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支援不同的操作系統:Windows 7/Vista,Windows XP,SYSLINUX基於磁碟,GRUB4DOS磁碟,Linux內核等,您可以建立可啟動USB快閃記憶體空白最小的一套系統檔案,然後手動來調整您的需求,或將其轉換一個全功能的可引導的CD-ROM或軟碟引導的USB快閃記憶體的所有功能。


可引導媒體,可啟動的USB快閃記憶體鍵是非常方便的:軟碟相比,它們有更大的規模,速度和可靠性,CD / DVD光碟相比,他們是隨機寫入接入裝置,所以你可以備份你的資料到相同的媒體引導,而不需要重新格式化(再燒錄)。同樣,為他們減少成本,不像CD / DVD光碟。

可啟動的USB快閃記憶體盤是特別用華碩Eee PC上網,它沒有內建的CD / DVD磁碟機或安裝。另一方面,買上網的外部CD / DVD磁碟機是不是一個真正明智的選取,因為它會被移出使用,只是在安裝Windows後,由於普遍使用的DVD映像檔案和現代的硬碟容量。

可引導的USB快閃記憶體盤作為引導裝置「大」台式電腦是有用的,不像CD / DVD光碟,他們不具有合理的表面,從而更可靠(特別是你的備份資料)。如果你的系統管理員工作限制,PC不會有CD / DVD磁碟機,你還可以從USB快閃記憶體盤啟動。或是,如果你家裡的電腦有CD / DVD磁碟機,你就可以做到這一點。

有一定的流動性的考慮。如果你的筆記本有一個可引導的CD / DVD磁碟機,你可以輕鬆一段時間:經常使用引導裝置電池電量顯然是不夠的。

可啟動的USB快閃記憶體盤,你不會被CD / DVD的大小限制為700或4700 MB。你可以根據您的需要買一個大或小USB磁碟。開機後,每台PC上,你可以把你的檔案設為同一引導裝置,或將它們復原。不需要重新格式化(再燃)的啟動盤,你只是複製檔案和資料夾,有沒有這樣的操作需要額外的硬體。

‧Windows 8的安裝到USB儲存裝置:該版本修復了Windows Update和非功能無法建立系統復原點的問題。

【文章標題】: (USB磁碟引導工具)FlashBoot 2.2c
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
FlashBoot 2.2c

FlashBoot is a tool to make USB disks bootable. Its primary focus is USB Flash disks, but other types of USB devices are supported as well. Making disk bootable involves formatting and copying operating system files to it. Different operating systems are supported: Windows 7/Vista, Windows XP, SysLinux-based disks, GRUB4DOS disks, Linux kernel etc. You may create blank bootable USB flash with minimal set of system files and then manually tune it for your needs, or convert a full-featured bootable CD-ROM or floppy disk to bootable USB Flash keeping all functionality. FlashBoot can either format physical disk or write an image file. So you may create customized USB disk manually or with another tool and use FlashBoot to create image out of it and redistribute it in local network or online.

Why do you might want to use bootable USB flash disks?

Unlike the most bootable medias, bootable USB Flash keys are very handy: compared to floppies, they have much bigger size, speed and reliability, compared to CD/DVD discs, they are random write access devices, so you can backup your data to the same media where you booted from, without need to reformat (reburn) the entire media. Again, the cost per gigabyte for them continues to cut down, unlike CD/DVD discs.

Bootable USB flash disks are especially useful with netbooks like ASUS Eee PC which does not have builtin CD/DVD drive or an opportunity to install one. On the other hand, buying external CD/DVD drive for netbook is not a truly wise choice because it will be shifted out of use just after Windows is installed, thanks to widespread use of DVD image files and modern hard disk capacities.

Bootable USB flash disks are useful as boot devices on the "big" desktop PCs too, unlike CD/DVD discs they do not have sensible surface you could scratch, thus more reliable (especially when holding your backup data). If your sysadmin at work restricts PC to not to have CD/DVD drives, you still can boot from USB flash disk. Or if your home PC has CD/DVD drive failed, you can do it too.

There are some mobility considerations as well. If your laptop has a bootable CD/DVD drive, you can't work with it for a long time: boot device is accessed quite often, and battery power is obviously not enough to supply laser for a long time.

With bootable USB Flash disk, you don't have to obey a CD/DVD size limit of 700 or 4700 MB. You can buy a big or a small USB disk depending on your needs. Just after boot, on every PC, you may save your files to the same boot device, or restore them back. There's no need to reformat (reburn) the boot disk, you just copy files and folders, and there's no need for extra hardware for such operations. Of course you may do some things you can't do under your OS: copy/modify system files (they are busy when OS is running), reinstall OS, repartition your main hard disk etc.

• Installation of Windows 8 to USB thumbdrive: This version fixes problems with non-functional Windows Update and inability to create System Restore Points.

(USB磁碟引導工具)FlashBoot 2.2c / WebSite: www.prime-expert.com

(USB磁碟引導工具)FlashBoot 2.2c / Size: 18.7 MB

ОС: Windows XP and Windows Vista/7/8

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