a few clicks. Perfect Mask makes masking tough subjects like hair and glass on complex backgrounds easy.

Perfect Resize 7 powered by Genuine Fractals, is the industry standard for image resizing. It is renowned across the photographic and printing industries for its ability to increase image size well over 1000% without the loss of sharpness or detail that is normally expected. The patented, fractal based interpolation algorithms work like nothing else and the results speak for themselves.

PhotoFrame 4 — Add the perfect finishing touch to images and layouts with PhotoFrame 4.6. With over one thousand design elements like film edges, borders, textures, backgrounds and adornments, PhotoFrame even has complete layouts where users can simply drop an image in and they are done. It is the easiest and fastest way to add an authentic darkroom touch with a film edge or to create beautiful albums or scrapbook pages.

FocalPoint 2 — Like bringing the camera lens inside the computer, FocalPoint 2 gives photographers the best way to add the most realistic depth of field and selective focus control to any image after it is photographed. Photographers now have an incredible flexibility and control over the look of the blur with FocalPoint’s new blur algorithm, FocusBrush, Lens Presets and multiple FocusBug features.

NEW! Integrated Modules
– Now Perfect Photo Suite 6 users can move effortlessly between applications rather than having to open and close individual applications. For instance, you can start with retouching a portrait in Perfect Portrait, and then move directly to Perfect Effects to add a creative effect or photographic filter and then move to Perfect Resize to resize and prepare your image for print. Just click the module at in the Suite menu bar to move from one to the other.
– All products now work as standalone applications

What's new in Perfect Photo Suite 6.1:
Updated Raw library, now supports the following additional cameras:
*ARRIRAW format, *Canon PowerShot S95, *Canon EOS 600D / Digital Rebel T3i / Kiss Digital X5,
*Canon EOS 1100D / Digital Rebel T3 / Kiss Digital X50, *Casio EX-Z1080,
*Fuji FinePix HS20EXR, *Fuji FinePix F550EXR, *Fuji FinePix X100,
*Leaf AFi-II 5, *Leaf AFi-II 6, *Leaf AFi-II 7, *Leaf AFi-II 8, *Leaf AFi-II 10, *Leaf AFi-II 10R, *Leaf AFi-II 12, *Leaf AFi-II 12R, *Leica D-LUX5, *Leica V-LUX2,
*Nikon D5100, *Olympus E-P3, *Olympus E-PL1s, *Olympus E-PL2, *Olympus XZ-1,
*Panasonic DMC-G2, *Panasonic DMC-GF2, *Panasonic DMC-GF3, *Panasonic DMC-GH2, *Samsung NX11,
*Samsung NX100, *Sony DSLR-A230, *Sony DSLR-A290, *Sony DSLR-A390, *Sony DSLR-A580, *Sony NEX-C3, *Sony SLT-A35
* Added support for Lightroom 4
* New Getting Started dialog
* Added access to the onOne Marketplace
* You can change the size of the thumbnail in the matrix browser mode
* Improved performance when starting, applying Photoshop plug-in
* Aperture version now supports exporting 8-bit version
* Refine brush quality improved
* Magic Brush quality, performance improved
* Added color spill brush
* Numerous pen tool improvements
* Added performance preference

Perfect Effects
* Preview now displays correctly when the target layer is not 100% normal
* Added thumbnail of mask the layer stack
* Borders now scale non-proportionally to fit images better
* You can change the size of the thumbnail in the matrix browser mode

Perfect Portrait
* Can now find smaller faces
* Loading presets is faster
* Launch speed is improved
* Changing Face Size pop-up is faster
* Uses less memory

Perfect Mask
* Refine brush quality improved
* Magic Brush quality, performance improved
* Added color spill brush
* Numerous pen tool improvements

Perfect Resize
* Gallery wrap with color option now works correctly in standalone
* Scaling down through the Perfect Photo Suite now works
【Adobe Photoshop 外掛程式合集】onOne Perfect Photo Suite 6.1.0官方網站:


【文章標題】: 圖片放大不失真-Benvista PhotoZoom Pro 4.0.0 最新-官方繁體中文版
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影技術教學密訓基地-總教頭
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design
【教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.html
【內容分類】: 圖片放大不失真軟體
【附件大小】: 17.6
【教學總部】: http://visdacom.com/design
【版權聲明】: 【原創】商業商品攝影技術教學密訓基地,轉載須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
  圖片放大不失真-Benvista PhotoZoom Pro 4.0.0 最新-官方繁體中文版

  那麼,趕快來試試 PhotoZoom Pro,PhotoZoom Pro 最主要的用途,是可以說明我們變更圖片的尺寸(通常是拉近)。
  但它可不單單如此,更重要的是,它可以讓我們在圖片拉近後,利用其 S-Spline 技術,對圖片做補差點,讓我們圖片在拉近尺寸之後,仍能保有一定的水準。
  你不滿意數位圖像拉近的品質?調整您的圖像使用BenVista PhotoZoom Pro 4,並獲得極好的效果,通過我們獨特的,屢獲殊榮的S -樣條技術!
  PhotoZoom Pro 是一款新穎的、技術上具有革命性的對數位圖片進行拉近的工具。
  備註:Benvista PhotoZoom Pro 4 安裝後可以單獨執行(也可以成為Adobe Photoshop CS所有版本的外掛程式)
  他安裝後的外掛路徑是:(C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS【版本號】Plug-InsImport-Export)
  單獨運行主程式路徑是:C:Program FilesPhotoZoom Pro 4PhotoZoom Pro 4.exe
  檔案名稱是:PhotoZoom Pro 4.8be,官方已經有中文版!
  通常要中文化外掛程式(要先把外掛副檔名.8be改成.exe ,中文化後再次將副檔名改成.8be)就可以啦!


