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【原創】Flash MP3 Player Builder 3.2 繁體中文化版

Flash MP3 Player Builder的目的是將音樂文件轉換為Flash形式的播放器,以方便易在網頁上引用;現在,您可以通過Flash MP3 Player Builder提供的豐富選項打造一個獨具個性的Flash音樂播放器了。它可以將多個音樂文件封裝為一個音樂播放器,這個Flash音樂播放器具備了各種基本功能,如播放/暫停、音量控制、前進/後退、進度控制、順序播放/隨機播放等。Flash MP3 Player Builder自帶了很多種類的Flash Player界面,且提供了豐富的自定義選項,如背景/前景圖片等。

Flash MP3 Player Builder可以簡便快捷地批量轉換MP3與WAV等音樂文件轉換為Flash(*.SWF)格式而幾乎不損失質量,然後就可以輕鬆將Flash格式的MP3播放器添加到您的網站和博客上。

將 MP3和WAV文件轉換為Flash SWF文件有什麼好處呢?首先是音頻數據經過重新編碼後,較大的MP3或WAV文件可以轉換為體積較小的SWF文件而不損失音質;其次是Flash SWF音頻文件能夠兼容所有的瀏覽器,其數據流也不會被防火牆等軟件所攔截;最後,將轉換後的Flash播放器上傳到您的網站或博客,立即就擁有一個很酷的音樂播放器。

Flash MP3 Player Builder 3.2下載網址:

本網站Flash教學課程: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php

Aleo Flash MP3 Player Builder
(MP3 to SWF Converter)
Batch convert MP3 and WAV to small Flash SWF without losing quality,
generate full functional XML driven Flash MP3 Player for your website and blog
(MySpace, Google Blog, MSN Blog and all other popular blogs) with ease.
Add music on your website, blogs and CDROM today!
On your website
On your MySpace, MSN Space and Google BlogSpot page
On your blogs (works in all blogs that accept Flash)
In your CDROM
Full functional XML driven web flash mp3 player with playlist, play, stop, pause, rewind, forward buttons, volume adjustment and progress slide bar.
Not just a Flash MP3 Player, why convert MP3 and WAV files to Adobe Flash SWF files?
By re-encoding audio data with different parameters, you can convert a large MP3 or WAV file to a small SWF file without losing quality. Size of a five minutes music MP3 is usally 6Mbit, but size of the corresponding Flash SWF can be as small as 600Kbit, that's, 10 percent of the MP3 size. The smaller size means your visitors only need a shorter waiting time for the music playing.
Unlike MP3 file, Flash SWF audio file is compatible with all browsers. It will stream through firewall, will never be blocked.
Unlike Quick Time or Windows Media Player, nearly every web browser has the free Flash player installed, your visitors do not need to download and install a plugin.
Instantly running: does not need any extra hardware or software, upload Flash SWF file to your website, it's ready for listening.