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Flash動畫製作軟體-SWiSH Max 4 繁體中文化版

SWiSHMax4 終於正式出版了

SWiSH Max4 Flash 創作設計工具
進階的 Flash 創作設計工具提供給繪圖設計者或網站
創作令人驚豔的 Flash 動畫與網站就是那麼簡單
包括超過 300準備使用的組件和向量形狀
匯出簡報到Flash,影片、執行檔、GIF 動畫或圖片順序
項目模板 – 立竿見影的效果使用嚮導小組
新!變形 – 變換你的形狀
新!過濾器和混合效果 – 模糊和發光,而你混合形狀和更
新!改進工作流程 – 高級查找/替換,新的腳本功能,粘貼選項

SWiSH Max4新功能特點簡介:

軟體名稱:SWiSH Max4 v4.0 Build 2010.11.02
系統支援:Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7
官方網站:SWiSH Max4 v4.0 Build 2010.11.02

SWiSH Max is a complete Flash™ animation authoring application. Create stunning and powerful Flash™ animations without using Adobe Flash™.

SWiSH Max (now version 4) is easy to use and produces complex animations with text, images, graphics, video and sound. SWiSH Max has tools for creating lines, rectangles, ellipses, vector and freehand curves, motion paths, movie clips, rollover buttons, and input forms all in an intuitive easy-to-use interface.SWiSH Max also includes a large range of preset multimedia effects, components and vector art.

Earlier versions were called SWiSH Lite, SWiSH2 then the product was renamed SWiSH Max. SWiSH Max version 4 is the latest addition to the SWiSHzone.com family of Flash™ authoring tools and is an upgrade from the first version of SWiSH Max. Read about the new features in the chapter on "What is New in Version 4.

SWiSH Max exports the SWF file format used by Adobe Flash™, so the animation will play on any machine that has the Flash™ Player installed.

SWiSH Max animations can be incorporated into any web page or imported into Flash™. They can also be sent in an email, embedded in a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation or included in a Microsoft Word document.