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在相同的切削專案的一維和二維改善 – 你可以使用的程式2D和1D改善。
血滴子改善 – 從一個側面向其他的材料進行剪下。此功能是非常有用的玻璃,木材,thermopan,…
非鍘(嵌套)改善 – 切割機可以按照形狀的材料。在這種情況下,你需要有一個複雜的雷射或火焰刀片上機的基礎。
多級鍘 – 在一個階段的所有的切口垂直於切口的前級上。使用者可以指定階段,在第一階段的方向的切割的數量。
件的庫存量和需求 – 你要改善任意的數量幾乎沒有限制的作品,。
分數輸入。可以引入枚100.5 100 1/2。分數輸入更多訊息可以在這裡閱讀。
最大切割長度的限制 – 您可以指定多長時間可以切。這是非常有用的,當您執行手動扦插。
可調有用的廢物 – 小於這個尺寸的所有廢物垃圾(不會被新增到版本庫)。
可調限易碎部件 – 無廢料將有低於此參數的大小,並沒有2個平行的削減將是比這更接近。這是為了避免過小的材料的斷裂。在玻璃工業中非常有用。
減少面板浪費和成本 – 通過使用人工智慧領功能變數的最新成果,你可以得到15%,減少浪費。
糧食方向控制 – 用於木材切割改善。一個參數,讓使用者指定,如果一塊可旋轉,或是它應保持固定。
自動邊角料處理 – 有用的廢物會自動加入的庫存材料。
垂直印刷的標籤和邊緣帶 – 這將改善和簡化您的佈局。
圖形顯示黑白或彩色圖像和文字模式下所獲得的結果 – 結果顯示圖像(黑白或彩色)或文字表。
自動儲存圖像 – 所有獲得的二維圖紙可以儲存為bm​​p圖像1點擊。程式自動追加一個數字圖像。
分組相似的佈局 – 這將減少列印的紙張數量。為每個表的重複的數目將被顯示。
– 在任何印表機上列印得到的佈局。
在同一頁上列印多個佈局 – 您可以列印在同一張紙上佈局1,2,4或6。
列印存儲庫和客戶的需求 – 你可以列印件,你要改善。
封邊條處理 – 的數量和不同的材料貼木紙的邊緣是由程式操縱。
顯示圖 – 一個表,其中包括每片裁片。
的可能性來定義類型的材料(玻璃,木材,帶) – 為每個使用者有一個特殊的表,它可以引入更多的關於材料的訊息材料。
儲存/加載結果 – 所有結果都可以儲存在txt檔案和加載。
生成並列印不干膠標籤 –
加載XML資料,*。的DBT(特定的檔案),* .2 D(實際削減的2D檔案),*的。xls(Excel檔案),*。CSV(逗號分隔)* .1 D(真實剪下1D檔案)。
自動計算順序價 –
庫和需求可以排序 – 通過使用各種標準的長度,寬度,數量,類型,旋轉,標籤
所有的面板和表中的列是可調整大小的 – 您可以自訂工作區。新職位被自動存儲。
非常快的運行時間 – 在幾秒鐘內獲得解決專案。
改善引擎改善程式提供剪下二維X和剪下1D X元件。


【文章標題】:(切割機軟體應用程式)Cutting Optimization Pro
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Cutting Optimization Pro