  調整您的圖像使用BenVista PhotoZoom Pro 4 並獲得極好的效果,通過獨特的,屢獲殊榮的S -樣條技術!
  配備的S -樣條最大,最新一代的BenVista專利的S -樣條算法,PhotoZoom Pro 4的圖像拉近的創造無與倫比的質量。
  PhotoZoom Pro 4 任何替代解決專案,如Photoshop的雙三次技術,分形為基礎的方法,和所謂的'行業標準'。
  當競爭對手未能闖過 300000由300000像素,PhotoZoom Pro 4的圖像拉近至1億 100萬像素。
   PhotoZoom Pro 4是理想的解決專案,數位圖像拉近,既為印刷和螢幕的目的。
  PhotoZoom Pro 4是絕對必須擁有的專業人員和業餘愛好者嚴重誰想要調整他們的照片。

  圖片放大不失真-Benvista PhotoZoom Pro 4 的特點:
  – 最新的S -樣條插值算法
  – 更高質量的圖像拉近和更高質量的裁員
  – 先進的微調工具:建立您自己的預設及儲存以供日後
  – 減少(JPEG)壓縮文物和噪音
  – 批次處理
  – 多處理器支援
  – 專案作為獨立的應用,以及自動化外掛程式和出口外掛程式的Photoshop
  – 極端拉近:高達 1億 100萬像素!
  – 廣泛支援高端圖像
  配備的S -樣條最大,最新一代的BenVista專利的S -樣條算法,PhotoZoom Pro 4的圖像拉近的創造無與倫比的質量。
  PhotoZoom Pro的4拍任何替代解決專案,如Photoshop的雙三次技術,分形為基礎的方法,和所謂的'行業標準'。
  誠然,任何尺寸:凡達不到過去的競爭對手所300000 300000像素(甚至更低),PhotoZoom Pro 4的圖像拉近至1億 100萬
  安裝到您的工作流程:BenVista不打算再決定你應該如何適應 PhotoZoom Pro的4到您的工作流程。
  為了提高效能和改善工作流程,PhotoZoom Pro 4的現在完全支援64位和32位環境,同時與獨立應用程式和外掛程式版本!
  儘管 S – Max的樣條被證明是最改善技術在測試中,PhotoZoom Pro的4還提供了兩個其他優秀的S -樣條技術。你可以選取
  新PhotoZoom Pro 4的是更多的微調選項的S -樣條最大,提供完善的銳度控制和一個偉大的新技術和減少噪音的JPEG壓縮
  PhotoZoom Pro 4的完全符合要求的專業使用者,當談到圖像支援。
  同時,PhotoZoom Pro 4的支援層,16位/通道(內含原料)和32位/通道(HDR)圖像,以及最後但並非最不重要的,一個
  PhotoZoom Pro 4是理想的解決專案,數位圖像拉近,既為印刷和螢幕的目的。
  PhotoZoom Pro 4是絕對必須擁有的專業人員和業餘愛好者嚴重誰想要調整他們的照片。

  Resize your images using BenVista PhotoZoom Pro 4, and get superb
results through our unique, award-winning
  S-Spline technology! Equipped with S-Spline Max, the latest generation of BenVista's patented S-Spline
  algorithm, PhotoZoom Pro 4 creates image enlargements of unequalled quality. PhotoZoom Pro 4 beats any of
  the alternative solutions, such as Photoshop's Bicubic technique, fractal-based methods, and so-called
  'industry standards'. Where competitors fail to get past 300000 by 300000 pixels, PhotoZoom Pro 4 enlarges
  images up to 1 million by 1 million pixels. PhotoZoom Pro 4 is the ideal solution for enlarging digital
  images, both for printing and on-screen purposes. Besides enlargements of unequalled quality it offers
  various professional functions and features, and can be easily fit into anyone's workflow. PhotoZoom Pro 4
  is an absolute must-have for both professionals and serious amateurs who want to resize their images.
  – The latest S-Spline interpolation algorithms
  – Higher quality image enlargements & higher quality downsizing
  – Advanced fine-tuning tools: create your own presets & save them for later
  – Reduction of (JPEG) compression artifacts and noise
  – Batch processing
  – Multi-processor support
  – Works as stand-alone application, as well as Automation plug-in and Export plug-in for Photoshop
  – Extreme enlargements: up to 1 million by 1 million pixels!
  – Extensive support for high-end images
  Higher Quality:
  Equipped with S-Spline Max, the latest generation of BenVista's patented S-Spline algorithm, PhotoZoom Pro
  4 creates image enlargements of unequalled quality. PhotoZoom Pro 4 beats any of the alternative solutions,
  such as Photoshop's Bicubic technique, fractal-based methods, and so-called 'industry standards'.
  Truly Any Size: Where competitors fail to get past 300000 by 300000 pixels (or even much lower), PhotoZoom
  Pro 4 enlarges images up to 1 million by 1 million pixels. No other product offers this capability, let
  alone with preservation of image quality.
  Fits into your Workflow: BenVista does not intend to dictate how you should fit PhotoZoom Pro 4 into your
  workflow. Therefore, the software works not only as a stand-alone application, but also as an Automation
  plug-in and Export plug-in for Photoshop.
  For improved performance and an optimum workflow, PhotoZoom Pro 4 now fully supports 64-bit and 32-bit
  environments, with both the stand-alone application and the plug-in versions!
  Although S-Spline Max has proven to be the optimum technique in most tests, PhotoZoom Pro 4 also offers two
  other excellent S-Spline techniques. You can choose which you like best. You can even fine-tune each
  technique to your personal liking, and save your favorite settings so you can use them again later.
  New in PhotoZoom Pro 4 are the additional fine-tuning options for S-Spline Max, offering improved sharpness
  control and a great new technology for reducing JPEG compression artifacts and noise.
  Image Support:
  PhotoZoom Pro 4 perfectly meets the requirements of the professional user when it comes to image support.
  It fully supports color spaces like RGB, CMYK, Grayscale and Lab, just like metadata of the types EXIF,
  IPTC, XMP, and ICC profiles. Also, PhotoZoom Pro 4 supports layers, 16 bits/channel (including Raw) and 32
  bits/channel (HDR) images and, last but not least, a very wide range of image file formats.
  PhotoZoom Pro 4 is the ideal solution for enlarging digital images, both for printing and on-screen
  purposes. Besides enlargements of unequalled quality it offers various professional functions and features,
  and can be easily fit into anyone's workflow. PhotoZoom Pro 4 is an absolute must-have for both
  professionals and serious amateurs who want to resize their images.
  圖片放大不失真-Benvista PhotoZoom Pro 4.0.0 最新-官方繁體中文版下載之檔案位址:

【專業的圖像處理軟體】DxO Labs公司宣布推出圖像處理軟體DXO Optics Pro的最新版本v 7.2.2。
DxO Optics Pro 7增加了對以下五款相機的支持:富士X100,尼康P7100,索尼α77,索尼NEC-C3,索尼NEX-5N。

DxO Optics Pro是一款專業的圖像處理軟體,具有圖像光學糾正、優化曝光、調整對比度、色彩控制、RAW格式轉換、消除噪點和增強細節等功能。

DxO Optics Pro 7正式版是世界上最好的照片後期處理軟體之一, DxO Optics Pro 7會自動提高圖像質量,並突破相機極限,糾正所有的鏡頭變形,和改進相機拍照時傳感器帶給照片的常見現象,包括智能化的照片降噪。 DxO Optics Pro是一款屢獲殊榮的RAW程序軟體,其開發公司基於長期專一的相機和鏡頭屬性研究獲取到的研發知識為DxO Optics Pro提供了出色的圖像質量輸出,即使照片是拍攝在​​超高的ISO下的JPEG或RAW文件格式。

DxO Optics Pro是由DxO Labs所研發一套影像修正軟體

DxO Optics Pro 7.2.2主要功能如下:


至於劣者最感興趣的還是去雜訊功能,畢竟這是這套軟體的大賣點之一啊,以下是測試Optics Pro 7和Lightroom 3.6的去雜訊功能的比較。

劣者覺得Lightroom去雜訊全開,雖然幾乎完全消去雜訊,但是質感幾乎完全失去,感覺就像抹過一樣很平的感覺,只開50%去雜訊的感覺和Optice Pro 7相差無幾,但是劣者覺得立體感略遜一籌,另外就是LR需要用戶自行調整各項參數,使用上也稍嫌麻煩了些。Optics Pro 7就支援自動計算,若對自動計算的結果不滿意,還可以再微調參數以達到用戶的要求,如圖例的自動運算後的結果就還算令人滿意,抹除大部份雜訊同時還保留了立體感。

另外可惜的是,雖然支援轉成DNG檔案格式,但和Canon CR2 RAW檔相比,從RAW轉成DNG檔容量使用爆漲了三倍以上。因此劣者在使用順序上是用LR做照片管理,只挑出一些需要修正的照片轉由Optics Pro編修後,再轉成DNG檔匯回LR管理。


DxO Labs has introduced Optics Pro,
the latest release of its image quality enhancement software with a new demosaicing system to better deal with RAW data.
The new algorithm uses information from a much wider area when reconstructing image detail,
helping to minimize artefacts which contribute to the 'digital look'.
This latest release also applies noise reduction during the demosaicing process thus avoiding unnecessary amplification of noise artefacts.
DxO Optics Pro adds support for the Canon 5D Mark II and the Canon G10,
along with 32 new DxO Optics correction modules.
In addition, this new version includes various improvements,
including installation of the plug-in version for Adobe Photoshop CS4. DxO Optics Pro and upgrades are available immediately for Mac and Windows platforms.

【專業的圖像處理軟體】DxO Optics Pro 7.2.2官方網站:

照片應用程式 Nik Software Snapseed 1.2.1


照片應用程式 Nik Software Snapseed 1.2.1特點:
‧調整圖片 – 輕鬆瀏覽和調整您的照片與一個單一的點擊使用自動更正,調整你的照片,完美調整圖片或選取性地調整特定領功能變數的革命性的控制點。使用周圍環境建立的深度和活力的彩色和紋理,獨特的適應。調整白平衡,飽和度,對照度,更多。
‧剪裁,拉直和旋轉 – 旋轉90°和/或拉直照片和輕鬆裁剪圖像,以消除分散注意力的部分,你的照片。現在,內含標準縱橫比。

‧黑白 – 取得與此暗室啟發的過濾器的外觀,經典的黑色和白色。
‧葡萄酒 – 使任何照片看起來像一個老式的彩色膠片照片從50年代,60年代或70年代。
‧戲劇 – 專門為您的照片風格,自訂效果。
‧垃圾 – 一個完全獨特的,髖關節,和骯髒的外觀給你的照片。
‧傾斜和移位 – 現場看的一個縮影組的的經典壓縮的深度或模擬的波動和傾斜的大畫幅相機。
‧詳細訊息 – 加強與傳統銳化或獨特的結構控制在Nik軟體專業的產品的詳細訊息。
‧中心焦點 – 提請注意你的照片的主題,通過模糊周圍的背景。
‧相框 – 完美的點睛之筆照片加入程式化的邊界。

‧電子信件 – 傳送圖像原始解析度。
‧社會 – 分享在Facebook和Flickr。



Snapseed is the only photo app you’ll want to use every day! It makes any photograph extraordinary with a fun high-quality photo experience right on the desktop. Anyone can enhance, transform, and share their photos with ease using incredibly advanced features from the leader in digital photography software!

Basic Adjustments
• Tune Image – Easily browse and adjust your photos with a single click using Auto Correct, tweak your photos to perfection with Tune Image or selectively adjust specific areas of them with revolutionary Control Points. Use Ambience to create depth and vibrancy that uniquely adapts to colors and textures. Adjust White Balance, Saturation, Contrast, more.
• Crop, Straighten & Rotate – Rotate 90° and/or straighten photos and easily crop images to remove distracting parts of your photo. Now includes standard aspect ratios.

Creative Enhancements
• Black & White – Get that classic Black and White look with this darkroom-inspired filter.
• Vintage – Make any photo look like a vintage color film photo from the 50’s, 60’s or 70’s.
• Drama – Add style with a custom effect specifically tailored to your photos.
• Grunge – Give your photos a totally unique, hip, and dingy look.
• Tilt & Shift – Create the classic compressed depth of field look of a miniature set or emulate the swings and tilts of a large format camera.
• Details – Enhance details with traditional sharpening or the unique Structure control found in the Nik Software professional products.
• Center Focus – Draw attention to the subject of your photo by blurring the surrounding background.
• Frames – Add stylized borders to photos for the perfect finishing touch.

• Email – Send images at original resolution.
• Social – Share on Facebook and Flickr.

• Easily adjust your photos with the Tune Image filter, now featuring Auto Correct and Selective Adjust for precise editing
• Experiment with fun & innovative filters like Drama, Vintage, Grunge, and Tilt & Shift
• Add Image Borders for a finishing touch
• Share your creations via email, Facebook and Flickr

• Requires 64-bit processor (Intel Core 2 Duo or later)
• JPEG, TIFF (in RGB color mode), and RAW file formats

照片應用程式 Nik Software Snapseed 1.2.1 | Home Page: www.snapseed.com
ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7

照片應用程式 Nik Software Snapseed 1.2.1  | Size: 29.63 MB

精確色彩編輯程式 easyHDR PRO 2.22.1


easyHDR PRO 2.22.1產品特點:

‧做後期處理的結果沒有任何量化的損失 – 浮點資料(模糊,銳化,降噪,白平衡,色調調整色調映射)
負載BMP,JPEG,TIFF 24/48/96-bit,FITS和Radiance RGBE檔案格式
‧儲存為BMP,JPEG(不丟失EXIF頭),24/48-bit TIFF或輻射RGBE(HDR)

easyHDR Pro without question, produces much Better results than I was ever able to produce with Photomatix. Over the years I have tried a lot of editing programs. EasyHDR has outperformed them all. The results look more like what I saw with my own eyes when I snapped the shutter. The Best shadow detail, more natural looking color and accurate color, too! The results are like night and day to Photomatix. EasyHDR is more reasonably priced. And for the quality of the edited image, less costly than nearly all editing software. Easier to use. Produces the finished edit in much less time. I have not found a program that will produce a better picture to print, of Landscapes, Nature & Wildlife, Portraits, Architectural and Interiors. Photomatix is just not this versatile. Considerable time has been spent making comparisons, as I feel it is my responsibility as a working photographer, to provide to my clients and customers, the Best Quality Image I can. And because I take pride my work, and I Enjoy photographing the Beauty that God has given us, and sharing these Joys with others!

• blend a sequence of photos taken at different exposure values into a High Dynamic Range (HDR) image
• tone map HDR image into an 8-bit per channel REALISTIC looking result that can be displayed on computer screen or printed
• align the input photos using manual-alignment feature (compensates for shift, scale, rotation and PERSPECTIVE) or…
…use auto-alignment feature, that compensates for shift as well as rotation
• adjust tone curve shape to fine-tune the contrast
• do post processing on the tone mapped result without any quantization losses – on floating point data (blur, sharpening, noise reduction, white balance, color tone adjust)
• convert and tone map RAW images from your digital camera
• load BMP, JPEG, 24/48/96-bit TIFF, FITS and Radiance RGBE file formats
• save as BMP, JPEG (without loosing EXIF headers), 24/48-bit TIFF or Radiance RGBE (.hdr)
• use batch processing option to automatically process tens of image sets without any user interaction
• language versions: English, polski, Español, Deutsch, Français, Русский, Italiano, Português & Brazilian

精確色彩編輯程式 easyHDR PRO 2.22.1 | Home Page www.easyhdr.com

精確色彩編輯程式 easyHDR PRO 2.22.1
: 9.72 MB

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.2 數位攝影編輯工具

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.2【軟體簡介】:
 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 軟體可幫助您創造能夠啟發靈感、提供資訊並達到娛樂效果的精彩影像。
製作精緻的相簿、整理您的影像,並透過社交網路、網路收藏館等等輕鬆分享您的影像 — 全都只需透過一套快速、直覺式的應用程式。

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 軟體提供了一組完整的數位攝影工具,包括強大但簡單的自動控制以及最新的先進工具。
利用 Lightroom 包含的各種簡單好用的範本,將您的影像製作成精美的相簿。只需按幾下滑鼠,便可上傳相簿以供印刷。
依地點尋找影像或分類、輕鬆指定影像的拍攝地點,或規劃攝影展。自動顯示內建 GPS 功能之相機和照相手機裡的地點資料。

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom是一款以後期製作為重點的圖形工具,Adobe的目的是將其打造成未來數字圖形處理的標準,Lightroom的介面和功能與蘋果2005年10月推出的 Aperture頗為相似,主要面向數位攝影、圖形設計等專業人士和高端使用者,支援各種RAW圖像,主要用於數位相片的瀏覽、編輯、整理、列印等。

