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Efficient To-Do List是一個專業,優雅和方便的任務管理軟體程式。通過特殊的優先級或以待辦事項(任務) ,或指定不同的彩色,不同的任務標籤,高效的待辦事項清單盡一切努力協助您遵循「要事第一」的原則。這讓我想起你一個任務開始前或到期時,可以說明你抵制誘惑, 「拖累」,並為您帶來兼職工作的成就感。憑藉其無限層級的分組和無限級子任務,你可以更好地組織和管理待辦事項清單。任務軟體為您節省了大量的時間與強大的功能,如快速尋找,複製和貼上待辦事項和批次匯入。此外,還有許多其他的特殊功能,例如顯示任務清單在卡片檢視,加入無限數量的附件或多種模式等重複重複執行的任務。使用高效的待辦事項清單的軟體,以提高生產力和促銷活動的樂趣!

為什麼選取Efficient To-Do List?







高效的待辦事項清單已經內嵌了一個功能強大的文件編輯器類似MS- Word中,可以用來寫你的工作意見。


語系:英語,保加利亞語,克羅地亞語,捷克語,丹麥語,荷蘭語,波斯語,芬蘭語,法語,法語(加拿大) ,德語,希臘語,匈牙利語,印度尼西亞語,意大利語,韓語,立陶宛語,挪威語,波蘭語,葡萄牙語,葡萄牙語(巴西) ,俄語,繁體中國,斯洛文尼亞語,西班牙語,瑞典語,泰語,中國傳統,土耳其語,烏克蘭語


【文章標題】:(任務管理軟體程式)Efficient To-Do List Pro 3.70
【文章作者】: EDM設計_電子報E-Mail廣告行銷教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/edm/
【EDM設計_電子報E-Mail廣告行銷教學課程】: http://por.tw/edm/edm_Marketing/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/edm/
【版權聲明】: (原創)EDM設計_電子報E-Mail廣告行銷教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Efficient To-Do List Pro 3.70

Efficient To-Do List is a professional, elegant and handy task management software program. By specifying the priorities or order of to-dos (tasks) or specifying different colors for different task labels, Efficient To-Do List makes every effort to assist you in following the "First Things First" principle. It reminds you before a task starts or is due, helps you resist the temptation to "drag on" and brings you the sense of on-time job accomplishment. With its unlimited-level grouping and unlimited-level subtasks, you can better organize and manage the to-do list. The task software saves you a lot of time with the great features such as quick find, copy and paste of to-dos and bulk import. Besides, there are many other special features such as displaying task list in card view, adding unlimited number of attachments or repeating recurring tasks in multiple modes and so on. Use the Efficient to-do list software to improve productivity and experience the joys of salary boom and promotions right now!

Why Choose Efficient's To-Do List Software?

Multiple Interface Styles
8 interface styles are provided to meet your individual needs! They have various tones of color like blue, green or metallic, and have Vista standard and XP standard windows appearances separately.

Portable Edition Available
The portable edition is designed to run from a USB flash drive. Now, with the USB drive, you can manage your tasks on different computers (such as one at home and another at work), and do not need to worry about data synchronization!
Free Download Now >>

Free Edition Available
To meet different requirements from our friends, we provide a professional edition together with a free edition. You can upgrade from the free edition to the professional one at any time. Click here to download our free to do list software now >>

Easy to Search
Efficient To-Do List has powerful search capabilities so you can quickly find your information.

Powerful Document Editor
Efficient To-Do List has embedded a powerful document editor similar to MS-Word, which can be used to write your comments for tasks.

Information Safety Safeguards
There is a Recycle Bin in this task management software, you do not need to be worried that you may delete some important information by mistake. The functions of Backup and Restore can help you conveniently save and migrate data.

Languages: English, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, Finnish, French, French (Canadian), German, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Korean, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian

(任務管理軟體程式)Efficient To-Do List Pro 3.70  / Homepage: http://www.efficienttodolist.com/

(任務管理軟體程式)Efficient To-Do List Pro 3.70  / Size: 11.1 Mb
