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Almeza MULTISET – 無人值守安裝Windows和軟體的領導者!要建立一個WindowsXP的安裝盤會自動安裝在OS Windows使用者名,產品密鑰,時間和區功能變數設定問題?
這是可能的,Almeza MULTISET!讓你可以很容易地做到這一點,它將自動安裝所有您需要的應用程式,無論是你原有的電腦上,或到一個新的。這是一個理想的解決專案,快速重建系統!

建立一個可啟動的自動安裝光碟!您可以使用MULTISET軟體自動安裝軟體到電腦上使用任何介質(CD / DVD /快閃記憶體/硬碟機)建立一個通用的磁碟。
自動安裝在任何地方!現在你可以安裝在任何位置的專案,很多時候,只要你想 – 只是將光碟插入CDROM,DVDROM或快閃記憶體磁碟機,multiset為您將進行完整的安裝程式!你想自動安裝程式,但沒有時間來學習如何編寫所需的腳本?你喜歡簡單方便的解決專案嗎?你想立即看到的結果嗎?這僅僅是你一直在尋找的答案!

Almeza MULTISET功能:
1)Windows自動安裝。這是可能的,任何一台電腦上安裝的Windows作業系統自動建立CD / DVD。可以安裝在任何模式下:修復Windows(安裝操作系統的現用的版本以上)或完全重新安裝操作系統。
2)自動安裝任何軟體。它可以建立一個CD / DVD,會自動在多台電腦上安裝任何軟體套。例如,在安裝Windows後,就可以安裝服務包,驅動程式,本地化,任何軟體(編解碼器,音訊播放器,服務工具…),以及自動配置。

【文章標題】: (自動還原安裝軟體)Almeza MultiSet Professional 8.7.0
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Almeza MultiSet Professional 8.7.0

Almeza MultiSet – Leader in Unattended Installation of Windows and Software! Want to create a WindowsXP installation disk that will automatically install the OS Windows without asking questions about username, product key, time and locale settings? At the same time your favorite applications are automatically installed, the necessary keys are entered into the registry, drivers are updated, new patches (service packs) from Microsoft are installed. It's possible and you can do it easily with Almeza MultiSet! Almeza MultiSet will automatically install all the applications you require, either onto your original computer or onto a new one. It's an ideal solution for rebuilding your systems quickly!

Create a bootable automatic installation CD! You can use MultiSet software to create a universal disk for automatic installing software onto a computer using any media (CD/DVD/Flash/Hard Drive). Automatic Installation Anywhere! Now you can install the programs in any location and as many times as you want – just insert the disk into the CDROM, DVDROM or FlashDrive, and MultiSet will undertake the complete installation procedure for you! Do you want to automate installation of programs but have no time to learn how to write the necessary scripts? Do you prefer simple and convenient solutions? Do you want to see the results immediately? This is just the answer you have been looking for!

Almeza MultiSet features:
1) Automatic Windows installation. It is possible to create a CD/DVD for the automatic installation of the Windows operating system on any computer. The operating system can be installed in any mode: repairing Windows (installing above the current version of the operating system) or reinstalling it completely.
2) Automatic installation of any software. It is possible to create a CD/DVD that will automatically install any sets of software on multiple computers. For example, after Windows is installed, it is possible to install service packs, drivers, localizations, any software (codecs, audio players, service tools…) and configure them automatically as well.
3) Creating a bootable disk for simultaneous unattended Windows and software installation. It is possible to create a disk that will install both Windows and a set of software.
4) Automatically restoring software settings and tuning Windows. It is possible to automatically restore software and Windows settings. It is possible to restore registry keys, run special tools.
5) Remote automatic installation. It is possible to automatically install sets of software via the local area network. The necessary software will be automatically installed on any number of computers connected to the local area network.

(自動還原安裝軟體)Almeza MultiSet Professional 8.7.0 | Home Page www.almeza.com

(自動還原安裝軟體)Almeza MultiSet Professional 8.7.0 / Size: 6.4 Mb