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Flash Particle Studio 1.23【製作粒子效果Flash特效】

Flash Particle Studio是一款Flash特效製作工具。

Flash Particle Studio是一個工具與方便,快捷地建立令人驚嘆的閃光粒子效果。
通過調節參數的自訂粒子效應這樣的速度,密度,彩色,透明度,帶/不帶透明度的SWF / FLV檔案,PNG圖像系列的AVI視訊發佈。






作為一個SWF/ FLV檔案發佈。

‧發佈一系列圖像(PNG/ JPEG/ BMP)的有/無透明度。

Flash Particle Studio is a tool with which to easily and quickly create stunning flash particle effects.
Start by selecting a particle effect from a library. Load a bitmap containing a shape to be used as a particle effect source.
Customize the particle effect by adjusting parameters such as speed, density, color, transparency, etc.
Publish as an AVI video with/without transparency, SWF/FLV file, series of PNG images.

• Select from tons of particle effects such as fire, electric, water drip, corona, aurora, light, plasma, fairy dust, matrix, smoke, etc.
More details

• Create a particle effect from any shape easily by using any shape within a bitmap file.

• Customize your particle effect by adjusting parameters such as density, speed, life-span, size, color, transparency, etc. Potentially you can create thousands of different varieties of particle effects.

• Create a looping particle effect animation which will play seamlessly in a loop.

• Publish as an AVI video (with/without transparency).

• Publish as an SWF/FLV file. More details

• Publish as a series of images (PNG/JPEG/BMP) with/without transparency.

【製作粒子效果Flash特效】Flash Particle Studio 1.23下載之檔案位址:
