網站要『用動畫讓網站整個動起來』漂亮、有趣、讓訪客忍不住要點閱! 最新推出:網站動畫製作秘技傳授 +(技術諮詢) 讓你快速學成! 進入HTML5的時代Flash動畫技術已經走入歷史! 如何在自適應網頁網站(RWD)架構下『用動畫讓網站整個動起來』是必學的秘技! 傳授 jQuery 廣告看板(3D 轉場.多版面輪播) 『自己製作 wordpress 動畫看板外掛程式』的獨家秘技! 網站登入頁面藉助『動畫助手』與『吸睛看板』收集潛在客戶名單的秘訣 讓您網站能擁有流量與訂單! 傳授如何將動畫短片轉成GIF動畫,讓整個網站更有有趣! (無師不一定會自通!有拜師當然就一定會通) 提供 JavaScript 廣告模版,讓你快速套用自己的廣告,並快速發佈於網站上! 教導藉助『網頁編輯器』強大模組功能,不需記住一大堆語法(快速動態展示圖片輪播特效) 傳授『網頁廣告看板設計軟體』套用模版,不是美工出身也能輕鬆搞定! 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會的擔憂....)

Aurora 3D Animation Maker(又名Aurora3DAnimation)是一款非常專業的3D文字動畫建立軟體,可以在短短幾分鐘內輕鬆高效地生成3D標題,文字和徽標動畫。

Aurora 3D Animation Maker具有改善的關鍵幀動畫技術,該技術可以基於單個關鍵幀製作所有動畫效果。

這種情況下,易學易用的Aurora 3D動畫製作器是輕鬆建立3D動畫和文字的最佳選取之一。


【3D文字動畫】Aurora 3D Animation Maker 16.01 網址:

Aurora 3D Animation Maker (AKA: Aurora3DAnimation) is a very professional 3D text animation creation software that can easily and efficiently generate 3D title, text and logo animations in just a few minutes. It enables users to give full play to their creativity and imagination to easily create amazing text-based 3D interactions, animations, videos and multimedia programs!

Aurora 3D Animation Maker has the optimized key frame animation technology, which can make all the animation effects based on a single key frame. And it comes with dozens of inbuilt animation templates, so that it is able to make a common animation effect without using any key frame. Besides, it also supports importing vector format of SVG file and converting it to three-dimensional graphics, and allows to export the result as multiple popular image formats, SWF, video (with transparent background), animation, even an EXE file.

When we make headlines, banners or video promotions, we need to make a cool animation to attract visitors in order to highlight the content we want to describe. However, it is obviously not realistic to learn complex animation production software from the beginning. This case, the easy-to-learn and easy-to-use Aurora 3D Animation Maker is one of the best choices for creating 3D animations and text with ease. Even for absolute beginners who know nothing about animation, they can still finish the task in a very short time with its help.