Adobe正式發佈Photoshop Lightroom 4

Lightroom 4在前代的基礎上加入了「書籍」和「地圖」模組,提供相冊製作及標示地理位置等功能,並提升了對視訊檔案的支援。

本次發佈的Lightroom 4正式版還加入了對以下新機型的支援:

佳能EOS-1D X
佳能PowerShot G1 X
佳能PowerShot S100
富士FinePix F505 EXR
富士FinePix F605 EXR
富士FinePix HS30 EXR
富士FinePix HS33 EXR

新款 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom軟體是專業攝影師必備的工具箱,它提供了一個管理、調整和展示大量的數字照片的簡單應用程式,讓您可以在電腦前花費更少的時間,而將更多時間用於拍攝。

從拍攝到潤色, 讓拍攝工作更簡單

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom  軟體是當今數字拍攝工作流程中不可或缺的一部分。
現在您可以快速匯入、處理、管理和展示圖像 — 從一張照片到所有照片。
Lightroom  可以說明您縮短電腦前的處理時間, 將更多的時間投入拍攝中。

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.2 官方下載網址:

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.2 (X86&X64) 【檔案大小】:717 MB

照片掃瞄完美的解決專案 Engelmann Media Photomizer Scan

憑藉我們的專業Photomizer SCAN軟體,您可以輕鬆地編輯您的掃瞄照片,掃瞄的幻燈片,甚至掃瞄的底片。
刪除錯誤,並在PC上的灰塵 – 完全自動!

照片掃瞄完美的解決專案 Engelmann Media Photomizer Scan令人留下深刻印象,清晰的使用者介面,易於操作的軟體。
只需儲存所有的改變 – 準備好了。

– 全自動改善的掃瞄,幻燈片和底片
– 自動物體識別
– 重新調整音調
– 重新銳化和對照度改善
– 色彩精修照片通過重新亞光彩色銳化!
– 全自動改善的色調和飽和度,白平衡,亮/暗校正校正
– 去除不想要的彩色轉換,霧等。

With our professional Photomizer SCAN software you easily edit your scanned photos, scanned slides and even your scanned negatives. Enjoy more colorful images by touching up flat colors! Remove errors and dust at the PC – fully automatically!

The easy-to-operate software impresses with a clear user interface. You see the original picture, preview and work surface directly on the monitor. The results of the optimization are displayed in real time. Simply save all changes – ready. Have you digitalized your slides, negatives, APS-films, raw scans or medium format pictures and do you now want to make more of your pictures? If you have a slide scanner and are not satisfied with the scanned results, Photomizer Scan is your perfect solution.

Photomizer Scan Highlights
– Fully automatic optimization of scans, slides and negatives
– Automatic object recognition
– Re-adjustment of tonality
– Re-sharpening and contrast optimization
– Color-intensive photos through re-sharpening of matt colors!
– Fully automatic: optimization of hue control and saturation, correction of white balance, bright/dark correction
– Removal of undesired color casts, fog etc.

照片掃瞄完美的解決專案 Engelmann Media Photomizer Scan | Size: 18.1 Mb

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7

照片掃瞄完美的解決專案 Engelmann Media Photomizer Scan | Home Page: www.engelmann.com

恢復丟失刪除.格式多媒體檔案 Stellar Phoenix Photo Recovery (救回被誤刪除照片)

Stellar Phoenix Photo Recovery 照片恢復是一個資料恢復工具來恢復丟失,刪除,格式的多媒體檔案,如圖片,音訊,視訊和圖像。

恢復丟失刪除.格式多媒體檔案 Stellar Phoenix Photo Recovery主要特點:
‧支援恢復刪除/意外格式化的圖片來自所有主要的相機,如尼康(NEF,英特爾),佳能(CRW,CR2),索尼(SR2),柯達(KDC,K25,DCR),奧林巴斯(ORF)和富士(RAF )。
‧相容Windows 7中,Windows Vista中,2003,XP,2000和NT與奔騰級處理器。
‧恢復照片從記憶卡,記憶棒,數位相機,Windows / Mac的硬碟機,Zip磁碟,迷你磁碟,CD,DVD,USB磁碟機,FireWire磁碟機和其他抽取式介質的損壞或已損壞的存儲介質,如。
‧支援恢復刪除/意外格式化的圖片來自所有主要的相機,如尼康(NEF,英特爾),佳能(CRW,CR2),索尼(SR2),柯達(KDC,K25,DCR),奧林巴斯(ORF)和富士(RAF )。
‧相容Windows 7中,Windows Vista中,2003,XP,2000和NT與奔騰級處理器。
‧支援不同的讀者,內含USB,串口,並口,軟驅,CD-ROM磁碟機,CD-R / W磁碟機。

– 檔案系統損壞
– 有意或無意的格式
– 沒想到開關關閉相機
– 意外刪除
– 腐敗或損壞介質
– 讀/寫錯誤訊息

Stellar Phoenix Photo Recovery is a data recovery utility to recover lost, deleted, and formatted multimedia files, like pictures, audios, videos, and images. The recovery software supports from all storage media, like memory cards, memory sticks, iPods, USB storage devices, hard drives, and Zip disks.

