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硬碟監控-Hard Drive Inspector v3.84.364 繁體中文版

Hard Drive Inspector 能在背景監控硬碟的運作,在硬碟可能發生問題前警告你,讓你確保資料萬無一失。
除了養成定期備份的好習慣外,就得靠像Hard Drive Inspector這樣的硬碟監控軟體來隨時掌握硬碟健康情形。

Hard Drive Inspector是個相當直覺又好用的硬碟監控軟體。
當硬碟溫度過高、轉速不正常等異常狀況出現時,Hard Drive Inspector就會發出警訊,這時你就得提高警覺,趕快進行備份了。

Hard Drive Inspector能監控的硬碟運作參數相當多,但介面卻很直覺簡單。

只要你的硬碟支援SMART功能(大多數最近四五年內的硬碟都支援),而且不是用USB或1394連接電腦,Hard Drive Inspector就可以仔細監控。

Hard Drive Inspector is a powerful, effective and easy-to-use program that monitors hard drive health.
The value of information stored on an average computer hard drive often exceeds the value of the computer itself.
But a hard drive is one of the most unreliable internal computer devices. When it crashes (which happens quite frequently),
the stored information will be lost fully or partially. Subsequent information recovery is either not possible at all,
or constitutes a very sophisticated and expensive procedure that can be performed only by specialists.

Modern hard drives support S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology)
that was specially developed to detect upcoming disk failures.
Using this technology Hard Drive Inspector can monitor the current state of various life-critical parameters describing a disk's reliability and performance.
Hard Drive Inspector analyzes this data and warns the user if the parameters indicate a critical reduction of disk reliability.
Timely alerts make it possible to copy the data and replace an unreliable disk, thus preventing information loss.

硬碟監控-Hard Drive Inspector v3.84.364 繁體中文版下載之檔案位址: