網站要『用動畫讓網站整個動起來』漂亮、有趣、讓訪客忍不住要點閱! 最新推出:網站動畫製作秘技傳授 +(技術諮詢) 讓你快速學成! 進入HTML5的時代Flash動畫技術已經走入歷史! 如何在自適應網頁網站(RWD)架構下『用動畫讓網站整個動起來』是必學的秘技! 傳授 jQuery 廣告看板(3D 轉場.多版面輪播) 『自己製作 wordpress 動畫看板外掛程式』的獨家秘技! 網站登入頁面藉助『動畫助手』與『吸睛看板』收集潛在客戶名單的秘訣 讓您網站能擁有流量與訂單! 傳授如何將動畫短片轉成GIF動畫,讓整個網站更有有趣! (無師不一定會自通!有拜師當然就一定會通) 提供 JavaScript 廣告模版,讓你快速套用自己的廣告,並快速發佈於網站上! 教導藉助『網頁編輯器』強大模組功能,不需記住一大堆語法(快速動態展示圖片輪播特效) 傳授『網頁廣告看板設計軟體』套用模版,不是美工出身也能輕鬆搞定! 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會的擔憂....)

免費flash製作軟體下載 Vectorian Giotto 3.0 繁體中文化版

Vectorian Giotto 為網站快速且簡單的製作專業 Flash 動畫,可取代 Adobe Flash 這種商業級的動態影片製作軟體。
Vectorian Giotto 擁有內含選取、線條、套索、插入圖片、文字、橢圓形、矩形、鉛筆、筆刷、自由漸變、墨水瓶、顏料桶、點滴和橡皮擦在內的15種向量繪圖工具。

此外,免費flash製作軟體下載 Vectorian Giotto 支援圖層和漸變填充以及交叉點,聯合和在物件上的不同操作。
可以結合和處理文字,圖像和圖形來製作 Flash 電影。

設定開始和結束點對象的外觀,然後Giotto 自己處理其餘的操作。

你可以在 Vectorian Giotto 內定預覽你設計的動畫,而不需要運行一個瀏覽器或是額外的播放器。



【文章標題】: 免費flash製作軟體下載 Vectorian Giotto 3.0
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Vectorian Giotto

You want people to love your web site. You want them to be impressed, amazed, thrilled. You need Flash animations that will light the spark in your visitors eyes, and encourage them to explore amazing things that you have to offer.

And yes, you can make that cool Flash animations by yourself, for free! Using Vectorian Giotto, a completely free Flash animation software, you’ll have a chance to make what you want, and how you want it! You just have to get through few tutorials, and there you go, you can start animating. It’s free for both personal and commercial use, so there are no boundaries to your creativity!

Its absolutely free, as in $0.00! There is NO catch – download and start using it NOW.

More creativity, less scripting!

Giotto comes packed with more than 50 great animated effects that can be applied to both shapes and text, without any coding at all! Play with Flash effects through the effect editor, and see the amazing animations immediately on the screen.

You only need to focus on expressing your creativity and making Flash animations, there’s no need for scripting and coding, and even no need to pay anything!

Familiar user interface.

Giotto follows good practice of other successful design software. You don’t have to learn to drive again. Everything feels like home – the user interface, motion tweens, symbols, library, filters like blur or drop shadow…

It’s really like switching from one browser to another. Giotto’s user interface looks, feels and smells like the top commercial Flash design software packages, so you can make a transition without a hussle, absolutely free!

Exciting new features!

Advanced color palette editor that REALLY creates cool palettes. Shape tweening and morphing that actually WORKS. Dozens of new features that will make you fall in love with Giotto right away! Features are all integrated, and work together giving you a chance to just make that perfect Flash banner or any other Flash animation. While you use it, you will be amazed to see that more and more functionalities will make your life easier. And if you have an idea, a feature request, or want to report an issue, we are here to help. We listen to our users!

免費flash製作軟體下載 Vectorian Giotto 官方網址:

免費flash製作軟體下載 Vectorian Giotto 檔案大小: 20.7 MB
【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
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