Key Features :
• Supports recovery of deleted/accidentally formatted pictures from all major cameras like Nikon (NEF, Intel), Canon (CRW, CR2), Sony (SR2), Kodak (KDC, K25, DCR), Olympus (ORF) and Fuji (RAF).
• Recovers all photo formats including JPEG, Exif, RAW, GIF, PGM, PNM, PBM, CD5, NFF, JPG, PNG, BMP, TIF and TIFF.
• Recovers photos from all types of memory cards such as SD, MMC, XD, MMCmicro, SM, CF, and Flash cards.
• Supports recovery of all audio and video file formats such as MP3, AVI, WMV, MPG, RM, WAV, WMA, OGG, AU, RPS, MP4, M4A, M4P, MOV, ASF, 3GP, DAT and AMV.
• Compatible with Windows 7, Windows Vista, 2003, XP, 2000 and NT with Pentium Class processors.
• Recovers photos from damaged or corrupted storage media like memory cards, memory sticks, digital cameras, Windows/Mac hard drives, Zip disks, Mini disks, CD, DVD, USB drive, FireWire drive and other removable media.
• Supports recovery of all audio and video file formats such as MP3, AVI, WMV, MPG, RM, WAV, WMA, OGG, AU, RPS, MP4, M4A, M4P, MOV, ASF, 3GP, DAT and AMV.
• Supports recovery of deleted/accidentally formatted pictures from all major cameras like Nikon (NEF, Intel), Canon (CRW, CR2), Sony (SR2), Kodak (KDC, K25, DCR), Olympus (ORF) and Fuji (RAF).
• Performs Card Recovery from memory sticks, IBM Micro Drives, SD Cards, MMC Cards, XD Cards, and Secure Digital Cards.
• Gives you a sneak-peek of the recoverable data with thumbnails.
• Provides “Event log" of the recovery process.
• Provides Selective Scan and allows saving the scan results for later recovery.
• Compatible with Windows 7, Windows Vista, 2003, XP, 2000 and NT with Pentium Class processors.
• Supports various readers including USB, Serial Port, LPT, Floppy Drive, CD-ROM Drive, CD-R/W Drive.
• Supports physical disk and logical volume.

Ensures comprehensive picture recovery after all the below situations :
– File system corruption
– Unintentional or intentional formatting
– Unexpectedly switching off the camera
– Accidental deletion
– Corruption or damage to the media
– Read/write error messages

恢復丟失刪除.格式多媒體檔案 Stellar Phoenix Photo Recovery / Homepage: http://www.stellarinfo.com


恢復丟失刪除.格式多媒體檔案 Stellar Phoenix Photo Recovery
/ Size: 9.71 MB

圖像和多媒體播放器 Accessory Software Photo Snap 5.2

 Accessory Software Photo Snap 是一個圖像和多媒體播放器的Windows NT,Windows 2000中,Windows XP中,Windows Vista中,Windows 7中,說明您快速尋找,檢視,編輯,列印和傳送/接收圖片/圖像檔案,在際網路上。

圖像和多媒體播放器 Accessory Software Photo Snap 5.2 主要特點:

多媒體播放器 – 搜尋主要的多媒體檔案類型,顯示,編輯,列印,整理,傳送和接收檔案在際網路上。
通過E-mail用照片捕捉在際網路上傳送圖片,如果你使用一個獨立的電子信件程式Outlook Express或Netscape作曲家。圖片和多媒體壓縮成一個ZIP檔案。
圖片使用+ / – 鍵進行拉近和拉遠。
支援Windows XP,Windows Vista中,Windows 7的。

Photo Snap is a Image and Multimedia Viewer for Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 that helps you quickly Locate, View, Edit, Print and Send/Receive Picture/Image Files over the Internet.

Main Features

Multimedia Viewer – Search for Major Multimedia File Types, Display, Edit, Print, Organize, Send and Receive Files over the Internet.
Organize Pictures in Photo Albums, and Multimedia Files in Play Lists.
Twain support.
Find and Display Pictures, Videos, Sounds, Music, Text Files, Documents, HTML, and System Files.
Picture Thumbnail Viewer where you set the size and resolution of the Thumbnail images.
Edit Picture/Image Files with techniques as Flip, Reverse, Rotate, Resize, Brightness, Contrast, Color Saturation, Gray Scale, Hue, and other special effects and filters.
Add 3-D Text and Geometric Shapes to Pictures and Images displayed in a Multiple Document Interface.
Cut and Paste sections of Pictures onto other pictures.
Create a Picture or Image from other Pictures with Text and Shapes, then send to friends through E-Mail over the internet.
Create Blank Picture Frames with color gradients for Logos or Picture Backgrounds.
Convert Picture File Formats between Picture File Types.
Save a list of any number of Folders with your favorite Multimedia Files for quick location.
Find and Play WAV, MID, RMI, AVI, MPG, MPEG, MOV, WMV, WMA, and MP3, MP4, FLV files.
Save Still Video Frames as Picture.
Cut Sections from Video and Audio Files, and Save as a File.
Create AVI Files from pictures.
Print Pictures on a page with Titles for page and each picture. Select your font and color for all printed text.
Send pictures over the internet with Photo Snap by E-Mail, if you use a stand alone E-Mail Program as Outlook Express or Netscape Composer. Compresses Pictures and Multimedia into a Zip File.
Receive Pictures and Zip Files by E-Mail and view, edit, save, and print with Photo Snap.
View Pictures or Multimedia on other computers accessible by the internet.
Capture your Computer Screen into a picture file.
Great Slide Show with hundreds of Transitional Effects while playing selected MP3, MID, RMI or WAV files in the background.
Supports TWAIN supported Devices, Scanners, and Digital Cameras.
Batch Rename/Move for many pictures in multiple folders.
Batch Copy and Conversion for supported Files in multiple folders to other folders, devices, or over the Local Area Network.
Local Area Network Support.
Create Zip Files and unzip Zip Files.
New Main Window Interface with Tabbed Selections.
Multiple Picture Editing Undos.
Zoom in and out of Pictures using +/- keys.
Listen to Music while searching for Pictures or Editing Pictures.
Set your own colors to different types of windows and window components.
Complete Help Text with Quick Tips in the program for easy use.
Supports Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.

