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它可以恢復由任何類型的存儲介質(音樂棒,數位相機,快閃記憶體磁碟機, USB磁碟機, PC卡等)的資料。
此工具恢復所有損壞和刪除的照片,文件, mp3等檔案,即使重新格式化的存儲卡。

有100 %的完成率。您不需要設定任何選項 – 整個程式都與一個內建的照片恢復精靈自動完成。

*預覽和恢復RAW圖像( CRW , CR2 , NEF , PEF , RAF, RAW等格式) 。
*恢復從各種存儲媒體檔案,內含:軟碟,數位相機, Zip盤,智慧媒體卡,索尼記憶棒, CF卡,微型硬碟,安全數位卡, xD圖像卡,快閃記憶體卡, USB磁碟和其他許多。
*微軟Windows 2000 , XP,2003 Server中, Vista的下的作品。


【文章標題】: (資料恢復工具)SoftOrbits Flash Drive Recovery 2.1
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
SoftOrbits Flash Drive Recovery 2.1

SoftOrbits Flash Drive Recovery is a Flash data recovery tool. It can recover data from any type of storage media (music sticks, digital cameras, flash drives, USB drives, PC cards, etc). This tool restores all corrupted and deleted photos, documents, mp3 and other files even if a memory card was re-formatted.

You can see recovered photos and other documents with the free trial version. After the program is purchased, you can save all files to your hard-drive. There is 100% Success Rate. You do not need to set any options – the entire process is done automatically with a built-in photo recovery wizard.

SoftOrbits Flash Drive Recovery allows you to:
* Preview and recover JPEG, JPG, TIFF, BMP, PNG, GIF, TGA and other images.
* Preview and recover RAW images (CRW, CR2, NEF, PEF, RAF, RAW and other formats).
* Recover files from various storage media including: Floppy disk, Digital camera, Zip Disk, Smart Media Card, Sony Memory Stick, Compact Flash card, MicroDrive, Secure Digital Cards, xD Picture Card, Flash Card, USB disks and many others.
* Works under Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, 2003 Server, Vista.

(資料恢復工具)SoftOrbits Flash Drive Recovery 2.1 | Homepage: www.softorbits.com/flash-drive-recovery/index.html

(資料恢復工具)SoftOrbits Flash Drive Recovery 2.1 | Size: 3.3 MB
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