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惡意軟體是不好的,Anvi Smart Defender是大到對雨後春筍般的威脅,內含木馬, rootkit,間諜軟體,流氓軟體,勒索等防守。 「一個乾淨,漂亮的圖形使用者介面。非常好的 eary到use.It花費低系統資源的使用和lowmemory RAM的使用。這是真的很好,因為它確實阻止所有惡意軟體!而且它保持每天更新資料庫。」

為了使您的電腦系統免受雨後春筍般威脅,Anvi Smart Defender Pro 2.0整合了全方位的積極後衛,內含檔案系統後衛,後衛網路及新增防黑客,防漏洞。它不僅可以保護您的電腦系統被破壞或丟失,由於感染,同時也可以防止通過遠端訪問守衛你的電腦被感染,遠端執行警衛和反剝削。


– 檢驗和刪除多個惡意軟體,例如病毒,木馬,流氓軟體,間諜軟體,勒索等。
– 瀏覽器修復工具等等。
– 基本檔案系統後衛和後衛網路,內含檔案衛隊,登記員,開機員,網路衛士,隱私衛士和下載衛隊。
– 在更新每天的資料庫對在野外最新威脅。
– 防止您的電腦通過漏洞被攻擊
– 使病毒掃瞄,定期在計劃的時間。
– 雙引擎掃瞄(本地引擎和雲引擎)的最大病毒掃瞄效率。
– 從通過檢查和修復所有關聯的系統服務和設定猖獗的黑客攻擊保護您的電腦。
– 防止您的電腦被感染的惡意檔案中插入的USB驅動程式
– 避免系統損壞和資料丟失從人的任何潛在風險的操作
– 保護您的電腦系統,當你在網上購物的敏感訊息。
– 防止您的電腦上用漏洞攻擊。
– 攔截惡意廣告跳出式廣告或橫幅廣告導致廣告軟體安裝。
– 通過遠端訪問禁用任何黑客攻擊或刪除執行


【文章標題】: (檢驗和刪除惡意軟體工具)Anvi Smart Defender Pro
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Anvi Smart Defender Pro

Malware are bad and Anvi Smart Defender is big to defend against mushrooming threats including trojans, rootkits, spyware, rogueware, ransomware and more. "A clean and nice GUI. Very good and eary to use.It takes low system usage resources and lowmemory RAM usage. That's really good. And finally, it really blocks all malware! It keeps to update database daily.."

All-round Positive Guard
To enable your computer system immune to mushrooming threats, Anvi Smart Defender v2.0 integrates all-round positive guard including file system guard, network guard and the newly added anti-hacker and anti-exploit. It can not only protect your PC system from damages and loss due to infections but can also prevent your computer getting infected via remote access guard, remote execute guard and anti-exploit.

Various hacking activities flood the cyberspace. And the newly added Anti-hacker in this version will check all related system services and settings to ensure the computer system is safe from potential hacker attacks. If any risky items detected, one-click solution is provided to help fix all, while you can also choose the item to ignore as per your personal needs.

Features of Pro Version:
– Detecting and removing multiple malware, e.g. viruses, Trojans, rogueware, spyware, ransomware, etc.
– Browser Repair Tool and more.
– Basically file system guard and network guard including File Guard, Registry Guard, Startup Guard, Web Guard, Privacy Guard and Download Guard.
– Update the database on daily basis to defend against latest threats in the wild.
– Preventing your computer being attacked through exploits
– Make virus scan at a scheduled time on regular basis.
– Double engine scan (local engine and cloud engine) for utmost virus scan efficiency.
– Protecting your computer from rampant hacker attacks by checking and fixing all related system services and settings.
– Preventing your computer getting infected from malicious files in inserted USB driver
– Avoiding system damages and data loss from any potentially risky operation by person
– Protecting your PC system and sensitive info when you are shopping online.
– Preventing your computer attacked using exploits.
– Blocking malicious ads popups or banners resulted from adware install.
– Disabling any hacker attack through remote access or remove execute

(檢驗和刪除惡意軟體工具)Anvi Smart Defender Pro / Homepage: www.anvisoft.com

(檢驗和刪除惡意軟體工具)Anvi Smart Defender Pro / Size: 32.25 MB