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TLEX (又名TshwaneLex )是一家專業的,功能豐富,完全國際化的,現成的軟體應用套件,詞典編纂或術語清單。它已經通過了全球眾多主要出版商,政府組織和個人,為它提供了出色的投資回報率。 TLEX包括了許多特殊功能,讓您大大減少字典生成時間和成本,提高詞典的質量和一致性(從單使用者項目,大型團隊) 。其中內含一個整合的語料庫查詢系統,實時預覽,全定制彈性,先進的風格體系, 「智慧交叉引用」具有追蹤和自動更新,自動引理反轉,自動編號和排序,匯出到MS Word和排版系統(such as InDesign,以及更多如InDesign,Quark和XPP ) ,多使用者支援。發佈到印刷,網頁,或CD-ROM /軟體。




‧使用者友好: TLEX和tlTerm並不需要先進的電腦知識技能 – 如果您可以使用Microsoft Word ,您將能夠學習TLEX / tlTerm
‧完整的Unicode支援 – 支援幾乎所有的世界語系
‧輕鬆進入任何注音符號(IPA ;拼音延伸)
‧網路和多使用者(團隊)詞典編纂的支援(支援所有主要的資料庫伺服器,如MS SQL伺服器,Oracle , PostgreSQL的)
Microsoft Word格式, RTF,HTML , XML,CSV
Corel公司的WordPerfect和OpenOffice (通過RTF格式)
Adobe InDesign和QuarkXPress
CSV (也可以匯入語料庫的頻數)
‧可定制的樣式(字型,彩色等) ,每場在字典
‧雙語詞典: 「翻譯等效扇出」
‧電子詞典(CD-ROM )的軟體模組
·斯瓦西裡語 – 英語字典
·北索托語 – 英語字典
直接出口到「靜態HTML 」 :
‧可自訂的DTD (字典語法編輯器)


【文章標題】: (詞典編纂軟體)TLex Suite
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
TLex Suite

TLex (aka TshwaneLex) is a professional, feature-rich, fully internationalised, off-the-shelf software application suite for compiling dictionaries or terminology lists. It has been adopted by many major publishers, government organisations and individuals worldwide, as it delivers excellent ROI. TLex contains many specialized features that allow you to dramatically reduce dictionary production time and costs and increase the quality and consistency of your dictionaries (from single-user projects to large teams). These include an integrated Corpus Query System, real-time preview, full customisability, advanced styles system, "smart cross-references" with tracking and auto-updating, automated lemma reversal, automated numbering and sorting, export to MS Word and typesetting systems (such as InDesign, Quark and XPP), multi-user support for managing teams, and much more. Publish to hardcopy, Web, or CD-ROM / software.


Using dedicated dictionary compilation software rather than general-purpose tools such as word processors or generic XML tools provides significant benefits in terms of both dictionary development time and output quality for both individual lexicographers as well as lexicographic (or terminology compilation) teams:

• Reduced project completion time, thanks to (amongst others) various levels of automation, such as automatic numbering, lemma reversal, cross-reference tracking/updating and error checking
• Increased consistency in the treatment of articles, thanks to features such as the article filter
• Leads to more consistent and balanced treatment of both languages in a bilingual dictionary
• Improved teamwork and team communication
• More easily scalable to larger team sizes

Primary Features
• Fast
• User-friendly: TLex and tlTerm do not require advanced computer literacy skills – if you can use Microsoft Word, you will be able to learn TLex/tlTerm
• Automatic sense numbering
• Automatic homonym numbering
• Automatic cross-reference tracking and updating of homonym and sense numbers
• Immediate WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) article preview
• Immediate preview of cross-referenced articles and cross-referencing articles
• Integrated corpus
• Full Unicode support – supports virtually all of the world's languages
• Easily enter any phonetic symbol (IPA ; phonetic extensions)
• Fully customisable and highly flexible (create any fields and structures relevant to your dictionary)
• Network and multi-user (team) lexicography support (supports all major database servers, e.g. MS SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL)
• Management Tools: Assign tasks to users and monitor user or team progress
• Export to:
Microsoft Word format, RTF, HTML, XML, CSV
Corel WordPerfect and OpenOffice (via RTF format)
Adobe InDesign and QuarkXPress
• Import from:
CSV (may also import corpus frequency counts)
XML or word frequency counts from corpus query software
CUSTOM: contact us for a quote for conversion of existing data in any format
• Various features for generating 'multiple dictionaries from one database'
• Customisable styles (font, colour etc.) for every field in the dictionary
• Customisable language of the meta-language
• Bilingual dictionaries: Automated lemma reversal
• Bilingual dictionaries: Side-by-side bilingual editing and "linked view" mode
• Bilingual dictionaries: "Translation Equivalent fanouts"
• Multimedia: Allows sound (e.g. pronunciation) recordings to be linked to any field
• Multimedia: Allows images to be added to entries
• IME "Windows soft-keyboard" support
• Right-to-left language support (Hebrew, Arabic etc.)
• Fast full-dictionary text search
• Filter: define criteria for viewing/exporting a subset of the dictionary based on specific characteristics
• Dictionary compare/merge feature: Integrate work done by different team members
• A unique Ruler Tool to ensure balanced treatment on multiple levels
• Automatic checking for various dictionary errors
• Electronic Dictionary (CD-ROM) software module available
• Place dictionaries online. Examples:
Online dictionary module:
· Swahili – English dictionary
· Northern Sotho – English dictionary
Direct export to "static HTML":
· James Randi Encyclopedia
• Scripting language
• Customisable DTD (dictionary grammar editor)

(詞典編纂軟體)TLex Suite | Home page:: tshwanedje.com

(詞典編纂軟體)TLex Suite | Size: 41.91 MB