Cutting Optimization Pro is a software application used to obtain optimal cutting layouts for one (1D) and two (2D) dimensional pieces. The software also lets you to define and handle complex products, such as table, desk, cupboard, locker, book shelf … Cutting Optimization Pro can be used for cutting rectangular sheets made of glass, wood, woodworking, metal, furniture, or any other material used by industrial applications.
Features of Cutting Optimization pro …
1D and 2D optimization in the same cutting program – you may use the program for both 2D and 1D optimization.
Guillotine optimization – The cuts are performed from one side to the other of the material. This feature is very useful for glass, wood, thermopan, …
Non-guillotine (nested) optimization – The cutting machine can follow the shape of the material. In this case you need to have a complex machine based on laser or flame blade.
Multi-stage guillotine – all cuts in a stage are perpendicular to the cuts on the previous stage. The user may specify the number of stages and the direction of cuts for the first stage.
Any number of pieces in the INVENTORY and DEMAND – virtually no limit for the number of pieces that you want to optimize.
Any measurement metric- The way in which you introduce the data is a general one. You don't have to specify a metric. Just choose a metric in your mind and enter all data using that metric only.
Fractional input. Pieces can be introduced either as 100.5 or 100 1/2. More info about fractional input can be read here.
Adjustable cutting blade thickness- For glass cutting with diamond the cutting blade thickness is 0, but for wood, metal handling you need a saw with a greater thickness.
Adjustable optimization level- One may specify how many layouts to be generated before the solution is outputted. If you don't have too much time and you don't have a good computer you may set the Optimization Level to a low level. This feature helps you to run your program on any kind of computer (from 486 to the best processors available today).
Maximal cut length limit – You may specify how long a cut can be. This is useful when you perform the cuttings manually.
Adjustable useful waste – all wastes smaller than this size are garbage (will not be added to repository).
Adjustable limit for breakable parts – No waste will have a size lower than this parameter and no 2 parallel cuts will be closer than this. It is used in order to avoid the breaking of too small material. Useful in glass industry.
Reduces panel waste and costs – By using the latest achievements in the field of Artificial Intelligence you may obtain reduce the waste by 15%.
Grain direction control – useful for wood cutting optimisation. A parameter let the user to specify if the piece can be rotated or it should be kept fixed.
Automatic offcuts handling – the useful waste is automatically added to the Inventory of materials.
Vertical printing of the labels and edge bands – this will optimise and simplify your layout.
Graphical display black-white or colourful images and text mode of the obtained results – the results are displayed as images (black and white or colourful) or as text-tables.
Save images automatically – all the obtained 2D sheets can be saved as bmp images with 1 click. The programs automatically appends a number to an image.
Copy-paste from Excel. Just select some columns from Excel and paste them in Demand or Inventory grids.
Grouping similar layouts – this will reduce the number of printed sheets of paper. The number of repetitions for each sheet will be displayed.
Magnifying a sheet. This is useful if you have a long roll which you can visualize it by magnifying it.
Printing the obtained layouts – on any printer.
Printing multiple layouts on the same page – You may print 1, 2, 4 or 6 layouts on the same sheet of paper.
Printing the REPOSITORY and the DEMAND of the customer – you may print the pieces that you want to optimize.
The cuts are shown in text format in order to use them with a CNC machine.
Edge banding handling – the quantity and the type of material attached to the edges of the wood sheets is manipulated by the program.
Computes / Prints the total cutting length.
Displays diagrams – a table which contain the pieces cut for each sheet.
Possibility to define complex products such as table, desk, cupboard, locker, book shelf …
Possibility to define types of materials (glass, wood, band) – for each material the user has a special table where it can introduce more information about the material.
Automatic tool for computing the size of the pieces based on the external sizes of the product.
Statistics related to the current cut / layout- At the end of the optimisation process you will have access to the: number of cuts, cuts definition (starting and ending point), number of waste rectangles, the waste rectangles (the coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners), number of utilized pieces, the placement of the utilized pieces, used surface, …
Saves/loads results – All results can saved in txt files and loaded later.
Generates and prints adhesive labels –
Load data from xml, *.dbt (specific files), *.2d (Real Cut 2D files), *.xls (Excel files), *.csv (comma separated) and *.1d (Real Cut 1D files).
Automatically computing of the order price –
The REPOSITORY and the DEMAND can be sorted – by using various criteria: Length, Width, Quantity, Type, Rotation, Labels
Maximises productivity, saves time and money ….
Data can be exported into very popular formats: Word, Excel, HTML, CSV (comma separated) and XML files.
All panels and table's columns are resizable – You may customize the workspace. The new positions are automatically stored.
Very fast running time – Solutions are obtained within seconds.
Optimization engines provided by Optimal Programs Cut 2D X and Cut 1D X components.
Interface in multiple languages: Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish and Swedish.

(切割機軟體應用程式)Cutting Optimization Pro | Homepage: cutting-optimization.optimalprograms.com

(切割機軟體應用程式)Cutting Optimization Pro | Size: 1.6 MB