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 YouCam Deluxe 6是所有功能於一身的攝像頭和攝像頭應用程式。你可以有IM聊天或視訊錄製與你的攝像頭加入各種有趣的視訊效果。您的平板電腦變成創意相機捕捉美妙的HDR和全景照片。此外,您可以使用YouCam會產生專業的商務視訊演示。

享受樂趣即時通信聊天和視訊錄製,在YouCam會超過200個有趣的效果 – 內含令人驚嘆的3D增強現實,臉部追蹤頭像和粒子效果! 它還內含50個新的動畫表情,動畫幀和臉部追蹤小工具,提供了比以往任何時候都最好玩的攝像頭體驗!

它支援主流的即時通信軟體,內含Skype和雅虎通。種類繁多的新樂趣特效打動了所有線上聯繫人 – 視訊聊天從未如此方便和樂趣!

使用網路攝像頭錄製視訊問候最酷effects.You可以增加魔法粒子,打扮自己與清涼的小工具,覆蓋表情符號對象,並通過Facebook和YouTube分享您的視訊錄像!它包括超過50個全新的效果,你也可以從DirectorZone得到上千個免費的效果 。

訊連科技獨有的TrueTheater R增強技術將最適列高照明和清晰度有一個按鈕,只要按一下。您也可以手動調整降噪,對照度,亮度和圖像增強水平。

CyberLink YouCam Deluxe是一個有趣的小工具,將你的攝像頭變成一個化妝鏡。





給你照片的專業畫龍點睛加入您所選取的相框。 它內含各種專門設計的框架。

與YouCam Deluxe 6的手繪畫工具,個性化您的照片。對你的照片畫自由地使用各種大小和彩色的畫筆。用你的手指上的觸摸屏電腦直接繪製。






【文章標題】:(攝像頭應用程式)CyberLink YouCam Deluxe 6.0.2728
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
CyberLink YouCam Deluxe 6.0.2728

YouCam 6 Deluxe is the all-in-one WebCam & Camera app that makes the most out of your PC camera. You can add various fun video effects when having IM chat or video recording with your webcam. Your tablet PC turns into creative camera for capturing fantastic HDR and panorama photos. Moreover, you can use YouCam to produce professional business video presentations.

Enjoy fun Instant Messenger chats and video recordings with over 200 fun effects in YouCam – including the amazing 3D augmented reality, face-tracking avatar and particle effects! YouCam 6 also includes 50 new animated emoticons, animated frames and face-tracking gadgets, providing the most fun WebCam experience than ever!

Entertaining Instant Messenger Chat
YouCam 6 supports major instant messenger software, including Skype and Yahoo! Messenger. Impress all your online contacts with the huge variety of new fun effects – video chatting never been so easy and fun!

Fun with Video Recording
Use your WebCam to record video greetings with coolest effects.You can add magic particles, dress up yourself with cool gadgets, overlay emoticon objects, and share your video recordings via Facebook and YouTube! YouCam 6 Deluxe includes over 50 brand new effects, you can also get thousands of FREE effects from DirectorZone.

Best Video Quality
CyberLink’s unique TrueTheater® Enhancement Technology will auto-adjust the lighting and sharpness with just a click of a button. You can also manually adjust the level of noise reduction, contrast, brightness and image enhancement.

Use Your WebCam as a Makeup Mirror
YouCam makes the most out of your WebCam. The YouCam Mirror is a fun gadget that turns your WebCam into a makeup mirror.

Various Photo Shooting Modes
YouCam 6 transforms your PC into a creative camera. You can take Panorama and HDR shots with your front or rear camera. Use the new Burst mode to capture up to 10 continuous photos in once click.

Dual Camera Support
YouCam 6 supports video and photo capture from both front and rear cameras of your Tablet PC and you can overlay these dual camera shots in real-time. Create your own photo montage even when traveling alone.

Stunning Panorama Photos
Use your tablet PC's camera to capture stunning Panorama shots. Capture multiple photos and stitch them into a wide-angle Panorama photo.

Dramatic HDR Photos
Apply real-time HDR effects when taking photos in low lighting or high contrast scenes. Enhance the shadow and highlight of your photos, and bring out more details in your photo.

Stylish Photo Frames
Give you photo a professional finishing touch by adding the photo frame of your choice. YouCam 6 includes a wide variety of specially designed frames.

Paint on Your Photos
Personalize your photo with YouCam 6's hand paint tools. Draw on your photos freely using a range of brush size and color. Directly draw with your fingers on your touch-screen PCs.

Photo Crop & Rotate
Extract the best part of your photos with easy crop and rotate tools. Choose from different ratio sets to crop your photo, or freely rotate the photos to get the perfect angle.

One-Click Photo Presets
Apply one-click photo presets to your photos to instantly change the atmosphere. You can also download unlimited presets from CyberLink's DirectorZone.com online community.

and much more …

(攝像頭應用程式)CyberLink YouCam Deluxe 6.0.2728 | Home Page: www.cyberlink.com

(攝像頭應用程式)CyberLink YouCam Deluxe 6.0.2728 | Size: 464.81 MB