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Translation Office 3000是一種先進的會計工具,兼職翻譯和小型翻譯公司。 TO3000輕鬆,無縫地整合到專業的兼職翻譯的商務生活。它轉換翻譯業務的複雜性和多樣化的世界變成在軟體中實現一個可管理的概念。對兼職翻譯此之上會計工具用於在90個國家語系的專業人士。概括地說,有那些人僱用Translation Office 3000 …


由於更好的規劃,你將永遠不會再錯過最後期限(這樣做你不會再需要道歉)。你將不必擔心工作,你忘了做的TO3000將始終保持幫你追蹤。 TO3000目前正在在世界各地共有5,257兼職翻譯。
當然,對於他們的客戶,Translation Office 3000說明翻譯追蹤和管理他們的翻譯工作,發票,付款等。這種靈活的工具已經建立,以說明你在一個簡單的模式組織你的工作的許多方面作為兼職翻譯。














【文章標題】:(會計工具)Translation Office 3000 11.0.3
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Translation Office 3000 11.0.3

Translation Office 3000 is an advanced accounting tool for freelance translators and small translation agencies. TO3000 easily and seamlessly integrates into the business life of professional freelance translators. Translation Office 3000 transforms the complex and diverse world of the translation business into a manageable concept implemented in software. This top Accounting Tool for Freelance Translators is used by language professionals in 90+ countries. In a nutshell, those translators who employ Translation Office 3000 …

TO3000 will save you time at every stage of your work; it will automate many manual operations for you and eliminate hundreds of routine operations. What’s more, it will provide you with a complete picture of your translation business.
With Translation Office 3000 at your fingertips, you’ll be able to see all the information you ever need. You’ll consequently be able to plan your work better (and rest more peacefully as a result).

Thanks to better planning, you’ll never miss a deadline again (and you won’t need to apologize for doing so either). You won’t need to worry about a job you forgot to do as TO3000 will always keep you on track. TO3000 is currently being used by 5,257 freelance translators worldwide.
Translation Office 3000 helps translators track and manage their translation jobs, invoices, payments and, of course, their clients. This flexible tool has been created to help you organize most aspects of your work as a freelance translator in a simple way.

General Features:

Multiple Volume Units

With Translation Office 3000 you can calculate your work amount in words, lines, characters and any other text volume units (e.g. page of 1800 characters with spaces, page of 1500 characters without spaces, line of 50, 55 or 60, or 62 characters).

Easily Manageable Price-List

There are two purposes for a price-list. First, it is useful alone for reference purposes and for sending it to prospective clients at their requests. Secondly, when you make a new job quote to a translation agency, Translation Office 3000 automatically suggests the price for the given language pair from the price-list, if it is listed there.

Optimum Client and Contact handling

With Translation Office 3000 you can communicate more consistently keeping track of all the important things, which happen in your freelance translation business. For every translation agency or direct translation job client you can have a clear view of all the important information (client profile, translation quotes, translation jobs, invoices issued, payments received).

Built-in powerful word counters

Translation Office 3000 incorporates advanced content count tools: AnyCount and CATCount. Obtain quick and accurate word, line, page, character and even custom unit counts with the help of built-in AnyCount tool. Count easily Computer Assisted Translations with a single click, using built-in CATCount tool.

Visualized intuitive project and work tracking

Always have the clearest view of pending projects and jobs, using advanced features of Translation Office 3000 like schedules of projects.

Invoicing, Quoting and more
Invoices and quotes no longer consume time. Issue invoices and quotes with multiple jobs, markups, discounts, comments and even CATCount result tables, add or remove jobs from them with a single click. Save your invoices, quotes and price lists using fully customizable templates in .rtf or .doc files.

(會計工具)Translation Office 3000 11.0.3 | Homepage:: www.to3000.com

(會計工具)Translation Office 3000 11.0.3 | Size: 67.2 MB
