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MailBell是居住在你的系統托盤的實用程式,並定期對POP3,IMAP4 MAPI和Web電子信件帳戶檢查電子信件。它可以檢查多個帳戶,並適用於局功能變數網和永久的網際網路連線,以及與撥號網路(當你去網上自動檢驗)。當有新信件到達時,程式可自動啟動你的信件閱讀器,播放音效和/或顯示無礙知會視窗,從中就可以開始你的信件閱讀,如果你喜歡(用滑鼠右鍵點選它)。 MailBell可以被配置為處理不同類型的電子信件的模式不同,例如。壓制音效垃圾信件。它還可以顯示信件的數量在系統托盤圖示,並配有很好的聲音檔案。






【文章標題】:(系統托盤實用程式)EmTec Mailbell 2.61
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
EmTec Mailbell 2.61

MailBell is a utility that lives in your system tray and periodically checks email on POP3, IMAP4, MAPI and Web-Email accounts. It can check multiple accounts and works on lans and permanent internet connections as well as with dial-up networking (where it automatically detects when you go online). When new mail arrives the program can automatically start your mail reader, play a sound and/or display an unobstrusive notification window from which yon can start your mail reader if you like (by clicking with your right mouse button on it). MailBell can be configured to handle different types of email in different ways, eg. to suppress the sound for spam mail. It also displays the number of available messages in the system tray icon and comes with nice sound files.

In the lower part of the Window, MailBell will show a list of all messages. From there, mail can be previewed or even deleted without downloading it into your email program. This can be useful to save download time if you receive an unwanted mail with a large file attachment or to delete potentially unsafe mail before it comes even near to your computer.

• Runs on Windows versions 9x/NT4/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista
• periodically checks email on one or multiple accounts
• supports POP3, IMAP4, IMAP-SSL, MAPI and Hotmail Premium accounts
• opens your email program with a double click in the system tray
• shortcut to use your email program to write a new mail
• displays notification window for new email
• notification window completely configurable (color, font, etc.)
• displays a list of all inbox messages
• mail from friends or mail with undesired words will be marked with special icons
• preview mail without downloading it to your email program
• delete undesired mail directly from the server without downloading it
• plays sound for new email
• can automatically open mail program for new mail
• can handle mails differently depending on mail contents
• lives in system tray
• displays number of messages in system tray icon

16.07.14 REL: VERSION 2.61
——– ————————————————————————————–
12.05.14 FIX: dialog label for "Own domain" (outgoing mail options) was missing
22.04.14 CHG: SSL now based on non-heartbleed lib 1.0.0.g
07.04.14 CHG: ignore messages, which are already marked for deletion by mail client via IMAP
25.11.13 NEW: direct access to all options from taskbar menu
25.11.13 CHG: minor dialog redesign (notification options)
12.10.13 FIX: possible crash on malformed email

(系統托盤實用程式)EmTec Mailbell 2.61 | Home Page: www.emtec.com

(系統托盤實用程式)EmTec Mailbell 2.61 : 1.9 Mb