圖像和多媒體播放器 Accessory Software Photo Snap 5.2  – http://www.accessoryware.com/PhotoSnap.htm

圖像和多媒體播放器 Accessory Software Photo Snap 5.2
: 11 MB

整體圖像轉換 CoolUtils Total Image Converter v1.5.105 多國語言版

CoolUtils Total Image Converter 圖像轉換器允許您拍攝的圖像,並創建一個新的不同的大小或格式,或執行任務的圖形文件只要按一下巨大的批次。

ImageConverter是獨一無二的 – 它支持幾乎所有流行的格式(JPG,GIF,BMP,PBM,PGM,PCX,PNG,PPM,TGA,TIF,WMF,EMF)。


ImageConverter是獨一無二的 – 它支持幾乎所有流行的格式(JPG,GIF,BMP,PBM,PGM,PCX,PNG,PPM,TGA,TIF,WMF,EMF)。所有你必須做的是設置所需的大小或格式和總圖像轉換器會自動完成剩下的。


整體圖像轉換 CoolUtils Total Image Converter v1.5.105 多國語言版主要特點:

·總的圖片轉換器支持幾乎所有的圖像格式(見列表 – >)。對於那些誰也不想浪費時間和精力尋找10個不同的轉換器處理不同的格式,這是所有功能於一身的解決方案。
Total Image Converter allows you to take an image and create a new one with a different size or format, or perform the task for huge batches of graphic files with one click. It is invaluable for web designers and other IT professionals. Total Image Conver

Total Image Converter helps you to convert image sizes and formats. A must-have utility for all web designers. ImageConverter is unique – it supports almost all popular formats (JPG, GIF, BMP, PBM, PGM, PCX, PNG, PPM, TGA, TIF, WMF, EMF). All you have to do is to set the required size or format and Total Image Converter automatically does the rest.

Total Image Converter allows you to take an image and create a new one with a different size or format, or perform the task for huge batches of graphic files with one click. It is invaluable for web designers and other IT professionals.

Total Image Converter helps you to convert image sizes and formats. A must-have utility for all web designers. ImageConverter is unique – it supports almost all popular formats (JPG, GIF, BMP, PBM, PGM, PCX, PNG, PPM, TGA, TIF, WMF, EMF). All you have to do is to set the required size or format and Total Image Converter automatically does the rest.

With Total Image Converter, you can also resize, rotate or perform mirror images and change color resolutions. If you have lists of images to be converted, use our batch processing. You'll get hundreds of images converted or resized with one click! ImageConverter is the best solution for converting images at a most reasonable price.

Here are some key features of "Total Image Converter":
· All image formats
· Total Image Converter supports almost all image formats (see the list ->). It's all-in-one solution for those who do not want to waste time and effort searching for 10 different converters to deal with different formats.
· Batch conversion
· If you have hundreds of images to be converted, you can use its batch file convert option. Just check the files that you want to process or just press Select All button to save your time. Get any amount of image files converted or resized in one click!
· 3 ways of handling
· First, there is well-thought user interface. Second, Total Image Converter seamlessly integrates into Windows. That means that you may select the file in your desktop and make right-button mouse click. You will see ConvertTo item in the standart Windows popup menu. And there is also Command line support. Run Total Image Converter from the command line within other programs.
· Built-in viewer and thumbnails
· Total Image Converter has built-in viewer. You may easily view your images inside the program before or after the conversion. You can either work with detailed list of files (name, size, type, modify, attributes) or with their thumbnails.
· Resize, rotate, crop, mirror
· With Total Image Converter you can also resize, crop, rotate or mirror images and change the color resolution (include convert to black and white color) of your graphics. Besides, you may adjust White Balance and make gamma correction. Adjust or set Brightness, Contrast or Saturation, apply shadow or use some filter. All this done when converting your image with Total Image Converter!
· Watermarking
· Total Image Converter lets you apply watermarks to your images! You may add your comment, logo or date to a single photo or a bunch of them.
· No special knowledge required
· Even if you never dealt with image converters before you will master the program in seconds. The program will itself ask you all the questions about the conversion settings and in case you are at a loss it will advise you the best setting for each conversion. Click here to make a quick tour on the program and see how simple it is to use it.

整體圖像轉換 CoolUtils Total Image Converter v1.5.105 多國語言版
| Home Page www.coolutils.com

整體圖像轉換 CoolUtils Total Image Converter v1.5.105 多國語言版 / Size: 6.1 Mb

照片設計師和平面設計師 Xara Photo & Graphic Designer MX 2013 v8.1.3


沒有分心的對話 – 只需拖曳的對象!


另外,它增加了專業設計人員需要額外的功能,內含支援PDF / X,PANTONE®和分色的,額外的速度,增強的匯入/匯出過濾器,Pro版本的照片全景工具和更多的多核心處理器的支援。

Xara的設計師Pro內含一個完整的「網站製作」功能,使您能夠輕鬆,內含滑鼠懸停跳出的影響,navbars和選單,動畫和部件設計多頁的網站。點選「預覽」和ftp上傳。這是世界上最先進的所見即所得的網頁佈局 – 與任何HTML所需的技能! Xara的照片和圖形設計師和設計師提供了一個真正簡單的方法來建立真正有效的Flash動畫。

Xara的設計師Pro為你提供總設計的自由 – 使用拖放你可以從字面上放置任何物品,在頁面上的任何地方。的事情,通常是難以實現的HTML是在Xara設計師Pro的一個單元 – 例如文字彎曲的邊緣,在一個角度的文字或圖形,文字繞流對像 – 沒問題!但設計師專業有一些聰明的技巧太多,使事情更容易為你 – 這裡的只是一個很少的東西,將節省您的時間和麻煩:液體文字流對像周圍容易滑鼠懸停,縮略圖和跳出式創作;最適列高到正確的Web解析度的照片,一次點擊的網站的主題彩色和色調的變化;自動配色進口對象,如按鈕和按鈕和面板的文字,變更文字自動拉伸。

