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* CoinManage附帶許多有用的報告,內含一個完全整合的報表設計器。建立報表,標籤,圖表和列印或匯出到各種格式,內含PDF ,Excel和HTML 。
*所有美國硬幣交叉參考的行業標準PCGS編號系統。現在,您可以即時檢視新PCGS CoinFacts的人口報告的所有美國硬幣。 (需要訂閱到PCGS人口報告)
* CoinManage直接連結到新PCGS Photograde的線上硬幣分級指南。超過1,400詳細的圖像的美國硬幣問題的69式。
*輸入PCGS slabbed硬幣,只需掃瞄條形碼或輸入證書編號。 CoinManage將尋找並自動進入硬幣品種,等級,序號以及現用的PCGS硬幣價值! (條碼掃瞄器不附帶CoinManage的)



【文章標題】: (硬幣收藏資料庫)CoinManage 2013 v13.0.16.0
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/ebook
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/ebook/new-ebook/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/ebook
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
CoinManage 2013 v13.0.16.0

Save countless hours of dull data entry by selecting from our comprehensive database of coins from the USA, UK & Canada. How Much is Your Collection Worth? Find out now with our accurate & up-to-date values. Includes PCGS values for certified coins & a separate values database for non-certified coins. Free updates every couple of months. Up-to-date variety & mintage information for all the latest coin issues. Version 2011 now includes PCGS values for certified coins & a separate values database for non-certified coins.

* CoinManage ships with numerous useful reports and includes a fully integrated report designer. Create reports, labels, charts and print or export to a variety of formats, including PDF, Excel and HTML.
* All USA Coins are cross-referenced to the industry standard PCGS numbering system. You can now instantly view the new PCGS CoinFacts or population reports for all your US coins. (Requires subscription to the PCGS Population Report)
* CoinManage links directly to the new PCGS Photograde™ Online coin grading guide. Over 1,400 detailed images for 69 type of US coin issues.
* Keep current with our automated program update feature. You will be able to instantly download and install the latest CoinManage program updates, values and reports.
* Enter your PCGS slabbed coins by simply scanning the barcode or entering the Certification Number. CoinManage will lookup and automatically enter the coin variety, grade, serial number as well as current PCGS value for the coin! (Barcode scanner is not included with CoinManage)

(硬幣收藏資料庫)CoinManage 2013 v13.0.16.0 | Home Page: www.libertystreet.com

(硬幣收藏資料庫)CoinManage 2013 v13.0.16.0 | Size: 84.6 MB