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最通用和成套工具來建立最佳的影響 – 一鍵定制的預置,可調濾波器和手動控制藏書豐富的圖書館可以很容易和有趣,每技能水平的攝影師,以自己的形象轉化為驚人的傑作。工作與AdobeRPhotoshop,Photoshop Elements,Lightroom,蘋果光圈,作為一個獨立的應用程式。

現在有兩倍多的過濾器在 Perfect Effects 8可用,因此你可以建立一個年份,Instagram您想要的風格外觀,從任何影響流行的HDR的外觀。為您的圖像加入驚豔的動態對照度,一個陽光的光芒,紋理疊加,拍攝後的背景虛化效果,以及更多!

你有沒有套用預設,並希望你可以做輕微的調整,比如刪除邊框或變更質感的實力?隨著新的Perfect Effects 8,你可以精確的做到。

自帶的Perfect Effects 8預置現在可以自訂。當你選取一個適用於你的形象,你可以看到過濾器,使得它向上再加入,刪除或調整任何過濾器,你請的分層堆疊。



– 內建預設可以通過一次點選應用到瞬間提升為出發點,你的創意你的形象或行為。
– 超過20個過濾器給你各種各樣的方法,不同的外觀新增到您的圖像。每個人都有讓您微調,並創造你想要的效果自己的過濾器選項。
– 分層的工作流程,可以讓你把堆疊和混合所有的過濾器和預設建立自己的獨特的外觀。









完美的面具可以作為一個外掛程式,是一個完美的伴侶Adobe Photoshop,Photoshop Elements,Lightroom,和蘋果光圈。當你將它新增到您所選取的工作流程,可以屏蔽你的圖像,並執行費時,或不可能通過自己做任何這些應用程式的任務。


‧與AdobeRPhotoshop,Photoshop Elements,Lightroom,蘋果公司光圈,並作為一個獨立的應用程式工作



【文章標題】:(可調濾波器)OnOne Perfect Effects 8 Premium Edition 8.5.1
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
OnOne Perfect Effects 8 Premium Edition 8.5.1

The Most Versatile and Complete Set of Tools to Create the Best Effects – An extensive library of one-click customizable presets, adjustable filters, and manual controls make it easy and fun for photographers of every skill level to transform their images into stunning masterpieces. Works with Adobe® Photoshop®, Photoshop Elements, Lightroom®, Apple® Aperture®, and as a standalone application.

New and Improved! Adjustable Filters
Now there are twice as many Filters available in Perfect Effects 8 so you can create any effect you want—from the popular HDR look to a vintage, Instagram®-inspired look. Add stunning Dynamic Contrast to your images, a sunshine glow, texture overlay, a bokeh effect after the shot, and more!

Improved! Customizable Presets
Have you ever applied a preset and wished you could make a slight adjustment, such as remove a border or change the strength of a texture? With the new Perfect Effects 8, you can do exactly that.

Every preset that comes with Perfect Effects 8 can now be customized. When you select one to apply to your image, you can see the layered stack of filters that make it up—then add, delete, or adjust any of the filters as you please.

Flexible Effects for Unlimited Creativity
Whether you are just starting out in photography or a seasoned professional, Perfect Effects gives you a spectrum of powerful and flexible tools to enhance your images and elevate your creativity…and have fun while making your photos the best they can be.

– Built-in presets can be applied with a single click to instantly enhance your image or act as a starting point for your creativity.
– More than 20 Filters give you a wide variety of ways to add different looks to your image. Each has its own Filter Options that let you fine tune and create the effects you want.
– A layered workflow lets you combine, stack, and blend any of the filters and presets to create your own unique look.

Live Previews
Preview your effect or preset categories on your image at one time, making it easy to compare them and decide the perfect look you want to create.

A full-screen gallery view of your images and variable thumbnail sizes give you a few large previews or many small ones depending on your screen size and content. Back buttons, breadcrumbs, and keyboard navigation options let you navigate through your options with a natural ease.

Paint-in Effects
Add effects or remove them from specific parts of your image with simple brush strokes.

Perfect Brush
Turn on the Perfect Brush and Perfect Effects will recognize the areas you're working on so you won’t go “outside the lines” as you apply or remove adjustments.

Improved! Selective Adjustments
Solve some of your most common digital photography problems with the Adjustment Brushes and the new Adjustable Gradients. Make areas darker, lighter or warmer. Add detail, glow or more color. You can also reveal highlights and recover shadows.

New! Built-in Browser
Preview your effect or preset categories on your image at one time, making it easy to compare them and decide the perfect look you want to create.

A full-screen gallery view of your images and variable thumbnail sizes give you a few large previews or many small ones depending on your screen size and content. Back buttons, breadcrumbs, and keyboard navigation options let you navigate through your options with a natural ease.

Works Seamlessly with Popular Software
Perfect Mask works as a plug-in and is a perfect companion to Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Lightroom, and Apple Aperture. When you add it to the workflow of your choice, you can mask your images and perform tasks that are time-consuming, or impossible to do in any of these applications by themselves.

You can also use Perfect Mask as a complete standalone application all by itself.

• Works with Adobe® Photoshop®, Photoshop Elements, Lightroom®, Apple® Aperture®, and as a standalone application

What's New in Version 8.5.1:
Multiple, re-editable Masking Bugs
General performance and stability improvements

(可調濾波器)OnOne Perfect Effects 8 Premium Edition 8.5.1 | Homepage: www.ononesoftware.com

(可調濾波器)OnOne Perfect Effects 8 Premium Edition 8.5.1 | Size: 263.2 MB
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