【正印家族】授權營運專案 秘技傳授 +(技術諮詢) 讓你快速學成營運賺大錢! 站在成功者的肩膀上,你會看得更遠! 最快速的成功方法就是:【合法授權 100% 複製成功者經營模式】直接複製經營賺錢術 網路創業 【正印家族】 自動印鈔機賺錢術(借別人的智慧成功 - 提升您的網路競爭力!) 因為:你所需要的『網站資源』與『配套教學』【總教頭】都已經幫你準備好了! 【秘笈硬碟】:用一顆1000GB的硬碟,裝載【網站架站程式】 【超過500個軟體中文化檔案】與【教學影片課程】讓你馬上用! 密訓基地503萬訪客最期待的授權:【正印家族】授權營運方案 ! 總教頭親自示範公開網路經營的捷徑! 此原理類似武俠小說的【一甲子的功力】直接導入→ 任都二脈馬上通暢,你當然馬上成為武林高手! 傳授『授權檔案』再次加工賺錢技巧: 授權後大家都可以不一樣!總教頭會教你如何再次加工?讓它轉換成:具有你獨有特色的『自己獨家資源』! 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會與無法使用的擔憂....)


The Cleaner 9.0的設計,讓您的電腦和資料免受惡意軟體的安全專案的系統。
通過主動監控您的電腦上的檔案和程式可以檢驗到病毒的行動,並抓住它之前,保護你的寶貴資料不會受到任何損害。如果您巡航網際網路或傳送和接收電子信件,永遠不會再擔心信件開啟,或是你運行程式受到威脅 – The Cleaner 9.0清潔工檢驗系統會打理一切,這樣你就不必擔心了!

‧ TCMonitor忽略清單
‧ TCMonitor編輯器
‧增強的字型在TCActive !

我們已經降低了資料庫的大小由96 %的大部分資料搬移到雲。


【文章標題】: (清潔和檢驗系統工具)The Cleaner Datecode 22.11.2013
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
The Cleaner Datecode 22.11.2013

The Cleaner 9 is a system of programs designed to keep your computer and data safe from malware. It removes and blocks all manner of malware including Trojan Horses, Worms, Spyware, Adware, Ransomware, Keyloggers, Backdoors, Password Stealers and many more. The Cleaner 9 also works hand-in-hand with your anti-virus and firewall to complete your security. Millions of people around the world depend on MooSoft and The Cleaner to keep their data safe and help them recover from malware infections. By actively monitoring files and processes on your computer it can detect a virus in action and catch it before it has a chance to do any damage to your valuable data. If you cruise the internet or send and receive e-mail, you can’t afford to be without The Cleaner! Never again worry about e-mails you open, or programs you run – The Cleaner 9 detection system will take care of business so you don’t have to!

Features of The Cleaner:
• Malware Protection
• Live Updates
• Registry Monitoring
• Active Scanning
• Stealth Mode
• Quarantine Manager
• Scheduler
• In-Program File Submission
• Command Line File Testing
• Email Alerts
• Admin Message Alerts
• TCMonitor Ignore List
• TCMonitor Editor
• Active Scanner Ignore List
• Encrypted Configuration Data
• Expanded Scan Information
• Scan Pause/Resume
• Enhanced Fonts In TCActive!

What's New in The Cleaner 9

What’s New in The Cleaner 9
Updated User Interface

We’ve improved the interface to be easier to use.
Faster Scanning

With a new more efficient database scans finish faster than ever!
Smaller Database

We have reduced the size of the database by 96% by moving most the data to the cloud.
Faster Updates

Because there is so much less information to update you will get your updates much faster!

(清潔和檢驗系統工具)The Cleaner Datecode 22.11.2013 | Home Page: www.moosoft.com

(清潔和檢驗系統工具)The Cleaner Datecode 22.11.2013 | Size: 326.1 MB

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8