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圖形轉換器Pro 2013是一個易於使用和功能強大的批次圖形轉換器和圖像檢視器,可以匯入500多個圖形格式,並匯出超過100種格式,內含BMP,GIF,JPG,PNG和其他許多人。程式自帶40個圖像過濾器和12個圖像效果和更。圖形轉換器Pro 2013支援許多向量圖形格式。

圖形轉換器Pro 2013包括所有功能ImageCool轉換的。獨佔的,它支援22向量圖形格式轉換。

*支援超過500圖形格式和圖形轉換器Pro 2013支援22向量圖形圖像格式,內含CGM,DGN,DWF,DXF,DWG,GBR,PCT,PLT,WMF和更多。欲瞭解更多詳細資訊,請仔細閱讀500支援的格式清單。

圖形轉換器Pro 2013支援100 +格式和JPG2000(JP2,J2K,少年警訊,JPF)圖像之間的轉換。

*支援批次轉換PDF檔案到100 +的圖形格式,如JPG,GIF,PNG,TIF等。
從500格式*支援批次轉換為PDF。圖形轉換器Pro 2013還可以將向量圖形(如CGM,DWG,DGN,DWF和等)為PDF。

新的圖形轉換器Pro 2013:
*支援Alpha通道:圖形轉換器Pro 2013在32位PNG或ICO格式的完全支援Alpha通道,並完全支援GIF,PNG或ICO格式的透明層。
*多頁格式支援:全面支援圖形轉換器Pro 2013多頁格式。您可以轉換,建立或預覽多頁的圖像,內含TIF,GIF,PCX,AWD,WFX,FLI,FLC等。
*大型圖片支援:如果圖像太大,完全加載到記憶體,圖形轉換器Pro 2013將調整檔案的加載。
*預覽模式:圖形轉換器Pro 2013擁有4預覽模式,內含細節,預覽,縮略圖和自訂。您可以輕鬆地通過點擊右上角的按鈕切換模式。
【文章標題】: (圖形轉換器)Graphics Converter Pro 2013 3.20
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Graphics Converter Pro 2013 3.20 Build 130410

Graphics Converter Pro 2013 is an easy-to-use and powerful batch graphics converter and image viewer, that can import more than 500 graphic formats and export more than 100 formats including BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG and many others. The program comes with 40 image filters and 12 image effects and more. Graphics Converter Pro 2013 supports many vector graphic formats.

Graphics Converter Pro 2013 contains all functions of ImageCool Converter. Exclusively, it supports 22 vector graphic formats conversion.

* Support more than 500 graphic formats, and Graphics Converter Pro 2013 supports 22 vector graphic image formats, including CGM, DGN,DWF, DXF, DWG,GBR, PCT, PLT, WMF and more. For more details, please read list of 500 supported formats.

Graphics Converter Pro 2013 supports conversions between 100+ formats and JPG2000(JP2, J2K, JPC and JPF) images.

* Support batch conversion from PDF files to 100+ graphic formats, such as JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF and so on.
* Support batch conversion from 500 formats to PDF. Graphics Converter Pro 2013 also can convert vector graphics(such as DWG, CGM, DGN, DWF and etc.) to PDF.
* Offer 40 image filters, including Blurring, Sharpening, Embossing, Diffusing, Color Balance, and more.
* Offer 12 image effects, including Resizing, Flip, Wave, Noise, Arbitrary Rotation, and more. You can resize images in batches easily.
* You can save your selected filters or effects as default options, and apply them in a batch processing.

What’s new in Graphics Converter Pro 2013:
* Alpha Channel Support: Graphics Converter Pro 2013 fully supports Alpha channel in 32-bit PNG or ICO formats and fully supports transparence layer in GIF, PNG or ICO formats.
* Multi-Page Format Support: Graphics Converter Pro 2013 fully supports Multi-Page formats. You can convert, create or preview Multi-Page images, including TIF, GIF, PCX, AWD, WFX, FLI and FLC.
* Powerful Resizing Functions: Supports three resizing modes, including “Standard Size”, “Custom Size” and “Proportion Size”. There are 50 standard sizes in the “Standard Size” mode.
* Large Image Support: If the image is too large to completely load into memory, Graphics Converter Pro 2013 will resize the file as it loads.
* Large Icon Creating: Create more than 512×512 pixels icons from any other supported formats.
* Preview Modes: Graphics Converter Pro 2013 has 4 preview modes, including Details, Preview, Thumbnails and Custom. You can easily switch the modes by clicking on the buttons in the upper right corner.

(圖形轉換器)Graphics Converter Pro 2013 3.20 | Homepage: www.iconcool.com/graphics-converter.htm

(圖形轉換器)Graphics Converter Pro 2013 3.20 | Size: 32 MB