使用行業標準是非常重要的,所以Xara的設計師專業網站是W3C標準,相容跨瀏覽器(IE 5.5,火狐,Safari瀏覽器,谷歌瀏覽器),CSS和XHTML標準的基礎。
Designer提供支援的檔案格式為一個巨大的範圍,因此很容易交流您的工作與其他使用者和程式。這內含常見的點陣圖類型(如GIF,JPEG,BMP,PNG,TIFF,PSD和RAW照片)和主要載體類型(如PDF和AI / EPS,EMF / WMF)。文字Xara的設計器支援RTF(Rich Text格式),HTML和Flash的網站。
Xara的設計師完全支援匯入和匯出的Adobe Photoshop®PSD檔案,內含層的支援。 Xara的設計師提供業界領先的出口超乾淨,很小巧的PDF檔案(內含支援漸變色填充和平面/畢業透明度)。 PDF匯入功能相結合,提供了另一種模式來交換檔案。


Xara Photo & Graphic Designer is quite simply the best value and fastest all-in-one graphics package you'll find. For drawings or photo work, for print or web graphics, it's the perfect choice. Xara Designer photo handling beats other graphics programs on many fronts: It's much, much faster, produces files that can be 10x or more smaller. It can handle multiple very high resolution images with ease, even on a modest PC. Being entirely object oriented means completely non-destructive photo editing, and uses a fraction of the RAM required by other products. Xara Designer offers unique non-destructive editing of photos – that means you can edit your photo as many times as you like without the loss of quality that is normal in other photo programs. Designer is also unique in the way it handles and stores photos (with lossless vector-based photo editing, combined with embedding the original JPEG) which means that files containing photos can be anywhere from 3 to 100 times smaller than with other programs.

Xara Designer has the world's most sophisticated, highest performance vector rendering engine. Quite simply this makes it the fastest graphics software to be found. Xara Designer's Direct Action Tools allow you to create effects such as transparency, shadows, bevels or gradient fills in an interactive, fast and intuitive way. No distracting dialogs – simply drag on the object! Many tasks in Xara Designer benefit from being able to use the drag and drop principle, which is the most intuitive way of working and a great time saver. It also supports drag and drop import of files, such as photos. Instead of dragging outlines when you draw, move, rotate or resize objects, Designer offers solid live object manipulation. Only Designer is fast enough to do this on complex vector graphics.

Being able to change what you have done is vital in a graphics package. Xara Designer allows unlimited undo, making experimentation easy. The Zoom tool allows magnification up to 25,000%, perfect for detailed work. And it's super-fast and resolution independent too. If this image was created in Photoshop with the same detail, the file would be 2000 x 3000 inches, take hundreds of megabytes of memory and file space. As a vector design it takes just 180Kbytes! Xara introduced the world's first vector anti-aliasing to bring maximum screen quality and is still a pioneer with the fastest, highest quality anti-aliasing available in any drawing program.

Xara Designer Pro (formerly Xtreme Pro) is our top of the range pr
oduct and includes all the features and templates of Web Designer and Photo & Graphic Designer. Plus it adds extra features that Pro designers need including support for PDF/X, PANTONE® and color separations, multi-core processor support for extra speed, enhanced import/export filters, a pro version of the photo panorama tool and more.

Xara Designer Pro includes a complete 'website creation' feature that enables you to design multi-page websites with ease, including mouseover and pop-up effects, navbars and menus, animations and widgets. One click preview and ftp upload included. It's the world's most advanced WYSIWYG web page layout – and with no HTML skills required! Xara Photo and Graphic Designer and Designer Pro offer a genuinely easy way to create really efficient Flash animations.

Xara Designer Pro gives you total design freedom – using drag and drop you can literally place anything, anywhere on the page. And things which are normally difficult to achieve in HTML are a snap in Xara Designer Pro – for example text with curved edges, text or graphics at an angle, text flowing around objects – no problem! But Designer Pro has some clever tricks too, to make things easier for you – here's just a few of the things that will save you time and trouble: Liquid text flow around objects; easy mouseover, thumbnail and pop-up creation; automatic adjustment of photos to the correct web resolution; one-click change of site wide theme colors and shades; automatic color matching of imported objects such as buttons; and buttons and text panels that automatically stretch as you change the text.

Working with industry standards is vital, so Xara Designer Pro sites are W3C compliant, cross browser compatible (IE 5.5, Firefox, Safari, Chrome) and XHTML, CSS standards based.
Designer offers support for a huge range of file formats, making it easy to exchange your work with other users and programs. This includes common bitmap types (eg GIF, JPEG, BMP, PNG, TIFF, PSD, and RAW photos) and key vector types (eg PDF and AI/EPS, and EMF/WMF). For text Xara Designer supports RTF (Rich Text Format) and for websites HTML and Flash.
Xara Designer has full support for importing and exporting Adobe Photoshop® PSD files including layer support. Xara Designer offers industry leading export of super-clean, very compact PDF files (including support for graduated color fills and flat / graduated transparency). Combined with the PDF import feature, this provides another way to interchange files.

Xara Designer Pro offers the ability to produce CMYK color separations. This includes on-screen preview of CMYK and spot color plates, PANTONE® color support, spot colors, on-screen printer gamut preview and a lot more.
Xara Designer Pro supports XPS export (and has a beta XPS import filter). This is an entirely new ‘page description’ file format invented by Microsoft that's vector based, and so is ideal as a resolution-independent portable document format.

照片設計師和平面設計師 Xara Photo & Graphic Designer MX 2013 v8.1.3 | Home Page www.xara.com

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/Se7en

照片設計師和平面設計師 Xara Photo & Graphic Designer MX 2013 v8.1.3
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