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MOBILedit !容許您從PC控制您的手機。MOBILedit下載後 !您可以連線到任何一台電腦,你的手機通過資料線,藍牙或紅外線。

它支援最廣泛的手機市場。除了支援常見的手機品牌如HTC ,諾基亞,索尼愛立信,三星,LG,摩托羅拉, MOBILedit !也支援許多不同的智慧手機操作系統,內含Android, iPhone,黑莓,Symbian和Windows Mobile。

·完整的手機和SIM卡的狀態訊息(內含信號強度,電池狀態,現用的的網路運營商,連線類型,硬體和軟體版本, IMEI等)
·檔案系統,使多媒體檔案存儲在手機鈴聲,照片, MP3 ,主題和java應用程式一樣工作
·一個功能強大的編輯器,存儲在手機或SIM卡中的電話簿:多級復原,強調在電話簿中所有未儲存的變更,智慧操作將儲存變更的項目,索尼愛立信手機(如果你改變了手機中的內容,只是智慧電話簿同步差額被讀入​​的電話,而不是整個電話簿,它是更快的) ,支援結構化的項目(一個接觸更多的資料,如傳真,手機,電子信件,位址等) ,全文搜尋在所有接觸
·拖放MOBILedit之間的接觸!和其他程式,如Word ,Excel等
·完整的短信管理:傳送短信,自動存儲到PC上的「已傳送信件」 :長短信傳送,處理接收到的SMS通過MOBILedit !短信字元,自動轉換成GSM相容的字集,排序,閱讀,和歸檔您的硬碟機​​上的短信
·精靈可說明初學者一般MOBILedit !設定
·開放介面 – API和原始碼,所有開發人員都可以支援不同的手機和應用程式新增到MOBILedit !
·智慧卡和SIM卡閱讀器支援通過PC / SC標準
·直接SIM卡的操作,通過智慧卡讀取器 – 全SIMedit !功能
·完整的MS Outlook的支援
·完整的MS Outlook Express的支援
·轉讓MS Outlook和Outlook Express之間的接觸,你可以很容易地遷移
·使用者可自訂裝置名稱:您可以指定名稱,電話, SIM卡或讀卡器


【文章標題】: (手機編輯器)Compelson MobilEdit
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Compelson MobilEdit

MOBILedit! allows you to control your phone from a PC. After downloading MOBILedit! to any computer, you can connect your phone via cable, Bluetooth, or IrDA. You will then be able to view the entire contents of the phone where you can synchronize, add, edit, or delete anything you'd like.

MOBILedit! supports the widest range of phones on the market. Beyond support for common mobile phone brands like HTC, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, LG, and Motorola, MOBILedit! is also at the forefront of supporting the many different smartphone operating systems including Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Symbian, and Windows Mobile.

Here are some key features of "MOBILedit!":
· communication via infrared, Bluetooth or cable
· able to connect multiple mobile phones at one time and manage their data concurrently
· full phone and SIM card status information (including signal strength, battery status, current network operator, connection type, hardware and software revision, IMEI, etc.)
· ability to read selected data from the phone on demand (this refers to the fact that you needn't read everything, you can pick the desired information to be displayed)
· file system enabling work with multi-media files stored in a phone like ringtones, photos, MP3's, themes, and java applications
· a powerful editor for phonebooks stored in phones or SIM cards: multilevel undo, emphasizing all unsaved changes in phonebooks, intelligent differential write will save only changed items, intelligent phonebook synchronization for Sony Ericsson phones (if you change the content in the phone, just the differences are read into the phone instead of the whole phonebook, it is much much faster), support for structured items (more data for one contact, such as fax, more phones, email, address etc.), fulltext search across all contacts
· comfortable internationalization
· easy sorting and filtering of your contacts
· swap the first name for the last name with one click
· swapping contacts with drag&drop function
· drag&drop contacts between MOBILedit! and other programs like Word, Excel, etc.
· import and export of contacts
· online dial control from connected phones, also hang-up and busy
· handling of incoming calls through MOBILedit!
· full SMS management: send SMS messages, automatically stores them to Sent Items on the PC: send long SMS messages, handling of incoming SMS through MOBILedit!, automatic conversion of SMS characters into GSM compliant character set, sort, read, and archive your SMS messages on your hard drive
· Wizard helps beginners with general MOBILedit! Settings
· archive and AutoBack-up will protect your data in case you lose your phone
· multiple backups can be created for a single device and any of them can be restored when needed
· open interface – API and source codes available, all developers can support different phones and add applications to MOBILedit!
· smart-card and SIM readers supported via PC/SC standard
· direct SIM card operations via smart-card readers – full SIMedit! functionality
· complete MS Outlook support
· complete MS Outlook Express support
· transfer of contacts between MS Outlook and Outlook Express, you can easily migrate
· all paying users can download new drivers, applications and versions from the Internet
· synchronization of the time in phone with the PC: automatic mode or manually
· multi-language support through installable language packages
· online update system
· intelligent install/uninstall (you will not loose created data ith uninstall)
· customizable shortcuts in the Framework window for quick navigation in MOBILedit!
· skinnable design, skin creator available for free
· user definable sounds for different events
· user definable device names: you can assign names to phones, SIM cards or readers
· user definable Picture for phones
· chess game via SMS
· You can just click to anonymously register your phone in myphonesafe.com database, which helps to protect your phone from being stolen or sold.

(手機編輯器)Compelson MobilEdit | Home Page: www.mobiledit.com

(手機編輯器)Compelson MobilEdit | Size: 39.4 MB

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7